Imposters X Liars X Idiots

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     I felt a wave of heat and expected to be dead. However, I kept breathing. My eyes were still closed, but I remained conscious, and I felt myself moving. But my legs aren't shifting? Then, I heard voices which I recognized as the group Killua and I were searching for. Am I Muh right now?

"Hey, can you hold her for a sec?" It sounded like Killua's voice. Another set of hands carried me.

"Yeah sure, but what are you..." Leorio's voice questioned while he held me in his arms. "Hey what are those?"

     There was a click sound then something was thrown aside. I can tell you what's going on without even looking. A loud explosion sounded behind us.

"They're bombs?!" Leorio shouted.

"Yeah, pretty cool huh," Killua answered as I was exchanged back to the originals arms as before. "Here I'll carry her; I think she's about to wake up."

     Another bomb exploded, and we were in the air, a strong wind hit my face along with some rubble. Are we breaking through walls?! We finally landed on the ground, and by the sound of several exhausting breathings, I knew we had reached the examiner and the rest of the group. I slowly opened my eyes when I heard them discussing with the examiner. Killua looked at me as I fully extended my eyelids, finally seeing my savior.

"Hey, there sleeping beauty." He smirked.

     I blushed slightly and heard my "happy" meter beeping again, but I didn't care because all I wanted to do it... Wait a minute, what am I doing?! I quickly squirmed out of his grasp and stood on my own. Aww man, I can't believe I almost fell for him again, and now I owe him!

"Thanks, I owe you one," I said rather roughly without looking at him. "I'm going to run on my own for awhile."

     I ran ahead without waiting for his response because I didn't want to see him or else I'll fall. My wrist glowed, and I checked the meter which was almost full. The rest of the way was uninteresting except when that old man Leorio took his shirt off and started running like a lunatic. Visions of my hallucination crammed my thoughts. Don't try to blame her because she IS you. It repeated throughout my head and the image of my mother's proud expression when she said that I had become a successful assassin. There was a bright light up ahead, and in a short time, we were out of the dark tunnel. I took in my surroundings and saw a substantial muddy wetland up ahead. I waited beside the exit for the rest to arrive. The examiner was surprised to see me there before him, then Killua and Gon exited next, followed by the rest of the exhausted group.

"This is Milsy Wetlands" The mouth less examiner announced. "Also known as Swindler's swamp."

     Swindle? That means to cheat someone, but how can swamp be manipulative.

"Many dangerous animals will try to deceive and make you their next meal." He continued. A door began to come down the exit shutting those who stayed behind in.

"But how can we be fooled if we already know that's what they're trying to do," Leorio asked loudly.

"On we go then to the second phase through the swamp." Curly stache began to march forward.

"He's lying! Don't listen to him!"

     We all quickly turned our heads and saw a man who seemed to have finished a battle. He held a bag with; I guess, a dead creature inside.

"He's not an examiner! He's an imposter! The real examiner is me!"

     Everyone seemed extremely confused and doubtful. Then the tension increased to the point where any move can trigger chaos. I looked at our supposed examiner and back at the accuser. Hmm, I do not doubt that the accuser is lying, but how can I prove it. Everyone began to debate on who the real examiner was. That didn't help at all.

"Hey you, can you prove that he's an imposter!" Leorio stepped up to the accuser. That's right Leorio, use your head for once.

"Take a look at this!" The beat up man threw the bag to the ground and exposed a dead creature. Wait a minute that thing isn't dead, I should know when something is no longer alive.

     Everyone looked at the creature in disgust and astonishment that it almost seemed human with the body of a monkey. The applicants asked what the thing was.

"It's a man-faced ape." The man responded. "They disguise themselves as humans to lure humans to kill and eat them."

"He does have a point," Leorio says in realization. "After all, he does look like it."

"Yeah!" Another man joined, he was bald and wore a ninja outfit. "After running that long how are we exhausted, but he didn't even break a sweat." 

     Many people agreed with their theory and looked prepared to beat up the examiner. Come on guys, don't be idiots. I looked over at Kurapika who seemed lost in thought, however, I know he doesn't believe the accuser. Then there was Gon right beside him.

"What if this is part of the hunter exam?" Gon suggested. Everyone stopped and for once, began to think. Good job Gon, that's what we needed right now.

"Well, every examiner must be a hunter," Kurapika suggested. "Therefore, they must have a hunter license."

"That won't work because he stole it!" The accuser yelled. "He jumped me and stole everything!"

     Come on, nincompoops, you should know that he's lying by now. Suddenly, I heard the sound of some objects flying through the air, and the accuser fell. Three playing cards were implanted in his chest, whereas the examiner held all three cards between his fingers. That was easy. We all turned and saw the clown shuffling cards as he chuckled to himself. What was his name, Hikoka, Hisosa, I don't remember.

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