Untold X Roasted X Smoked

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     He gave me a hard stare which meant that he wanted to talk with the guys alone. What does this guy want? I know the topic most likely relates to me, but why?

"Listen, pal, whatever you got to say to us; you can say it to all of us," Leorio argued, "including Mai."

     The guy with #53 grunted when everyone else agreed with Leorio. If the only way for him to talk is for me to leave, then so be it.

"Look, I know you don't have a reason to trust me but believe me, there's something you gotta know." Applicant 53 pushed on, "my name is Pokkle and..."

"I don't want to hear it!" Leorio kept debating, "Mai is staying, and that's final-"

"It's okay, Leorio." I interrupted him, "I understand. It's boy talk, that's why I can't be here. I'll just wait at the front, alright."

     I walked away, leaving five opened mouths and a bit of confusion. No matter, even if I'm away from them, I can hear clearly. Some of the skills I picked up when Muh takes over. Reaching the front gates, I drowned all noise from the crowd and listened on their conversation.

"There, happy?! She's gone, now what do you want!" Leorio demanded.

"To warn you guys," Pokkle replied. They were all quiet for a moment then Gon spoke after their silence.

"Warn us about what?" Gon asked.

"About applicant 98," I felt him pointing directly at me. I heard a faint gasp then their hearts were beating faster. The tension tempted me to turn around and shove a poison pill down his throat. His voice was familiar as if he were the guy that escaped Muh and now he's going to expose me.

"She has a name you know. She's not a thing." Killua said roughly. "And can you quit answering with short sentences."

"Yea! Enough with the small talk and tell us already." Leorio growled.

     Hmm... Kurapika has been quiet this whole time which means that he has an idea of what the guy is going to say. I mean, after all, he's the only one that's seen the violent side of me... after I kneed him.

"Ok fine, but listen carefully." Pokkle got a bit quieter, "that friend of yours is a psychotic killer who turns into some creature-"

"Is that all!" Leorio exclaimed, "you mean, all that mystery so that you can lie about sweet little Mai."

... Sweet.... Little.... oh man, Leorio wait till you see the other part of me. I'm starting to wish I hadn't joined their group; they're too naive.

"It's the truth!" Pokkle tried to convince them, "she tried to kill me! But I was able to escape. It was crazy. She was like a bloodthirsty thing craving for blood."

     He began to freak out and held onto his head as if that would help erase the memory. And yeah... I was peaking. My hearing can't be that accurate.

"You're crazy! You need some serious help!" Leorio accused him, "come on guys, let's go. I'm not going to keep listening to this crap."

     They all began to walk towards the gate, all except Kurapika who stood still in deep thought.

"Hey Kurapika, you coming? Come on!" Leorio called him.

     He snapped out of it and joined the rest of us. When they finally reached me, they tried to look natural as if someone didn't just tell that I was some killer. How sweet of them. I'll try to remember their kindness.

"Hey, guys, what's up." I greeted them.

"Not much... just waiting for the doors to open" Leorio answered and started whistling.

     When the clock struck noon, the grand doors began to open and behind them were two people: a giant man as tall as the doors and an average young woman with pink hair sitting on a couch. She had short shorts and a net-shirt along with a wicked hairstyle of pony-tailed buns. Meanwhile, the man looked normal, excluding his gigantic size. There was a sound of growling from his stomach in which they then presented themselves as gourmet hunters.

"My name is Menchi, and this is Buhara." The female informed, "we are your examiners for the second phase."

     We all looked dazed at the girl; however, I'm betting the other applicants were looking at something else. I wonder what the next phase will be? She's wearing sporty clothes, so maybe it's another physical test.

"Being gourmet hunters, some of you may have already guessed your next task." She stood, ready to announce our next obstacle, "the second phrase will be cooking."

Alright, cooking! Wait, did she say cooking?

"What, cooking?!" All men complained.

"This is how it's going to work" she started explaining, ignoring their complaints. "Both examiners will request a dish and you, the applicants, will prepare that dish and have us approve it."

"Listen, lady! I didn't take the hunter exam to become a chef!" A round man, applicant #255, argued.

"The second phase will be over once we can no longer eat." She kept informing, overlooking the applicants' tantrums.

Everyone kept complaining about the fact that they have to cook to pass onto the next phase, whereas Gon and the others had some confessing session about their cooking skills.

"Aww man, I can't cook anything," Leorio whined.

"I didn't expect a challenge like this," Kurapika added.

"Well, I can cook." Gon laughed, "macaroni and cheese!"

...oh boy, I sighed.

"What about you, Mai?" Kurapika asked.

"Hmm, well I've cooked for my master before. After his cook quit on him, of course." I say with a leaning position and my hands behind the back of my head.

"Y-your master? What do you mean?" He asked worriedly. Oh shoot, I have to watch my mouth.

"Did I say, master, I meant mommy." I laughed nervously, "they both sound so much the same, I get confused."

     Kurapika was going to say something, but the big guy was about to announce his dish. Good thing too because I think Kurapika was about to give me a grammar lesson.

"A whole roasted pig," He said with drool falling off his lip.

     Everyone looked confused on where to find the boars, then a loud sound of the earth shaking was heard. A stampede of large pigs came rushing through the applicants, sending them flying through the air. We all split up to catch our pig, but I was worried about how I was going to cook it; it was bigger than me. I chased one down until it smashed into a tree and it just shook away the distress. It had a broad snout kind of like a shield, which meant that it protects itself from collisions. When it came charging at me, I slid right under it and held my knife out to make a straight cut from its chest to belly. As soon as I was out from underneath, the creature fell to its side breathing away its last seconds of life. I walked over to it and felt accomplished to have taken down a huge boar, but the sight of the blood made me feel edgy. A strange urge implored me to completely slaughter the thing, cut it into pieces and see all the red liquid everywhere. My head looked down, and I knew that the shadow of my hair and hoodie covered my eyes. Anxiety began to consume me as my mind became foggy. Only one thing was on my mind: Killua Zoldyck must die, so that I may live.

"Mai!" A voice called out cheerfully, "you can knock them out by hitting their... head."

     He stopped at the sight of the pig and hesitated at the sight of me. It was a boy with spiky green hair, holding a fishing rod. Who is he? He looks so familiar, why can't I remember?

"I guess I'm too late." He laughed, then shined his bright smile, and it all suddenly came back to me... Gon. That snapped me out of it, suddenly the darkness vanished, but I know it'll return. I thought that only happens when... nevermind I'm back to normal, at least for now.

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