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*Mackenzie's POV*

I laid out flat on the grass staring at the beautiful night sky above me with a cup of alcohol balancing on my stomach. Stars twinkled, clouds covered the moon just enough, music blasting, and people laughing. It was that or I was just drunk. Someone stood above me and looked down at me "Now what are you doing on the grass, Macky?" Shawn chuckled and pulled me up. He held a beer bottle and put his flannel on me and fixed my shirt "You shouldn't show too much skin like this" he said sternly and looking at me.

I looked down at what I was wearing: low top Converse, white hi- waisted jeans, a read Vans shirt that I made with light holes everywhere, and a beanie. Woah my boob's look nice. "I see your problem, your just jealous that I might get laid tonight and it won't be you" I slurred at Shawn and fixing my clothes and Shawn's flannel.

"No. My problem is that you won't remember what happened and you'll be taken advantage of and worst you won't even know it" Shawn started to get angry and walked over to the couches. I sighed and stood there.

I saw Cameron dancing with some girl, Taylor stumbling around and laughing, and Nash talking with a girl on the bench. "Having fun" some guy walked up to me and smiled with his arm around me "If no one told you yet, but you look beautiful."

"Get away" I said back watching people play beer pong. He faced me and kissed my neck and let his hands roam my body. "Get off!"

His hand left and I heard him grunt "Hands off her. Stay away from her too" I heard Shawn's voice and turned around. The guy laid on the ground and Shawn faced me "You okay, Macky?" he looked at me with hand on my cheek and another on my waist. I nodded and looked like in the eyes "Do you wanna go back home now?" I nodded and a tear slipped "Your okay, I'm here now."

He grabbed my hand and lead me away from the party and we walked towards my house. I looked and none of the cars were here "No one is home, do you wanna stay? I don't want you walking five blocks drunk alone." Shawn nodded and I pulled him inside. We went straight to the kitchen for bread and water "I'm sorry about earlier, what I said. I wrong to say that to you."

Shawn smiled lightly and walked over "It's fine. I just wanna make sure your safe." I hugged him and he carried me upstairs to my room and tossing me four feet away from my bed onto it as I laughed. Shawn took off his shoes, jeans, and shirt leaving him in boxers "Like what you see, cutie?" he smirked.

I laughed "Being honest fuck ya" and kicked off my shoes, Shawn pulled my shorts off after I got too lazy when it got to my knees, and took off the muscle tee and the flannel back on. I loved the way Shawn's clothes smelled like him. I was only in black underwear and bra from Pink. I got under the covers and he got in after me, we readjusted so we were cuddling each other and comfortable. "I have no clue why I would say that, I mean I'm a virgin still" Shawn was quiet and his eyes closed. "Does it hurt?"

He opened his eyes and looked at me, he pushed my hair back, then rubbed my back softly. I sighed and moved closer "Well, yes. It's because your sticking a pretty big dick into a vagina hole that's small but expands. Whenever you do have your first time you'll like it once you adjust to the feelings." I nodded and wrapped my arm around him "Let's go to sleep now, we will talk in the morning."

I groaned and buried my face to his neck and Shawn kissed my head. "Good night, Shawnsty..." I kissed his neck in return and he instantly pulled me closer.

"Good night beautiful" I closed my eyes and thought about just life and how everything is going. I rolled over so my back was to Shawn and he pulled me closer closing the space between us. We were spooning

This Can't Be// Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now