New Assignment X Hunter Exam X Who's Killua?

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     I walked out of the corporation building and searched for a phone booth. There was one at the corner. I dialed my master's phone and surprisingly, he answered it.

"Hello?" he answered with a rough voice revealing that he had just woken up.

"Morning master, I just finished my assignment," I spoke in a stern manner, neglecting my childish voice.

"Oh, did you now," he mumbled in between coughs. "Well, come and meet me in my chamber to receive your next task. Oh, and bring me some breakfast on your way here."

     He hung up before I could respond. If he wants me to meet him in his room, then that means that my next assignment is either extremely dangerous or worth a lot of money. But, it could also imply both. I quickly grabbed a danish and coffee then dashed home. The last place I wanted to be. After I ran up a tall hill, I finally reached his so-called mansion that glittered as bright as a rusted pipe. However, the inside was a different story. It contained floors made of marble, furniture covered with the rarest of fur, and an endless amount of doors. The only rooms I've entered were the training room, the punishing room, and "my room" which is my pretend room when some guy in a suit comes and checks on me. It's filled with the prettiest dolls and the most beautiful decorations, but I only go inside it once a year. Although, I visit both the training and punishing room most often.

     I finally reached my master's chamber which had a grand red door. Before I knocked on the door I heard laughter from him, so I pressed my ear to the door.

"She'll be dead in a week if she goes through with this," he says in between laughs, "but if she finds some friends, then they'll be dead in a week."

     I knocked on the door, and he quickly stopped his laughing then hung up what I believe was his phone.

"Come in." he deepened his voice to sound menacing.

     As I walked in, the stench of a dead man filled my nostrils reminding me of the fetid smell of a corpse. His room was a complete mess with empty glass bottles stacked in a corner, his clothes piled on the other, and his bed flipped upside down. I searched around since it was a bit dark to see clearly. The blinds were shut allowing no sunlight to bleed in.

"Come here," I heard him say from beside the closed windows.

     He trained me to adapt to dark atmospheres and to hear all of my surroundings from simple breathing to the sound of a heartbeat. I saw him motioning his finger to come to him. When I gave him the bag that carried his breakfast, he snatched it from my hand then began to devour it like a savage man. I can't believe this is the same man who just had a formal party and drank wine with his pinky up.

"So you wanted me in your chambers..." I reminded him.

"Oh right, I almost forgot." He stood up and walked over to his T.V. "A guy called anonymously and said that he would pay any amount I wanted for the head and heart of another assassin."

"Any assassin?" I asked, "Like me?"

     I started to worry as he smirked at my question. Then he began to change channels until it presented an image of a massive dark mountain. It seemed to have a huge house on it.

"Unfortunately no," he responded. "This is Kukuroo Mountain, home of the Zoldyck family." He motioned to the picture like a presentation.

"Who are the Zoldyck family?" I questioned. "Why are they so important?"

"Well, you see, they are a family of assassins," he explained, "they all work as professional assassins. Kinda like you, but with a reputation."

     I raised my brow with that statement and wondered how he knew about their location.

"In fact, their reputation is so good that their house is a tourist site... well at least to their front door."

"...a tourist site," my eye twitched. "So, what is my assignment?"

"According to my client, he wants the heir of the Zoldyck family beheaded and heartless." He explained as he slid his finger across his throat and grabbed his shirt then yanked it. "His name is Killua Zoldyck."

     I waited a bit to see if he would show me an image of my target.

"That's great, but what does he look like and where can I find him?"

"You foolish girl, a picture of a member of the Zoldyck family, is worth a lot of money." He said roughly.

"But uncle..." I exclaimed impatiently before realizing what I said. Then the sound of a beep was heard.

"I told you never to call me that!" he yelled and raised his hand to strike me, but I quickly dodged his attack.

"Sorry... master," I grumbled. 

"Anyway," he huffed, "the client claims that your target will be entering the hunter exam. Find him and come back with the requested items after the hunter exam is over."

     He handed me a folded paper, then started to push me out of the room.

"But I still don't know what he looks like. "I protested, "nor how to confront him."

"That's your problem. You already have your assignment, now go do it." He pushed me out of his room, and before he closed it, he whispered. "Oh and if you can't figure out a way to kill him just let Muh handle it."

     He shut the door and thus began my new assignment.

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