A Girl X Named X Mai

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     The blank expression of the elderly couple roamed in my thoughts as everyone stared at the sky where the airship once was.

"This was part of the exam. All of it." I commented to myself. "How could we let this happen?"

"A storm will be coming in less than 24 hours!" Someone informed. Everyone was grouped up, trying to figure out what our next step should be.

     Some figured that flying wasn't an option as well as sailing across the ocean because going against its lethal waves was chaos unless we had a bigger boat.

"Hey! Why don't we use this boat." Gon suggested as he gestured to the ship we were currently on.

     A few applicants objected, however, in the end, we all agreed on what areas to fix the ship. Kurapika took charge and managed us to report back in an hour. As everyone was working, I took the time to make a somewhat tank top out of a cloth, then removed my shirt and stored it away. I was sure that I would end up in the water eventually, so I took some precaution... I wouldn't want to make the water splashing on everyone toxic.

     After the hour, we all gathered back, and the bald ninja found the blueprints and manual of the ship. Everyone got their assignments, then Hanzo mentioned that the propellers of the vessel needed cleaning and of course Gon was the first to volunteer.

"Sounds like a lot of work, to me," Killua complained.

"It'll be fine, come on." Gon reassured him.

"Oh... all right," Killua said in defeat.

"Sounds like someone can't say no to Gon, " I teased, "Hey, Gon. Mind if I tag along too?"

     They both stared at me, probably involuntarily, due to my sudden change of outfit. I guess khaki doesn't suit me...

"Oh! So, how do I look?" I posed like a model to tease them.

"Uh..." Killua was speechless with a slight blush appearing on his cheeks.

"You changed clothes, that's awesome! Now you'll be able to swim more comfortably I bet." Gon commented. "Let's get going."

     We dashed to grab some spears then we were off to the edge of the boat, Killua glared at me. "Do you even know how to swim?"

"Nope," I taunted, then leaped into the water.

     Cleaning the propellers was a lot of work rather than challenging, but with the three of us working together it seemed to get the job done quicker. The sound of rumbling interrupted our concentration, and we glared across the ocean, knowing the storm was getting closer. I spotted Leorio in a diving suit at a lower level than where we were floating. We finished our task and swam back to the surface, as we arrived on deck a flash of lightning lit the sky. By reflex, I cowered behind Gon and tugged onto his shirt. Oh man, get it together Mai. I can't let my fear of lightning and thunder get in the way.

"Huh?" Gon tilted his head, then sent me a warm smile. "Don't be afraid; everything will be just fine."

     Oh, Gon. You have no idea how I've longed to hear those reassuring words from someone....

Beep... Beep

Oh, shut up "happy" meter!

"Typical for a girl to be afraid of lightning." Killua mocked. I glared at him, then threw a seaweed on his shoulder; in which he freaked out thinking that it was a worm. "Not cool," He snorted.

     When we reached the side of the ship, Gon informed that the propellers were clean. "What's going on, is Leorio back yet?"

     Hanzo dodged the questioned and faced the ocean.

"Don't tell me that he's still in the water!" I protested the obvious answer. "Do you not see the big twister in the middle of the sea!"

"Well, what do you want us to do!" Hanzo yelled in frustration, "That was the only diving suit we had!"

     Before I could even react, Gon quickly dashed to the water and leaped into the ocean. "Not this again!" Killua grumbled as he tried to go after Gon, but failed when Hanzo grabbed him. Killua glared at me and seemed to have read my mind. "Oh no, don't you dare do it, Mai."

     Of course, I ignored him and jumped in after Gon. The water felt rushed and unstable while I tried to locate Leorio; however, the flashes of the lightning stunned my focus, making my heart beat faster by the second. I'm useless here. I might as well go back. Gon will be fine. Shoot! What is it about him that makes me care and want to protect him so much?! The surface was crazier than being underwater; the currents swept me side to side then back beneath the superficial. I managed to grab onto a lower bar from the ship. Next, I climbed up the ladder and just when I thought I was going to see a hand reaching out to me. The end of a rifle greeted me as it pointed right to my face. Woah, this is a bizarre turn of events.

     It was nearly impossible to see who was at the other end of the weapon; though, the pistol gleamed after each lighting appeared, only making matters worse.

"Get out of my way!" I blindly growled since it was nearly pitch black. Oh man, I left all my weapons on the ship. I'll have to try and dodge... "Ahh!" I cried as a struck of lightning felt right behind me.

     I heard a click of the gun, then imagined the attacker's finger right on the trigger ready to pull it. "A-dee-os Atropa Belladonna."


     It was a deafening sound, three noises at once. His gunshot, bombs, and a struck of lightning. It all happened so fast; I didn't know in what order. A loud thump came from the floor of the ship, and I stared in awe at what had happened. Lightning fried the man to a crisp, meanwhile, the bullet seems to have landed onto the railing next to me. I've seen way more gruesome deaths than this, but I was petrified to see the man's condition and to know that he was still alive. He moaned and managed to steady himself on the rail. With his eyes entirely burnt, he attacked cluelessly and fell in the water.

     Right when I lifted my leg out of the water, something pulled my foot and dragged me back into the ocean. I struggled a bit as my assailant wrapped his beefy arms around me, squeezing every breath out of my lungs. Things began to feel fuzzy. Pieces of debris fell like rain, as soon as I spotted the right one I grabbed a sharp stone, then punctured it in the left side of his chest. That seemed to have finally killed him; his arms loosened up and I tried to swim back to surface dodging rubbish, probably from where the stone wall and ship emerged. Each size became bigger as they fell until finally I felt too feeble to move around a boulder and allowed it to push me deeper into the ocean. The harsh crash meant that I had reached the seabed. I can't believe I let this happen and all because I was afraid of a little thunderstorm... maybe it's for the best. I mean, would I have been able to kill Killua? If I didn't, then I would have been killed anyway. I'm not one to try and survive anyway. Come what may, I do regret one thing...

"And what's that?" Muh asked.

Getting a real goodbye kiss from Killua.

     I spotted a bright light and a shadowy figure. Maybe I'm getting saved... yeah right. It's probably a dark angel coming to drag me down to the underworld. Three bubbles flowing from my mouth was the last thing I remembered...

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