Chapter 22: Alliances.

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Roseline's P.O.V

"Hello Otokage. What brings me the honor of having you visit my village?" I asked the Otokage. "I came here to make an alliance with the flower village." The Otokage said and gave me a scroll. I carefully read the scroll before I signed it. "If you ever need anything just let me know." I said and smiled. "Like wise but I have a favor to ask. I was wandering if it was possible if you could send some of you medical ninjas to train mine. We have a shortage on medical ninjas and there are people in my village that can do it I just don't have the ninjas to teach them." The Otokage said.

"Of course. And my I know your name?" I asked and she smiled. "I'm Angelique Collins but you can call me Angie." Angie said and we were shaking hands. "I'm Roseline Taylor DiMera but you can call me Rose." I said. "Melody please go get Victoria, James, Teresa, Thaddeus, Dimitri and Charlotte and tell them I want to see them." Melody said and left the room. After awhile all of them arrived in my office. "You wanted to see us florakage." Charlotte said and nodded. "Yes. This is Angie the Otokage and our new ally. She needed help in training her medical ninjas so I want you four to do it." I said and James, Victoria and Teresa nodded. "Okay. You may go." I said and they bowed and left with the Otokage.

"Now Thaddeus I want you to go to the Land of Music, Dimitri I want you to go to the Land of Waves and Charlotte I want you to go to the rain village and give this scrolls to the people in charge. Dismissed." I said and they left. "Melody do you have any reports for me?" I asked her. "Yes ma'am. The genin are doing good at the academy and the jonin just wanted to know when they are getting their teams. The chunnin wanted to know when they can take the jonin exams and Zabuza and Haku wanted to talk to you about something." Melody said and I nodded. "Could you book me a table at the sushi restaurant and tell Haku and Zabuza to meet me there at 19:00 tonight." I said and she nodded. I turned back to my paper work and continued working.

***19:00 that night***

Haku's P.O.V

Me and Zabuza were waiting for Rose to tell her something big. Once she finally arrived we orders food and started talking. "So why did you guys want to see me in private?" Rose asked and Zabuza laughed. "Why do you asked that Rose?" Zabuza asked. "Because this no ordinary meeting among friends and it all has nothing to with the village because then you would have came and talk to me in my office. So I know it's personal." Rose said. "As clever as always Rose." Zabuza said and laughed. "Yes I am that's why the village is one of the biggest and best after just 5 months. So what is it?" Rose asked in a monotone.

"It's about Konoha. Scarlett became jonin along with Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Shikamaru, Ino, Chouji, Lee, Neji, Ten Ten, Hinata, Kiba and Shino. Kurenai in now 8 months along in the pregnancy and is expecting twins - a boy and a girl. Anko and Ibiki are also expecting a baby. Tsunade and Jiraiya got married and Itachi and Shizune are engaged. Naruto and Hinata are dating. Shikamaru and the chick from the sand Temari are also dating, Ino and Kiba are dating, Ten Ten and Lee are dating." I stopped as the waiter arrived with our meals.

"They all are wandering what happened to you because a week after we left Naruto came to the compound to see you and when he realized you were gone he went to Kakashi. The whole team 7 went to see the hokage and when she said that we left the village for a mission Kakashi didn't believe her and they got Ino to get the information about us leaving and then they went on a mission to get is back but was stopped by ANBU and escorted to Tsunade's office and then she said that we went on training and didn't say when we would be back. They left it at that." I said and Rose nodded.

"Ah even after that she didn't tell them. Okay. I'm gonna let her know that we are fine and then Haku I want you to deliver the message to her as soon as you can and don't let the others see you." Rose said and I nodded. "Can we talk about something that doesn't involve Konoha?" Rose asked and we nodded and began talking about the village. We enjoyed the evening until we hears someone taping on a mike. "It's time for Karaoke everyone. Each table must pick someone to sing." Jarod the owner of the restaurant said.

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