Hunter X Hunted X Huntress

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Killua's POV~

     That annoying girl! Who does she think she is, running off like that. Why do I care? Tsk.

"Hm?" I sensed something. It's Gon. I quickly ran over to a speaking tube. "Hey Kurapika, Gon is on his way, and he has Leorio with him."

     I sat back down only to be scolded by Hanzo. He accused me of lying.

"I wasn't lying. At least I don't think I was." Something doesn't feel right. "Hey Baldie, do any of the voice pipes reach the outer ship?"

"Yes, this one right here" he pointed to one, and I dashed to see what was going on.

"Hello! Can anyone hear me?" I called.

"Hello? Killua?" It sounded like Gon! "Hey, is Mai with you?"

     I froze. Then I snapped. "Of course not! She went in after you! She's supposed to be with you!"

"I saw that girl on one of the ladders on the side of the ship." Tompa butted in. "There was a man there holding Mai at gunpoint. When Gon arrived, I took my eye off her, and they were gone."

"What..." I felt a dark shadow cast on my face as I quickly walked out onto the deck. When I arrived outside, I grabbed Tompa and ordered him to tell me where he last saw Mai.

"She was right over there. And you better hurry because it seems like that man was trying to murder her." He smirked.

     Grrr Without hesitation, I jumped into the water, then Tompa beamed his flashlight, guiding me to the bottom of the sea. There she is! A huge rock covered her and pushed her onto the floor. I removed the boulder out of the way, after setting her free I swam up to the surface. Once on the ship, I placed her on the ground and tried to get her to snap out of it.

"Wake up!" I growled standing above her. Her skin color was pale, more than usual, and her lips had turned purple, but her cheeks still managed to stay rosy.

"Killua! What are you doing just standing around! Give her CPR!" Leorio shouted as he and Gon arrived at the scene.

"W.. what!? I don't know how to give CPR!" I protested. I take lives not save them...

"Just put your mouth on hers and breathe!" Gon joined.

"Huh!!" My face became hot. "I can't do that!"

"Want me to do it then?" Gon offered.

"Uh..." I hesitated, then looked at Mai. Her body appeared limp and lifeless. I didn't know how I would be able to bring her back to life. "No. I'll give it a try."

     I got on my knees aside her, then fixed her head to face upward. After I took in a couple of deep breaths, I placed my lips on Mai's. I puffed serval times until I felt a slight retreat from her; thus she began coughing as water sprayed from her mouth. She's breathing!

"Get back!" Leorio pushed me away and addressed her. "Mai, how are you feeling?"

     She mumbled a bit, with her eyes searching around slowly. Her eyelids drooped lower and lower until she passed out. Leorio caught her in his arms. He carried her inside stating that he was going to attend to her injuries. I stared at them until Leorio entered a room. 

    After Leorio had taken Mai, the escape of the island was chaos, but we managed to get through. The sunrise was a good sign that the storm was finally over. Gon was asleep until the light of the sun woke him up.

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