Brains X Over X Brawn

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     I lost. This round goes to the lunatic who at first was a dreamboat but is now drowning in pain. I stared at the monitor, glaring at the row of hearts filled. But how?

"This match goes to the prisoners." The speaker announced.

     One point was added to the opposite side of where the guys were, all looking disappointed as a zero buzzed over their heads.

"We will proceed with the next prisoner and remember you must win 2 of 3 rounds." the loud voice informed. "But first, can you please release his foot."

     I scoffed, then I pushed the dagger in deeper before pulling the imprisonment out. Roy's shrieks ringed throughout the room, after struggling to stand up, he whimpered dragging his broken foot across the abyss. Passing him was another cloaked dressed convict, however a bit short and hunched. The prisoner limped across the path until reaching the center stage. His cuffs broke off; then he rubbed his hands that were too big to be a woman.

"You can do it, Mai!" Gon cheered for me loudly. Stop it. Stop cheering for me.

"How about less kissing and more kicking as..."

"Leorio!" Kurapika nagged.

     ...Shut up, all of you. Your encouragements will only make the damage bigger. Ugh, I can't think clearly. What's happening?

"You okay there, little girl?" an elderly man spoke.

"Huh?" I faced my opponent. 

     I hadn't even noticed he had taken off his cloak. It was an old man with a hard face and sharp features on all joints. His hands were bulky with veins popping out and his arms pumping with muscles. This man had a strong built, yet he had the figure of any old civilian. Something tells me I won't be kissing anyone this round.

"Enough sweet talk let's get down to business." He said, cracking his knuckles in ways I didn't think was possible, "this is how it's going to play out, you stand there I punch you, and I stand here you punch me. Got it?"

"Uh..." I stared blankly at him. "Run that by me again?"

      He sighed loudly, obviously annoyed, then coughed a few times before clearing his thoughts. A whirling sound echoed through the arena, and two pairs of cuffs appeared on each side on the platform. Uh oh.

"I am obviously an old man who can't move around much, whereas you being so young have the advantage of outrunning me." He informed still cracking his knuckles. "So we are going to take turns taking a whack at each other. And to make sure you don't run away, you will be chained by the ankles." That sounds lame.

"So, how do I win this match?" I questioned, "I'll feel bad if I had to punch on old timer." Good thing I just kill them instead.

"Simple, whoever surrenders first loses... or goes unconscious." He released a hearty laugh.

"Alright let's do this then" I respond shaking my hands.

"Wait!" Someone shouted.

     I groaned out loud, by accident.

"What is it?" I turned to see who the interrupter was.

"How can you accept a match with those conditions?" It was Leorio, with a worried expression. I've seen that face before, but where? "Let me take her place." No way! I want to beat this old man!

"I'm sorry, but this is her challenge. Therefore, no one may get involved. You all are here as observers only." Our loud informer's voice boomed from the ceiling.

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