Conclusion X Ending X The story Ends Pt.1

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"Ok, Gon. Tell me everything that happened before the final exam."

"Not until you tell what happened to Mai and Killua." Gon pouted at his questioner.

     The examiner, from the first phase, sighed. "Before I tell you what happened, I wish to know if any circumstances occurred beforehand that could have lead to this... situation."

     Gon's expression displayed nothing but worry. He didn't know what took place after he passed out from his fight with Hanzo. The examiner sat on a chair aside Gon, who was sitting up on the bed.

"Well, to be honest, Mai wasn't herself when the fourth phase ended." Gon muffled as he remembered the harsh words that Mai had said to them. A reassuring hand on his shoulder made him nervous.

"It's okay, Gon," Sototz said quietly. "Take your time."

      Gon let out a huge breath. "Alright."

~~~~ Three days earlier ~~~
Gon's POV

"That's the end of the fourth phase," an announcer called from a blimp that was arriving. "All applicants, please make your way to the landing site. You have one hour and one hour only."

      Well, this is it. It's all over. Next, is the final phase. I'm ready.

     Once I was on the airship, I found Killua. His mind seems to be wandering off, but as soon as he saw me, we ran to one another. Then we greeted each other with a high-five.

"All right, you did it," Killua said happily.

"Yeah so did you," I responded. It was probably no big deal for Killua to get his target.

"I had no problem getting these." Killua displayed his badges. Yup, I knew it. "How about you?"

      I frowned since I didn't know how to tell him. "Well, it was kinda-"

     Killua interrupted with a laugh. "I bet you had to get your six points by going after three random applicants. Am I right?" He continued before I could answer, "Oh well, I can't say I blame me. After all, your target was Hisoka, and it would take more than a lifetime to take his badge."

     Maybe it would be easier if I show him. "Here it is." I displayed Hisoka's badge to Killua.

"No way! You actually got Hisoka's badge!" Killua's jaw dropped.

"Yeah I did, but that wasn't all that happened." My gaze fell to the floor as I remembered the whole event. It was terrifying. I was useless, with no way of doing anything.

     Killua was talking this whole time, but I was too distracted with my thoughts.

"Well, uh, he kinda gave it to me." I partially told the truth.

     That only confused Killua, "he gave it to you?"

"Ah, it doesn't really matter," I decided to brush the subject off.

"I don't get it, what do you mean?" Killua insisted, then realized my discomfort on the subject. "Well if you don't want to tell me, I guess I can't force you to."

"Maybe some other time, alright." I tried to smile. Killua is such a good friend.

"Yeah. Whatever happens, all that matters is that we passed. We both made it this far and now we should make a strong finish." Killua encouraged me. "All you got left is the final test." Speaking of passing.

"Hey Killua, do you know if Mai passed the fourth phase?" I asked worriedly. "I didn't see her get on the airship and the last time I saw her was... was during the fourth phase."

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