Through X The X Swamp

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"I see, I see" The creepy, yet amazing clown giggled to himself. "So you are the real examiner. Only a real hunter can dodge a basic attack such as that."

"I'll take that as a compliment" the examiner replies, "but any further attacks for whatever reason will result in disqualification. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." Hikosa, nope that doesn't seem right either, answered with a deadly expression in his eye.

"And besides," I added. "Anyone with a brain would know that the creature is still alive." Everyone gave me a dark look after my evaluation.

     As if by cue, the thing leaped back to life and tried to run away, but the clown freak threw his cards at it and killed it instantly.

"Also, when he said that his Hunter license was stolen, I knew he was lying." Kurapika pointed out.

"Oh yeah, why didn't I think of that." Leorio and the bald ninja agreed in embarrassment.

     Gon looked over at the creature and seemed sorry for it as a group of birds started eating its corpse. The examiner then explained how this is their nature. We die so others can live. Hmm, I kill so that I can live. Yup, that sounds about right.

"On we go then," the (real) examiner instructed already speeding forward.

     Gon walked over to me with Killua following behind him, having his hands in his pockets seeming shrewd. Killua stopped a few feet back while Gon continued until he was right in front of me.

"Hey Mai, wanna join us?" Gon ended his question with a nervous smile.

     Killua kicked a rock in the background and yelled that the group is going to leave us behind. I wonder if a different approach would be to make Killua fall in love with me? Ha! That's a big laugh. I'll just stick with Gon for the meantime. 

"Sure Gon, I'll join you," I say with a grin. Meanwhile, Gon had a confused look then returned to the same old smile.

"Great." He and Killua started jogging with me tagging along.

     As we ran, I noticed the thick mud we jogged on made running a bit harder, plus we were exhausted. Well, mostly the applicants. A faint mist started to form around us until it became a dense fog.

"We should head for the front. We can't lose the group." Killua suggested, "not with Hisoka close by." So that's his name!

"But why?" Gon asked, "what's wrong?"

"He's a blood-thirsty killer who's looking for his next victim."

"How do you know that?"

"It's his scent." I answered, "Killua has a similar scent, but he's very good at hiding it." Like me. Killua stared at me in annoyance that I stole his thunder.

"Well, you're nothing like him Killua." Gon confirmed. "I think you're amazing."

"You talk too much Gon" Killua grunted turning away. Ooh is that blushing I see!

"Hey Leorio, Kurapika!" Gon suddenly yelled. "Killua says that we should go to the front!" Man, for a small kid, he sure has a big mouth.

"Don't you think that if we could, we would've been there by now!" Leorio shouted back.

"Doesn't Gon know when to keep his mouth shut," Killua whined to himself.

     A short laugh escaped my lips, but I shut it as soon as I heard the beeping sound. I carefully checked my "happy" meter which was already blinking, meaning that one more will fill it up. As we got deeper into the swamp, the fog became compacted, making it harder to see who's beside you. A group of flying insects flew passed us, and some of its sparkly powder made several applicants fall asleep. We crossed by several people in cocoons; then I spotted some green lights in the distance followed by screaming.

"Hey guys, check it out," I say pointing out my discovery. "There's no one behind us."

"Leorio, Kurapika!" Gon exclaimed worriedly.

"Gon, you need to think about yourself right now," Killua advised emotionless. "The most you can hope for is not listening to the screams of your friends when they die."

     He's right about that. It's the worst sound, almost like torture. There was a distant shriek, and for a second I thought I was hallucinating.

"Leorio!" Gon cried as he ran towards the scream.

"Wow, what a dumb kid, he's going back to save someone else." The bald ninja remarked. Well duh, because your coward butt wouldn't do it.

"Oh no, Gon!" I cried as I tried to run after him, but Killua quickly grabbed my wrist.

"Mai don't." He stared at me in all seriousness. "It's too dangerous. Hisoka is out there."

"But what about Gon?" I asked holding back the anger of being restrained.  Wait, do I care about that kid?

"That was his choice." He replied still pulling me along with him. "He can take care of himself."

"Well..." I mumbled to myself thinking of my next move. "So can I!"

     I jerked my hand out of his grasp, and before he can grab hold of me, I dashed towards the direction Gon went. My focus was finding Gon but also, finding a place to fill up my meter. Maybe Muh will be satisfied with killing a few animals. Before my reaction can process it, I smashed into a wall-like figure that was running the opposite way. Ouch! We were both on the floor, and I held my head as I saw that the wall was in fact Kurapika. He seemed more worried than surprised to see me.

"Mai, what are you doing here?!" He questioned or should I say yelled!

"I was looking for you guys." I partly lied as he offered his hand to help me up like before.

"Well, it's not safe here!" He ordered me to go back to the group.

"Why do you care?" I asked, realizing on how so far, this group has done nothing but protect me. They have done actions that saved my life. I don't know how it can be possible, especially in the short amount we've  met, but I can feel it, they are... my friends. My eyes widened as I heard the last beep that held a long sound. Like the sound of a dying heart on the monitor. I glanced at my hand, and sure enough, it was glowing. Meanwhile, I already started to feel the stitches roaming inside me to reach my lips. It still confused me on why only my master and I can see the glow, but right now I have no time to explain it to Kurapika.

"Mai, are you listening?" He asked. Apparently, he's been talking this whole time.

"No, I wasn't. But I gotta go," I answered as I tried to flee although Kurapika grabbed my arm. Here we go again, why do guys do that? Because they feel in control? His hands gripped onto my shoulders, hard enough so I wouldn't run away.

"Listen, Mai, I don't want you to get hurt." He tried to reason with me. Well Blondie, if you don't let go of me, you're going to be the one to end up hurt.

"Let go of me Crapika!" I yelled.

     That seemed to have stunned him because his grip loosened up, which gave me the advantage to knee him in his stomach. He let go with an "Oof, " and I ran away from him as far as possible. My pace began to slow down as I began to lose control of my legs, then my arms, and eventually my whole body. I can feel my lips joining together, forming a smile. My vision became unclear, then cloudy, and finally, everything was completely dark. Now, I was unable to do anything except, listen.

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