Exploring X Revealing X Truth be Told

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     We climbed onto the airship once more; then we were told that we have some free time until our next arrival at 8 AM. Menchi dismissed us, giving us the liberty to do as we pleased.

"Hey, you guys want to do something?" Gon asked ready to lift off.

"Yeah sure, what do you say we go and explore this airship?" Killua suggested.

     Gon invited Kurapika and Leorio to join them, but they passed and claimed to be too exhausted. The two boys went ahead and dashed excitedly, then stopped shortly after not hearing a third pair of feet moving.

"Hey Mai, aren't you coming?" Gon asked me as he turned around.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," I say with a smile. "I gotta do something first. You two should go ahead."

"Okay, see ya" Gon replied and resumed running.

     Killua stared for a second, then followed Gon already suggesting where they should go. Man, his eyes sure are spellbinding. They could put me in a trance if I stare long enough.

"Where do they get their energy?" Leorio asked in exhaustion.

     They both plumped on the side of the wall, loudly exhaling as I joined Kurapika, sitting right next to him. I checked my "happy" meter which was already blinking revealing that it was on the verge of being filled.

"So Mai, why didn't you join Gon and Killua?" Kurapika asked having his head against the wall.

"Because I need to tell you something." I say firmly, "or at least show you something." Yea, it was out of the blue serious, but I wanted to be direct and to the point. Stalling would only make this harder. For some reason I wanted Kurapika to be the first to know about me, partially.

     His tired eyes flew wide open, and his expression of worry made my stomach twist. Kurapika waited for me to continue as he stared at me as a mother would to her child who was about, to tell the truth, however, I had nothing else to say. It wasn't time yet. If only he could see my "happy" meter, then this would be a whole lot easier to explain.

"But not now..." I whispered to myself staring at the blinking meter on my hand. "I'll tell you later, okay."

     As I stood up to leave, Kurapika gently grabbed my wrist and I knew that I wouldn't be able to avoid telling him the truth now.

"Uh, Mai, you can't just leave after telling me something like that," he said expressing his concern.

"But I gotta go," I say, whining like a child. "I told Gon that I would catch up with them."

"What about the thing you were going to tell me... or show me?" He said with confusion. I guess my sudden change of character must've thrown him off. That happens, I can be serious for a moment then childish the next... I am a kid after all.

"I'll show you later" I answered with a grin, "Promise. But I gotta warn you, it'll change your perspective of me."

     That seemed to have confused him even more because he wanted to say something but no words came out, either way, I left to join Gon and Killua. Hmm, where could they be?

     I walked down the corridor they went through and hoped that it'll lead me to them. As I turned the corner someone bumped into me knocking me down.

"Hey!" I growled at the person, who wore a cloak that hid their face.

     The stranger dashed away without a word and left me on the ground. She had a distinct odor, but I was certain it was feminine so the stranger was a girl. I cursed her as I picked myself up and continued my search for the two boys. After exploring the whole aircraft, I arrived at the cockpit just in time to see Gon and Killua getting thrown out of the room. I rushed over to them trying not to laugh in front of their faces.

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