Majority rule X Time is X Of the Essence

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     I landed in a dark room, which illuminated as I landed on the ground. Aw man, I can't believe I fell in a trap door. Ignoring the idea of climbing back up, I explored the four bricked wall room and found a cylinder stall at one end. It held six watches and a sign above with instructions saying that this was the path of majority rules.

"You mean I have to wait until five other applicants land here!" I complained aloud.

"Yes. You do." A speaker announced.

"What if I wear all six watches?" I asked the speaker, wherever it was.

"Then it wouldn't be a majority vote, now would it." The speaker responded, "just wait patiently until five other applicants arrive." The speaker then turns off.

"Well, I have no choice." I went over to sit at one of the corners.

     A few minutes later, I heard the cinder blocks shuffling, its loud sound rumbling throughout the empty room. I stood up, eager to move on with this phase. Four figures landed on the ground simultaneously, and I almost collapsed when I saw who they were. Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio. I don't even know if I should be happy or embarrassed to see them. After all, it probably looked like I tried to ditch them.

     They all looked awkwardly at each other as if they weren't expecting to arrive in the same room. I sheepishly walked up to the guys.

"Hey... guys." I greeted them.

"Wow, Mai you're here too!" Gon acknowledge my presence.

"Yup, looks like I can't get away from you guys even if I wanted to." I tried to laugh, making sure they knew I was kidding.

"Looks like your plan of escape backfired, since you're still here." Killua teased. I just glared at him. I wonder if this is another part of him that is unraveling.

"The path of majority rules. To reach the bottom, all six of you must vote to overcome the challenges you encounter." Kurapika read aloud from the sign.

     We each placed a watch on our wrist. The devices contained an X and an O button along with the time we had left.

"So, we're stuck here until another person comes along!" Leorio protested.

"You are correct. There are many ways to get to the bottom of this tower; each route has its unique challenges. I would like to take this time to welcome the five of you to the path of majority rules. You'll need to cooperate to survive, and I wish you all the best of luck." The speaker shuts off quicker than turning on.

"There are 71 hours and 18 minutes left," Kurapika informs. "All we can do is wait."

     We all sat down along the wall, while Leorio started pacing. He did that for two hours until he finally chose to stop and speak.

"It's been two hours, by now most of them would've found a way inside, don't you think! So, the only ones left are the morons who don't know what they're doing!"

     A brick begins shuffling, meaning that we were about to move on.

"Sounds like a moron is on his way," Killua commented.

     The amateur landed in the middle of the room and Leorio was the first to object. "Not you!"

"Hey, Tompa!" Gon greeted him.

"So the gang's all here, huh." Tompa chuckled then puts on the remaining watch. The door slides open as soon as the timer clicks. "Come on, follow me."

"Who does he think he is, the guy shows up last and now thinks he's the leader." Leorio ranted.

"Don't worry about it Leorio, at least we're moving." I tried a gentle approach.

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