Inside X And X Out

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~Pokkles's POV~

     Man, I feel terrible about running away, but we had no chance going up against that Hisoka guy. I guess that guy with number 403 has to learn that the hard way since he went back to fight him. Oh well, that's all behind me, now all that's left is to find the group. Now, where's...

"Wah!" I yelped as some kid popped out of a bush. It was a girl. She had her head down, but I recognized her as applicant 98. I kept my eye on her ever since that race she had with those boys. She ran fast. But what is she doing here?

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked inching closer to her. She began to giggle.

"The real question is..." She replied in a monotone expression. "Are you okay?"

     She lifted her head, and I wish she hadn't. It was more creepy than scary. Her lips were sewn together into a big smile, and she didn't have any emotional expression, plus her eyes had no pupils. Her face was blank, except for the sewn smile; her hands were in her pockets which fidgety moved inside. How can she talk with her mouth all patched up?

"I have another question for you." Her stitches would undo as she spoke revealing sharp teeth, then it would stitch back together again.

"Well, I don't want to hear it!" I yelled, then I tried to make another dash, except something swung below me and I fell on my back. The air was blown right out of me.

"I didn't say you can leave yet." She stood over me and stepped on my arms, then sat on my stomach. "But, just in case."

     She took one hand out then started to move it around quickly, too fast for me to see it. "Tah-Dah," She said as she spread out her hand. Wait, she had something in her hand?

"Now, here's your question." She said as she took out a long dagger from her other pocket. "Where is Killua Zoldyck?"

"I don't know!" I responded. She placed the point of the dagger to the tip of my nose. Then she slid it under my chin and raised it.

"Wrong answer." She replied with no emotion.

     I tried to move out of the way, but I couldn't move a muscle. My body was completely immobilized. I saw her lift her dagger in the air then charged it towards me. "Doink!" Her head bobbed down as a rock fell off her head.

"Hey!" A stranger yelled. "Leave him alone!"

     The girl still had her head down and gripped onto the dagger until her knuckles turned white. Her head lifted slowly then turned to look at the attacker. A rush of wind replaced the girl, and before I knew it, she was already behind the man who threw the rock. He panicked then started to shake in fear from the sudden appearance of her.

"You are interfering with my assignment." She said as she placed the dagger to his back. "My master has instructed me on how to deal with any interference."

     The man quickly drew his sword out and swung it at her, missing each strike. She didn't even fight back, only dodge all his attacks until she stopped a blow by holding onto the long blade. His eyes showed a tremendous amount of fear as she kicked the sword in the air, having it land in her hands. He tried to back away, but she dashed towards him and pushed him against a tree having her elbow on his chest.

"Now, I will ask you the same question." She said as she grabbed him by his throat and lifted him. "Where can I find Killua Zoldyck?"

"I don't... know who... that is." He replied spitting out the words, barely breathing.

"Wrong answer." She responded with a hallowed tone.

     She dug the sword into his chest, making him screech from the pain. A significant amount of blood flowed from the wound. Taking advantage that his mouth was wide open, she jabbed the sword inside his mouth, pushing it all the way through, pinning him onto the tree trunk. A waterfall of blood poured out of his mouth, and she caught some by cupping her hands. She muttered something as she rubbed the red substance between her fingers.

"Not enough..." She mumbled, turning towards me. "It's not enough. I want more."

     She walked towards me then her legs began to tremble. Suddenly, she fell to her knees. She set her eyes on me with the dagger held tightly in her hand.

"Aww man, it's over." She said putting her dagger away. "I was about to have some fun."

     I only stared at her in horror imaging of the supposed "fun" she was going to have with that dagger. My limbs loosened, and I slowly moved them little by little.

"But don't you worry, I'll be back." She informed already on the floor. "And you better have the right answer next time."

     Her stitches began to unwind until they were a pair of small lips again and I was able to see her pupils return right before she closed her eyes. I waited awhile, but her body remained motionless, and I was already on my feet. Guilt told me not to leave her behind, but fear screamed for me to run. And fortunately I did, as I went, I looked at her lifeless-like body on the ground and abandoned the psychotic child.

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