Revenge X Or X Assignment

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"Killua, you're amazing." Gon commented.

"What?" Killua reacted astonished.

"I said, you're amazing. I'm doing this to find my dad, but I've never thought of becoming a better hunter than he is." Gon responded. Wow, I kind of wish I hadn't sat in between them because I think they're having a moment right now.

"I suppose you're right; I guess I never thought about actually catching my own dad," Killua added. His dad? So that's who's he trying to kill, I wonder why. Man, I should've paid more attention. It probably has something to do with him being the heir.

"You can do it. I know you can!" Gon encouraged him.

"Yeah, and killing him shouldn't be a problem since you are the heir of the family business," I smirked. I didn't have a problem killing my parents, even if it was involuntary. I haven't mourned their deaths.

"Oh yeah, well that's easy for you guys to say! You don't know anything about my dad do you." He argued.

"Well, I know you, and he's your dad right, so I sorta feel like I know him." Gon countered sheepishly.

"Is that your answer for everything, saying you sorta feel something won't cut it in the real world." Killua lectured Gon.

"Aww come on Killua, what's the big deal." I tried defending Gon.

"Never mind," Killua said as he stood up, "let's go to the cafeteria."

     I heard a faint sound around the corner, but when I turned Killua was already investing there. Killua dashed so quick to investigate that I didn't see him leave his spot.

"Hey Killua, what's wrong?" Gon shouted to Killua.

"It's nothing. C'mon lets go get something to drink, okay." He responded with a smile. He's lying. I sensed something, something threatening.

     We sat at a booth table in the food area quietly staring at our drinks. Gon looked worried as Killua seems to be in deep thought, in which started to worry me too. Then I got lost in my own thoughts. Whoever it was, can't be experienced because I was able to sense them easily. Plus, I could have sworn that I heard harsh patterns of breathing. Meaning that whoever is hiding is itching for a fight.

     I was so into my thoughts that I almost didn't hear Gon speak.

"Uh Killua, Mai, you're both acting a little bit weird." He stated, exposing his concern.

"No, I'm not," Killua answered harshly in a stern tone. A wave of hurt spread through Gon's face; then he faced me.

"Hey, how many tests do you think we'll have to take?" Gon asked, hoping for a better response.

"I don't know." I respond as harshly and solemn as Killua. Another flash of hurt appeared on his face, making me want to talk it back immediately.

"Did I do something wrong? Are you guys mad at me?" He asked sadly. His tone of concern snapped me back to reality.

"No Gon, of course not," I say waving my hands in front of me, trying to sound a bit peppier. "We just got something on our minds, that's all." I don't know why I said "we," I just assumed KIllua was also thinking about the threat I sensed. I'm pretty sure he sensed the danger as well.

"It has nothing to do with you," Killua responded with the same serious tone.

     My body stiffened as I felt the same menace as before and smelled a familiar odor that was near by and getting closer. I was on edge and placed my hands in my pockets, in case I needed to attack. With all this tension, a girl walked up to the booth, which almost surprised me. She had black hair made into two pigtails and green eyes, hey she could be my sister. She appeared a bit older and wore the button with #111 on it.

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