Cloudy X with a Chance X of Eggs

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     The applicants looked like they were ready to beat her up and shouted about how this was a load of bull-poop. Once again applicant #255 yelled aggressively at her and attacked. Menchi was able to dodge his strike and even made him smash onto the ground giving him a nosebleed. Everyone was upset that they had failed the Hunter Exam and looked like a bunch of teenagers throwing a fit. Menchi began talking on the phone. I wanted to laugh at how she would yell at the phone.

"This isn't right; the exam shouldn't be allowed to end like this." Gon said sadly.

     Killua and I looked at him sympathetically as he put a sad expression that would make anyone depressed to see. And for once I wondered why he wanted to pass the Hunter Exam. Eventually, my curiosity spread for throughout the group, and I kept wondering, "what's the big deal about a Hunter license?" I don't know much about it, except that important people possess them. "What use can a kid like him have?" Better yet, what use can I do with one?

"I don't care! My decision is final!" Menchi continued to yell at the phone.

"I apologize about her," Buhara said in remorse of her behavior.

     The other applicants murmured among themselves saying that she was crazy and expressed their anger again. Maybe if I ask Gon directly, he can give me an answer because apparently, Killua isn't good with questions.

"Hey Go..." I said but stopped after not seeing the spiky-haired kid who was just next to me. Wha... where did he go?

     Killua pointed at Menchi and made a snickering face. I turned to see Gon take away Menchi's phone from her hand.

"Excuse me, can you hold on for a second?" He says into the phone.

     After her shocked reaction, Menchi took back the phone and yelled at Gon. Oh boy, Gon can you be any more admirable.

"I have to pass the Hunter Exam, or else I won't have the chance to meet my father," he pleaded.

... His father? That's why he's doing this? A knot suddenly formed inside my throat and I cupped it with my hand. This kid is going through all this trouble to meet his father, who for some reason he has never met. I looked at Killua who seemed to be in deep thought of Gon's mission.

"Well, I don't care!" Menchi responded. They began to discuss; however, it was mostly Menchi shouting at him.

     A loud crash sounded behind us, and we all turned around seeing applicant #255 smashing one of the sinks. He grumbled then insulted all Gourmet hunters by calling them pathetic and how all they do is sit and eat all day. Well, this seemed to have ticked Menchi remarkably because she was unusually relaxed, which are the dangerous types of anger.

"If it were up to me I would've broken your bones by now," Buhara stated. "Menchi though, she would cut you up and make a meal out of you."

"I would like to see that," Killua and I said mischievously.

     Menchi stood up and was suddenly holding a knife in both hands. She ordered us to watch and learn from the demonstration she was going to give us. As she walked out, we all followed her and saw her leap into the air disappearing at an instant.

"Now what?" I ask, already getting bored.

"Well, she said that she'd return in an hour, so I guess we just wait here," Kurapika responded.

     Even though he spoke in a serious tone, he still manages to show a small smile that reveals kindness. As if to ruin the moment, I heard the beeping from my "happy" meter. It was beeping earlier, but I tried ignoring it. However, now it was on the verge of being filled. Kurapika noticed the sudden worry on my face and looked concerned, so I tried to look natural.

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