I'm X Not X Mai

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Kurapika's POV

     Mai quickly dashed down the corridor, leaving me with a thousand questions. As she reached the end of the hallway, her body seems to have been limping against the wall. I know that whatever it is she wants to show me is because she trusts me, and I won't let her down. Quietly, I walked along the walls until I reached the rim where I saw a muscular guy picking Mai up by her shirt.

"Hey kid, watch where you're going!" The man shouted right at her face. Her hoodie blocked me from seeing her facial expression.

     It boiled inside me, seeing him treat Mai like that. I would've already been pounding some sense into this guy, which didn't look hard to do considering his appearance as an amateur. That is until I heard giggling coming from Mai. As her abuser began to shake her violently, the veil fell off revealing her face only to the muscular man. He gasped and wore a petrified expression.

"What the!" He said alarmingly, "what's up with those stitches and your eyes..."

    Stitches? Eyes? What does he mean? Could it be... I can only see the back of Mai's head, so I did not know of her current appearance.

"I suggest you let go of me." A monotoned voice came from Mai, "You are interfering with my assignment."

     That voice... it can't belong to Mai. It was empty, yet sinister, only someone with no emotion can be the owner of it.

"Shut up!" The guy yells then drops her, "stop moving your mouth!"

      Mai plops onto the floor like a ragged doll, then she stood on her knees and kept her head down.

"Hey, what's going on here? What's with all the yelling?" Another guy, a young male, appeared from the other side of the area. He was scrawny and looked more corrupted than an actual human being. The boy noticed Mai right away and waited for the muscular man to answer. This can't be good; she won't be able to fight them both. "Whatever you do, don't let her see you..." Mai's warning repeated throughout my conscious. I stood still, trying not to move in and defend Mai.

"It's this freak. I mean look at her, someone like her shouldn't exist." The muscular man responded giving Mai a disgusted face. "Plus, she threatened me to put her down, isn't that pathetic!" He let out a hearty laugh, probably to recover some ego. Which in my opinion he never had.

"Me, a freak?" Mai said with the same colorless voice as before. "You should see your face. You look like someone who shaves with a chainsaw."

"Why you!" The brawny man raged, then picked Mai up again, this time by her throat. "Someone atta teach you a lesson, kid!"

"Teach me then," she countered, her voice not affected by the grip. "Class is now in session."

     The man's eyes widened in fear as Mai used both her feet to kick him in the stomach. He then released her, clutching onto his abdomen, cursing her with foul language. I unconsciously grasp my gut remembering how she kneed me. That was a powerful strike; not just any ordinary girl can attack like that. As soon as she landed on the floor, Mai quickly put on her hoodie, then vanished, immediately appearing behind the man, similar to Killua's move. She used her hand to strike him at the back of his neck, which made him collapse forward. The other boy only stood speechlessly, watching with a worried expression.

"Oh no, we're not done yet." She says to the conscious young man, "he's still clean."

     When Mai returned her attention to the unconscious man, the scrawny boy took advantage of her distraction and took out his weapons. He held a nunchaku in each hand stretching a string of chains, pointing at Mai. He began to swing them at high speed, swaying at different angles making the chains grow longer. From a short distance, the crook lurched a nunchuck at Mai still having her back to him.

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