First Phase X Physical X Psychological

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     He began to walk down the tunnel, and everyone followed him. I looked around to see if anyone had any suspicion of his action, but everyone had a some-what neutral expression, so I walked along with them. The groups of people around me made it hard to spot out Killua. However, I detected the other three with ease especially the blond guy who illuminated the most compared to his other two companions.

"Let me take a moment to remind you all that the Hunter Exam is extremely demanding, if you are unprepared you will be seriously injured," the curly mustache man began to announce again. "If you are all right accepting those risks then you may continue following me."

"Man, for a guy who doesn't have a mouth he sure talks a lot," I say to myself.

"Very well, the number of applicants is 404, at least for now." curly bush seemed to have mumbled to himself.

      He began to walk faster, and everyone seemed shocked at first then started to jog more quickly. Some of them were already out of breath, pathetic.

~~ 30 mins. later ~~

     I kept searching for Killua, except I would bump into people whenever I scouted behind me.

"Looking for me?" Someone said quietly, next to me.

     I jumped a bit from the sudden surprise and looked at the silver-haired boy with wide eyes. How did he...?

"I was, actually" I responded trying to match my pace to his skateboard. "I wanted to apologize for leaving so abruptly."

"It doesn't matter," he spoke in a careless manner. 

"My name is Mai, by the way," I said, "I'm twelve years old, but I'll be turning thirteen soon."

"Oh really," he murmured, then kicked the ground and rolled faster.

"Hey!" I shouted, "where are you going?"

     He didn't respond. Instead, he motioned me to follow him, so I did. I tracked his path, and it ended with the group that arrived last. We finally reached them, and I noticed that Tompa was running along with them. How is he still running? Killua jumped in front of the group, which surprised them. The boy with green spikes was impressed the most. Meanwhile, the man in the suit seemed mad about the skateboard. I quickly caught up with the pale boy and was next to the blond guy as well. The man's spectacles glanced at me and showed a curious expression then his attention was back at Killua.

"Hey kid that's cheating!" the man yelled at Killua across the green haired kid. Poor kid.

"No, it's not," Killua answered in an annoyed voice.

"And you!" he directed his attention to me. "There's an age requirement to enter the Hunter Exam, you know!" How old does this guy think I am?

"Yeah, and you're obviously way over that requirement," I replied with a smirk.

"What was that!" he yelled.

"Will you stop yelling," the blond guy requested in annoyance. "You're only wasting energy."

"Fine!" The man finally shut his mouth.

     I noticed Killua staring at me with an expression that was hard to determine whether if it was doubt or surprise of my comment. Just when I thought that we were going to jog in peace, the green kid began to speak.

"Anyway, my name is Gon." He introduced himself with an even brighter smile. "This is Leorio, and that's Kurapika."

     My cheeks mantled at his kindness, and I noticed that Killua was also stunned by it. So that's his name, Gon.

"So, what are your names?" he asked eagerly, "how old are you?"

"You want to know my name?" Killua asked in astonishment. He seemed stunned by Gon's curiosity.

"Well only if you want to tell me," he informed and once again ended his sentence with a grin.

     This kid might be a good use for later; he seems to make Killua nervous, which I can use to my advantage.

"My name is Mai," I answered, "I'm twelve years old."

"No way, me too!"Gon responded with excitement. Killua's eyes grew wide after discovering Gon's age.

     A while passed by and we were still jogging behind the examiner although, the old man Leorio was panting harder every minute. And that Gon kid wanted to stay close, so we were at the end of the pack. How can I pass the time, while remaining productive?

"You guys wanna race?" I asked and their heads lifted at the chance to escape boredom. "All the way to the examiner, Ok. One, two, three!"

     I began to dash forward, dodging people left and right. I leaped over a man on the floor who was catching his breath. This race will help me see their speed abilities. I started to remember the first time I found out my actual speed. My master was training me to escape any danger whether from people or vehicles. My concentration was to run faster than a racing car whereas, my punishment for being too slow was getting ran over. I learned a technique where I can run without making a sound, to sneak behind people at a blink of their eye.

    When I saw the examiner, I began to slow down to a jog, and I looked back to see how far they were. Killua caught up about a minute later then Gon arrived afterward. They both looked at me with wide eyes. I guess I showed off a bit.

~~ 3 hrs later ~~

     Three hours passed by since we returned to Leorio and Kurapika after our race. Leorio appeared to be on the verge of passing out. I almost felt sorry for him. Then I began to think about the purpose of this phase, there was no doubt that it was an endurance test, but looking at the ceiling made me question otherwise.

"Man, this tunnel seems to go on and on. How long have I've been running?" Leorio panted each word and almost looked hypnotized. That's it! A psychological test, surviving the unknown. He began to slow down.

"Maybe I'm not cut out for this," he remarked, then collapsed on the ground.

"Leorio!" Gon quickly stopped and was at Leorio's side.

     The whole group stopped and looked at Leorio out of breath and energy. He apologized to Gon and told us to continue without him. What a good idea.

"Leave him alone; he's finished." Killua suddenly instructed, the tone of his voice showed no sympathy.

"We can't just leave him!"Gon stubbornly responded. "He's my friend!"

"Friend?" Killua softly murmured.

     He almost behaved stunned at the word friend and stood there staring at the kind boy. All I can think of was the pain that Gon will eventually suffer if he keeps up with the whole friend thing. Friends only hold you back and cause many emotions, both in which hurt me. Tompa suddenly walked over to Leorio and helped him up.

"I know something that can help him." He said, leaving everyone confused. "Remember that sweet scent we passed by earlier? They are used by hunters to help them heal."

"But Leorio..." Gon tried to defend his friend but stayed silent knowing that he couldn't do anything else to help. He almost looked like a sad puppy.

"Don't worry; I'm used to this. There's a reason why I flunked so many times." He wrapped his arm around Leorio and boosted him up. "Because I'm a sucker for anyone in need of help."

     He began to drag Leorio, but I caught a glimpse of excitement in his eyes. "Sucker for anyone in need of help" my ass...assin. This guy is up to something, and I'm going to find out what it is. I began to shake my legs purposely and collapsed on the hard floor.

"Mai." Kurapika cried as he quickly ran to my side. "What's wrong?"

"Aww man, I guess I'm even more exhausted than I thought," I say with a shy laugh. "Hey Tompa, can I come too?"

"Well, you see..."He began to say nervously. "The scent is too strong for a kid like you. Therefore it would do you more bad than good. Just stay here and rest."

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