Killua is Mine X Third Phase X Trick Tower

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     When I turned the corner, my body tensed and I quickly hid along the edge of the wall to avoid being seen. It was Killua and Anita along with an injured man on the floor. Unfortunately, the man was still alive. Anita's body shook equally from fear and anger.

"You killed him." She said astonished, "you must be the one who killed my father."

     Killua only stood there smirking, even so, I can't help but notice a change in him. Something darker, like some kind of killer mode. Is that how I look when I get the urge to kill?

"Prepare to die." Anita declared, then aimed an attack at Killua with her knife.

     The white-haired assassin easily dodged her and hid in between the shadows, disappearing from plain sight. I can hear her heart beating loud and clear, quickening by the second.

"You coward, why don't you show your face to me." Her voice cracked.

     If she were calm, Anita would've been able to hear at least where he was coming from for a surprise attack. But of course, she was all the opposite of at peace. Faintly, I was able to see Killua in the darkness. He was standing right behind her; probably deciding if he should kill Anita right off the bat. Anita held her knife in front of her; however, Killua sliced it in half in an instant, then knocked Anita down.

     Killua stood above her, having his hand right at her neck threatening to end her life in a flash. Anita whimpered and closed her eyes knowing this was it. For a second, I truly believed that he was going to assassinate her, but a wave of change appeared on Killua's face.

"Gon..." he exhaled as if waking up from a trance.

     Killua quickly retreated his hand then walked up to the window at the front of the blimp. He was intrigued by whatever was going on outside. Anita stood and seemed extremely confused on why she was still alive.

"What's going on? Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?"

     Killua didn't answer; instead, he kept staring out the window.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" She yelled and was about to strike Killua. He knocked her down in which she remained on the floor.

"Because Gon wouldn't want me to kill you, that's why," Killua answered seriously, then returned his attention outside. "Oh no!"

     Killua runs out, while Anita stretches her arm out to try and stop him. For crying out loud!

"You're not leaving that easy!" She protested.

"That's enough!" I say yanking onto her shirt collar. I then slammed her against the wall to prevent her from running away.

"Wha... Who are you!?" She wailed, trying to escape my grasp.

"You will never attempt to kill KIllua Zoldyck ever again, you hear me." I tried to sound as menacing as I could.

"And why do you care what happens to him!" Anita tried to sound harsh but failed after seeing me take out my dagger.

"Because..." I respond with a sly smile. "Killua is mine. And I will make sure no one lays a finger on him." I take my targets seriously and personally.

"Oh, are you like his... lover or something" Her voice shakes due to me tightening my grip on her throat. Is that her exertion to try and psych me out?

"Well, I am trying to steal his heart." Literally. I snickered then raised my blade.

"I did it!" I heard Gon's voice from outside.

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