Chapter Seven

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Sophie's POV:

My phone had buzzed twice two minutes ago, and I was debating whether or not to risk answering it during Mr. Till's class. There was a point where his back was faced the other way, but I didn't want to take a chance and risk getting caught. So, I out waited the five minutes left of class before the bell rang.

Finally, it was time to leave.

As everyone arose from their seats, Mr. Till took a quick look at the clock that hung above the white board. He turned his attention back on his class that was just about ready to walk through the door. "Your homework will be posted on the school's online program. Remember to look under my name for further information. You may be dismissed—oh, and have a wonderful weekend!" He said with a wave.

Few students said a proper goodbye, others just walked out the classroom without a final word. I wave a goodbye to Mr. Till before heading out the door.

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. The message opened up and I read it as I walked down the hallway. I made sure not to drop my phone while pushing through the cramped crowd.

From: Joshie boy ;)
To: Me

Hey, you busy?

That was the first text. I respond with a simple yeah, and head onto the second message.

From: Carter. . .
To: Me

Hey, Penelope

I didn't know what to do. If I reply, then I'll just end up in the same path as before—danger and getting hurt. But if I don't, then I'll regret it. I stayed because of him, but instead of running off with my Prince Charming, I ran from him—and my past. The only one from that group I once knew that I still have connections with is Henry and, of course now, Carter.

I couldn't decide. Answer or ignore. My phone buzzed again in the palms of my hands. It was another text from him, apologizing if he interrupted anything.

I chuckle humorlessly.

He would've never apologize, not the Carter I remember. But, then again—I didn't really know Carter. Only by his actions, where from what I recall, were quite awful.

Which, lead me to a decision.

To: Carter
From: Me

Hey. No, you didn't interrupt anything.

Immediately, he replied back.

From: Carter
To: Me

Great. So, does this mean you're not busy? There's this movie that just came out not too long ago. I thought maybe you'd like to go see it with me.

From: Carter
To: Me

That's if you want to. I'm not forcing you or anything.

To: Carter
From: Me

I'd like that. What time?

From: Carter
To: Me

Like, around in an hour or so. But the drive there won't be that long and I thought maybe we could walk around the mall for a while until the time. You know, get there early for great seats.

To: Carter
From: Me

Okay, I'll start getting ready then. See you soon :)

From: Carter
To: Me

See you in twenty ;)

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