Chapter 24: Informing Kurenai, Anko, Itachi, and Scarlett.

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Tsunade's P.O.V

I called one of my ANBU -Scarlett- and told her to get Kurenai, Anko and Itachi. They all arrived and Scarlett was on her way to leave when I stopped her. "You're going to want to hear this to Scarlett." I said and she stopped and stood next to Kurenai. "I got a note from Rose and she wanted all of you to hear it." I said and they gasped. "You ready." I asked them and they nodded. "Okay here goes:

'Dear Tsunade

Sorry that this is the first time I'm writing you a message. It's just that thing are very busy here where I am. Sorry that I can't tell you where I am. But Haku informed me about some of the things that happened in the village. Congratulations with you and Jiraiya's marriage. I'm sorry that I wasn't there. I really wish that I was. I also heard that Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Shikamaru, Ino, Chouji, Lee, Neji, Ten Ten,Hinata, Kiba, Scarlett and Shino became jonin. Please tell Anko that I say congratulations on finding out that she is pregnant and to Kurenai about the twins. I heard it's a boy and a girl.

I also heard that Itachi and Shizune are engaged, please give them my regards. I also heard that Naruto and Hinata are dating. Shikamaru and the chick from the sand Temari are also dating, Ino and Kiba are dating, Ten Ten and Lee are dating. I also heard that they all were wandering what happened to me because a week after we left Naruto can to the compound to see me and when he realized you were gone he went to that stupid Hatake!! The whole team 7 went to see the you and when you said that we left the village for a mission Hatake didn't believe you.

So they got Ino to get the information about us leaving and then they went on a mission to get us back but was stopped by ANBU and escorted to your office and then you said that we went on training and didn't say when we would be back. They left it at that. I want to thank you for not telling them what you know. I miss you guy a lot. Maybe we will see each other in the further until then goodbye and good luck Tsunade.

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