All is Fair X in Love X and War

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1... 2... 3...

     My heart sank at hearing the number ending in nine and not eight. 4... 5... 6... We all faced KIllua who's head was staring at the ground. Probably so we won't see that the results disappointed him. 7... 8... Time was running out, my finger quickly hovered over the X button, but I hesitated. I debated whether or not I wanted to leave Gon and the others. 9... With a heavy heart, I pressed the X on my watch.


     The sign rang as an X lit up in the background of the words.

"Oh? I see... seems like one of you has the eyes of a hawk." The speaker boomed, "for those of you that don't know; there was a 10 second time-limited opportunity to volunteer for the chosen applicant and take their place. In this case, that tribute is applicant 98. Please step forward."

     I took one step ahead, feeling the weight of their eyes staring at me. Even Killua lifted his head up abruptly after hearing my number. His eyes shook, but I don't know if due to anger or despair. The middle door began to slide open, so I walked towards it. However, Killua stepped up to me and whispered.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked.

     I didn't know what to answer him because even I wasn't sure on why I was doing this either. Nonetheless, I responded before I could process what it meant. Swiftly, I glanced at Gon, whose sad eyes stared at the floor due to losing a member from the group.

"Because you need Gon more than I do," I reply, staring at his lost eyes with a serious expression.

     I proceeded forward. Once I reached the frame of the door, I did a small twirl to face the group, then waved goodbye.

"See you guys at the bottom!" I winked and gave them a thumbs up.

     Their spirits seem to have lifted as they smiled and waved back. I ran into the dark tunnel continuing the third phase. Only this time, on my own. The way it should be. I hear my conscious taunting me, or it could have been Muh. Same torment if you ask me.

     When the door behind me closed, the hallway became pitch black. And just when my eyes were getting adjusted, a line of torches ignited the way. I approached a similar obstacle as before, except this sign didn't tell me which button was for which direction.

"Select either X or O and let faith choose your path." The same announcer from before said. More like 'let luck choose your path.'

"That's a little cheesy don't you think." I sassed, pressing the O button. An arrow pointing left lighted up as it's door pried open.

"The O was left, please continue forward."

"I wanted to go left anyway," I sighed as I entered the bricked hall.

     This path was longer than the last one, and the light seems to dim throughout the way. I finally reached the end into a lit room. The room was huge. There was an arena in the middle and on the other side were three figures. Each covered with a cloak.

"Whoa." The word escaped my mouth.

"For this challenge, your choice will determine if you will either stay and fight or leave and fail the exam. Please pick one of the two, X or O."

"That's a harsh coin toss." I argued, "How can one choice decide if I get to pass or fail the exam?" Why am I complaining? I have the license already, but I can't leave yet.

"Just choose one" The voice sounded impatient.

"Fine," I press the X button.

     A green check mark illuminated on a screen that was aside from the platform followed by a pathway coming out of it. I walked across what seemed like an endless abyss between where I stood and the central place. The announcer then began to explain the rules.

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