When a X Ship X Sinks

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"Alone you will always be..."
How long have I been in here?
"you won't always be alone, you'll have me," Muh said.

That's comforting.

"Why do you think I'm the bad guy? You're the one who says 'I don't want to kill,' then you kill someone." Muh mocked "And when you're told to kill someone, you're suddenly a saint who doesn't want to kill."

     I spent my time listening to Muh's rants. Like I had a choice. Other hours, I practiced by going through the routines I would when training. I set up different targets and threw my knives at them, targeting distinct locations; I slept for an hour or two by habit, then I'd began my training again. Now that I thought about it, I've never taken a heart out before. Slicing heads were simple, but ripping an organ out is an unfamiliar action in my case. I grabbed a pillow and worked out different strategies on how to do it.

     A couple of hours passed by and I can officially say that... I'm incredibly bored. My head bobbed as I searched around the room trying to find something to do. The television was my last resort of entertainment as I plopped down in front of it and changed channels. Each display was a scene from the trick tower; it seemed like they were images from a security camera. A channel caught my eye as the character looked familiar, it was Gon holding a candle. I forced my thumb to change it, but the button wouldn't go down. I sighed, as I glued my attention at the screen.

     It turns out that Gon and the others had a similar event as to mine, except they had to win 3 out of 5 rounds. Gon won this match after he cleverly blew on his opponent's candle. Kurapika went after him, in which Kurapika had to fight a misconfigured person (if you can still call it a human). Other than his hideous outer, the creature wasn't very intimidating. Especially since it spent half the match babbling, exposing his "all bark but no bite" aspect.

     This crazy thing happened. After that thing showed his tattoo of a spider to Kurapika, he freaked out and punched the other word for poop out of that freak. The strange thing, however, was Kurapika's eyes seems to have turned scarlet red. It was amazing. I thought for sure Kurapika killed his opponent, but it turns out that he was unconscious. Then Leorio went over to check on it. Afterward, they had some betting war. I didn't pay much attention to their conversations; since it was a bore to me.

     Next up, was Leorio... oh Leorio, was it necessary to examine that chick? And last, but not least, Killua. His opponent was a well-known serial killer who could yank off human flesh with his bare hands. This seems interesting. Let's see how it turns out. As soon as the match started, Killua dashed through the man and held something in his palm. A pool of blood colored the man's shirt where his heart was, and I mean was because the thing that was in Killua's hand was his heart. The white-haired assassin squashed the organ into pieces, then his opponent collapsed on the ground. My body shivered, and my cheeks became hot. My only thought was: he's fantastic. That's what I must do to him. A convict directed the group into the room behind the prisoners similar to mine because they had lost most of their time on the bet. The door where I was locked in tottered. Are you kidding me! If Gon or any of the others pop out of that opening, I'm going to punch him. When the door has fully opened a stranger walked into the room. And my fist immediately went towards the visitor; however, he stopped my attack by grabbing my fist. I stood there staring blankly at the newcomer as he kept holding onto my clutch.

"Well, aren't you a fast one." A man who was partially bald with spiky hair and round glasses said. "Pretty impressive for someone so young."

"Who are you?" I interrogated as I retracted my hand. Must be someone important since he has access to this room.

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