New Friends X New Enemies X Who's who

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"Hey, are you okay?" he asked sounding more annoyed than concerned. I shook my head trying to get my redden face back to normal. 

"Yes, I'm sorry" I started as I rubbed my neck nervously. "It's just that, I didn't expect another kid to be here that's all."

"The feeling's neutral." He said coolly, as he placed his hands in his pockets.

"Is this your first time?" I asked wanting to talk to him more, although it might risk someone's life because I don't think my "happy" meter could last any longer. "The Hunter Exam that is."

     He nodded and seemed to be getting bored, so I thought of a way to get him talking.

"What's your name?" I asked, "how old are you?"

     He looked at me with a straight face, probably deciding if he should answer me or not.

"My name is Killua Zoldyck," he curled a bit of his mouth. "I'm 12 years old, how about you?"

     Killua Zoldyck... My nervous smile turned into a frown, and the beeping suddenly stopped. I spaced out, seeing blurred faces around except for his.

"Hey, are you feeling alright?" he asked showing a bit of concern. I snapped out of it, but I was still dazed.

"Yeah, I'm sorry... Killua but I have to go." I responded in a monotone voice. His face displayed a bit of hurt from my answer.

"Whatever." He said hopping onto his skateboard and left me with an empty feeling. Now, what do I do?

What you are supposed to do! A familiar voice responded. I stared at my reflection through a puddle and there she was... Muh.

"What do you mean?" I say to her, which technically is myself.

Kill the bastard and get the assignment completed! She spoke through her stitched lips shaped into a smile, and an empty look in her eyes. Or just let me handle it.

     That's the least of what I wanted; she would find the cruelest way to kill him, torture him.

     At that moment, I heard something fly through the air, and I jumped sideways dodging the object. As I searched behind me, a playing card was fastened within the wall revealing a joker on one side. I pulled the card, which was stuck in there. I tugged on it until I felt a strange presence behind me as I freed the card.

"Can I have that back?" A creepy yet dreamy voice requested. It made me shudder. When I turned around, there was a tall guy with blue hair styled up and dressed as a magician. By the look of his muscles and sharp shaped chin, I can tell that he was strong. He had a crazed look in his eyes that was craving for blood.

"Why did you attack me?" I demanded an answer.

"Well, I wanted to make sure you were still sane." He answered with a smile. "After all, you were talking to the floor."

     I didn't realize that I might've looked like a crazy person since I'd always talk to Muh alone. Suddenly, I felt another presence, but he was a bit farther staring at me. What's going on? I feel a bit stiff. My hands were in my pockets ready to attack once I felt threatened.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked, interrupting my suspicion.

"Go ahead," I responded knowing that I probably didn't have a choice.

"You possess great power that only experienced hunters can achieve." He began making cards appear and disappear from his hands. "Although, you are not aware of the strength flowing from your body. Not to mention the power you have not unleashed."

     I only gave him a hard look, what was he talking about? What power is leaking out of me? Just experienced hunters can obtain it?

"That's great, but I'm not interested in discovering my potential right now."

He began to giggle, "you remind me of a grape."

"How's that?" I asked, afraid of his response.

"Fresh or dried, you're delicious either way." He answered licking his lips. "I can't wait, see you later."

     He walked away, waving a goodbye. My body shivered from the strange atmosphere he left behind. I'll keep an eye on him, although, I feel like he'll keep an eye out for me.

     More and more applicants arrived, each entering through the same elevator. The last group caught my eye; there were three of them. Numbers 403-405. One of them was another kid around my age with dark long green spiky hair. The thing that stood out was his big smile. I was almost afraid of him, how can someone smile so brightly?! The other two were interesting as well, one was a tall man in a suit with spectacles, and the other one was a blond guy in attire from somewhere that I can't remember right now. It would be best if I stay away from them. Especially from that kid, a smile that bright could be contagious and I can't get my hands dirty... not yet.

     Now, what should I do about Killua? He's an assassin, so he has experience on being hunted by others. He's probably a lot stronger than me, but then again, I don't know much about him. How can you get information from someone without creating suspicion? Become friends. The thought sickened me, but I had no other choice it was either my way or Muh's way. I checked my "happy" meter. Three quarters filled. A bit more, then Muh will be unleashed.

     A loud ringing sound suddenly broke my train of thought, and everyone looked around to find the source of the alarming sound. A man in a purplish suit came floating down stopping the weird alarm in his hands. His face was odd, his hair was shoulder length and curled to the sides. He had a curly mustache, monotone eyes, and his mouth... he had no mouth. Surprisingly, he began to speak.

"I would like to officially welcome everyone to the hunter exam." He announced, "please come with me."

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