Chapter Eight

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Austin's POV:

Every once and a while, I would look over at Sophie—well, Penelope. I can't help but feel like she's Sophie. But, I can't get my hopes up because AC and Sarah always remind me of her death, how she got shot.

But she looks exactly like her and that's what keeps making me believe she didn't die—that's she's right here, standing next to me while we wait in line for the tickets.

Like I said, I can't stop looking at her. She won't notice, though. Penelope is constantly texting on her phone and it's bugging me. Henry keeps popping into my mind. Maybe that's who she's texting. My heart sunk just thinking that they could possibly be together and this is just a hangout.

Her phone dings in her hand and she unlocks it. She read the message to herself and laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked, sounding a tad bit annoyed.

She didn't notice, she only looked up and smiled before looking back her phone to type. "Oh, it's nothing. Just a friend of mines being cheesy and stuff."

"Oh." I said and looked back ahead. Her phone dinged again and I'm one hundred percent sure it's her 'friend' again. She laughs again, only a bit louder this time, causing a few people to look at us. "Can you, maybe, put the phone away for a little while?" I asked.

Penelope looks up and finally notices all the stares and bad judgment we were getting and turned red. She stuffed her phone in her purse and looked up at me. I smiled down at her. This was suppose to be a date, but I pretty sure she didn't get the hint because almost the whole time we've waited, she's been on her phone. This was suppose to be my time with her, and this prick won't stop distracting her.

Maybe she does have a boyfriend. . .

Finally, it was our turn. The girl behind the glass smiled over at us. "Hello!" She greeted us with a cheery voice.

"Hi. Um, two tickets to see The Secret Life Of Pets, please." I said.

Her hand moved quickly over the screen. "That'll be twenty one, forty." I hand her a twenty dollar bill and two dollars. She handed me back sixty cents. "Have a wonderful time, sir."

"Sir? How old do I look like, to you?"

"Austin!" Penelope smack me on the arm and smiled over at the girl. "I'm sorry for his behavior." She apologized, I huffed.

"It's fine."

Penelope waved her goodbye and pulled me towards the snack bar. "That was very rude."

"Oh, I'm the rude one? I look no more than twenty!"

"Oh, hush."


We sat in the back of the room to get a better view of everything. Again, her phone dinged in her purse. It was the exact moment where on the screen it said to please turn off all cellphones or any other device on you to not disturb others.

Instead of turning it off, she silenced it.


While the commercials rolled, I adjust my seat a little bit. I felt a gently tap on my shoulder, knowing it was Penelope.

"Hey, Austin?" I hum in response, allowing her to continue. "I'm going to go to the bathroom."

I lift my legs up and lean back a bit to allow her access to pass through. She was out the door in a snap. Her phone buzzed quietly in her purse, but was still heard. Curiosity got the best of me, so I unzip it and reach inside for her phone. I knew this was wrong—I was invading her privacy, but I just had to know if A, she had a boyfriend and B, she was Sophie.

God, I hope I'm right about the second one and wrong about the first.

I didn't know her passcode, but I didn't need it for what was visible.

1 New Message:
Joshie boy ;) : Love you too ba....

No, I didn't her passcode in order to see the rest of the message. I can clearly tell it ends with babe. I shoved her phone back into her purse carelessly.

She has a fucking boyfriend! And the worst part is, I was kind of hoping that it would've been that girl she hung out with the day I first followed her to her apartment building.

I felt a mixture of anger and sadness. My hands clutched onto the handles of these theater seats. Anger seems to be overtaking the sadness. My drink hot knocked to the floor and all over my pants thanks my clenched fist.

While I was cleaning off the soda from my pants, Penelope came back from the other side.

Couldn't have gone that way earlier, huh?

She noticed the napkin in my hand and the soda stain that covered most of my thigh. "Geez, I'm gone for five minutes and you're already causing a mess." She chuckled, but ceased once she noticed my cold stare. "Did I do something wrong?" She asked, dragging the 'id' in 'did'.

I didn't answer her, instead just continued to dry off my pants with these cheap napkins. I heard her say a low 'okay' before taking a seat in her spot beside me.

For the rest of the movie, we didn't utter a single word to one another. Maybe because the movie was playing and maybe because jealousy got the best of me.

Though, while sort of watching the movie, the same question kept on repeating over and over again.

Who the fuck was 'Josie boy'?


Omfg, I am sooo sorry this is really late. I didn't really have any ideas for this chapter until now.

I'd understand if you hate me now :(

Anyways, vote if you liked this chapter or leave a comment if you like, or do both. Your choice :D


Btw, check out my story 'The Cabin In The Woods', Austin and Alex are featured in it—along with the guys from One Direction and 5sos!

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