Seeing X a New X Side

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     It all happened so fast that the thought of might being his target didn't cross my mind. We stood there having a staring contest until he slipped an envelope out of his sleeve. He giggled.

"It's not your badge that I'm after." He said coolly, "I'm here to deliver a note."

"From who?" I questioned, having a suspect in mind already.

"An old chum who I owed a favor for." He shrugged. "I didn't want to hold onto it any longer, so I'm handing it to you now."

"What is it?" I asked as I swiped the note.

"How would I know?" He seemed bored with our conversation. "I was supposed to give it to you before the final phase. So do me a favor and don't read till then. I'll be watching."

     He smiled, sending a chill down my spine. Then Hisoka ran back into the woods leaving me with the note. It almost felt like a dream. As if this whole scene, didn't just happen.

     For some reason, the letter tingled in my hand dispatching a sense of fear in my chest. I wonder if it's from... oh well. I shoved the note in my shorts for safe keeping.

     The rest of the day was pretty dull since I didn't try to find my target nor take any other ID badges. I collided with some of the applicants here and there. They attempted to attain my pin of course, but they just ended up getting paralyzed.

"This is lame." I sighed, as I reached a lake. "Looks like day one is over."

     The sun was setting, so I decided to find a spot to crash for the night. Whoosh My ear twitched to locate the sound.
Whoosh whoosh whoosh
That kind of sounds like-

"Hey Mai, it's you!" It was none other than Gon.

"I knew that swinging fishing rod sounded familiar." I greeted him. "What are you doing?"

"Well, you see... I don't know if you know this but... I got Hisoka's number." He acted nervously.

     I was speechless. To think that out of everyone, Gon got Hisoka. I didn't pity him because even though this challenge spooked him, I knew Gon was determined to take Hisoka's badge. I remained quiet and allowed him to continue.

"So, I was practicing how to catch a moving target." He gestured at the birds swooping in the water. "It's a little tricky, but I'll get the hang of it." He smiled then winced after gripping onto his rod. I quickly snatched his hand and observed it.

"Your hands are a mess," I say, pointing out his bloody hand due to the popped blisters. "Come here; I'll patch them up."

     I didn't wait for a response; instead, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him over to a tree. A stroke of déjà vu shocked me, but I brushed it off and took out some bandages.

"Where did you get those bandages?" He asked as I wrapped it around his hands. "Oww"

"I took them from Leorio," I answered, ignoring his sudden stare.

"How?" Gon asked more astonishingly than judgmentally.

     I chuckled. "I used to pickpocket a lot when I was younger. I think it was one of the first things I picked up pretty fast. I never stole anything. It was more to learn the skill of sneaking up on people." I shrugged.

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