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Name: Roseline Taylor DiMera.

Nickname: Rose.

Age: 23.

Hair colour: Ankle length wavy raven black.

Eye colour: Electric blue.

Favourite colours: Black and pink.

Likes: Reading, training, ramen, dogs, weapons, annoying Kakashi, her friends Anko, Itachi, Kurenai and Tsunade, singing, art and relaxing.

Dislikes: Fan girls, arrogant people, cocky people, loud people, mushrooms and Kakashi.

Personality: She is sarcastic, kind hearted, smart, beautiful, nice, friendly, artistic and creative.

Ninja rank: ANBU Black ops and S-rank. Strongest konoichi. She became ANBU at the age of 7 and at the age of 12 she joined the fourth hokage's team and at the age of 15 she went back to being an ANBU and at the age of 16 she became head of the ANBU black ops.

Powers: Lighting, Earth, Water, Wind, Fire nature.

Kekka genkai: Shadow bending, Cristal bending, blood bending, Ice bending, snow bending, darkness bending, light bending, wood bending, rinnegan, sharingan and byakugan.

Summing animals: Foxes, wolfs and Snow owls

Living relatives: Her niece Scarlett DiMera that is the same age as Sasuke. Scarlett hates Sasuke with her whole being. The rest of her clan was slaughtered by Orochimaru.


I was coming back from a mission when AMBU people stopped me. "The hokage would like to speak to you Rose." Raphael said. "Sure. Do you know what about?" I asked him. "I'm sorry but the hokage will have to tell you." Raphael said and with that I poofed in front of the hokage's door. I knocked on the door and heard the hokage say, "Come in." I walked in and was greeted with the third hokage. I walked and stood in front of him. "You wanted to see me hokage?" I asked and he nodded. "Rose I'm sorry to tell you but while you where gone Orochimaru attacked your clan to get to you and when he found out your were not there he kill you whole clan. The only one that survived was Scarlett your niece. She is waiting for you in the hospital. She got a minor injury but she hasn't stopped asking for you." The hokage said and I nodded.

I needed to be strong for Scarlett. "Is the whole DiMera compound ruined?" I asked the hokage. "No for some reason your house was left alone since you aren't staying with your parents." The hokage said and i nodded. "May I see her." I asked and the hokage nodded. "Then I ask permission to take her home with me so I can take care if her." I said. "Permission granted." The hokage said and I left to go to the hospital as fast as I could. Once I reached the hospital I asked the nurse where Scarlett was. As walked in to her room I ran and hugged her tight. She started crying in my shoulder while I cried with her. After some minutes of crying she calmed down. "It will be alright Scarlett. I won't let anything happen to you. You will be staying with me. Now what do you say we go home?" I asked and gave her a small smile. She nodded and we went home. After a year I went to go training for three years and promised Scarlett that I will be back soon.

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