Exam Over X Not Yet X When

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     We walked back together to the site where everyone was already roasting their pigs. I've never done a roasted pig before, but I can make some delicious smoked fish. I guess I'll have to try a smoked pig; maybe it'll be alright. I tied the pig onto a stake and made it stand, having it surrounded by fire.

     Everyone carried their roasted pigs over their heads, rushing to be the first to serve their dish to the examiners. I had to drag mine by placing two logs under the boar on both sides, so my smoked pig wouldn't touch the ground. Our examiner, Buhara, devoured each pig one by one ignoring the fact that several of them were either burnt or undercooked. Soon there was a mountain of pig bones and a very filled giant. Menchi then banged on a gong announcing that the first part of the second phase has ended, although she seemed a bit disappointed at the other examiner.

"Are you honestly going to pass them all?" She whined to him, "Some of them weren't cooked properly. We are gourmet hunters, after all, we have a reputation to keep."

"I just came here for the food," Buhara replied with a sparkle in his eye.

"Fine, you have all passed this part of the phase." She declared as everyone cheered, "That is, all except one applicant who I cannot allow to continue with this phase."

Uh oh, I wonder who it is.

"You were asked to make a whole roasted pig, however," She tapped her index finger on her chin. "This applicant prepared a smoked pig, I'll admit it was clever, but it was not what Buhara asked for so you will not continue onto the second part of this phase."

     She darted her eyes at me, and soon after, all eyes were on me. I wish I were Medusa or something so that I can turn them all into stone. Menchi then began to walk over to me; I'm not sure why she already made it obvious I'm that applicant. When she stopped in front of me, she looked down on me. Well, I am quite short for my age probably about Gon's height and maybe Killua's if I'm on my tiptoes.

"Sorry, but applicant #98 has failed this phase and will not move on," She publicized. What was the point of walking over to me if she was going to announce it anyway? "Alright then, if you follow me I will tell you my dish you will need to prepare."

      Everyone walked behind Menchi except Gon and the others who were looking at me with sympathy. Oh great. They all wanted to say something but had no way of saying it. As for me, I'm not sure what I'm feeling. I mean... I don't care about passing this exam, so failing didn't matter to me. Even so, there was a knot stuck in my throat that made it hard for me to speak as well.

"What are you guys waiting for?" I managed to say with a croaky voice. "You'll miss the second dish."

     They all looked at each other waiting for a volunteer to respond then they looked back at me. For some strange reason, I felt an attachment towards Leorio and Kurapika. They looked at me as if I were a child they didn't want to leave behind. As for Gon and Killua, I was like a friend they didn't want to abandon.

"Fine! If you guys don't go, then I will." I say stubbornly walking to the big shed where everyone else went. "She never said that I couldn't stay and watch."

     A small smile appeared on their faces, expect Gon's who's smile was as big as always. We walked together to join the rest of the applicants where Menchi was about to tell us her dish.

"Your next dish will be sushi!" She said with a sparkle in her eye.

     All applicants were confused on what that dish was and looked it seemed like they were asked to fly to the moon. They scratched their heads, wondered about, and ended up asking for a hint.

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