Chapters 8: Deciding to become friends.

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Roseline's P.O.V

It took us a full hour to find the cave where Sebastian was. As we stood in front of the entrance I looked at my team. Once we entered the hide out of Sebastian's captors we were attacked. The leader of the ninjas stepped forward and looked at me. "Looks like we hit the jackpot today boys because we have another royal here. Roseline Taylor DiMera if I'm correct. I'm John by the way." John said and I stepped forward.

"Where is Sebastian?" I asked him. "Right here." John said and they brought him forward. "Nice to see you Rose." Sebastian said. "I can't say the same because once we are out of here I'm going to kick you ass into another world. Do you know what you just got yourself into and yet again I'm the one that has to save you." I yelled at him and my team took a step back and I saw Sebastian's eyes widen. "Now, now Rose no need for that." He said trying to his behind his captors.

"That's it. This ends now so that I can kick your ass!" I yelled and slammed my heel in the ground and the ground broke under all of the captors and then I used my earth style and buried them. I walked over to John and he looked at me petrified. "Would you mind moving so that I can kick his ass?" I said but there came no response form John. "If you keep standing in my way then I'm going to kick your ass." I said and he then stepped aside.

I grabbed Sebastian by the arm and pulled him in for a hug which he returned. "Still works like a charm I see." Sebastian said and I smiled. "You know it does. They don't expect much from a beauty like me so evey time I kick their asses." I said an turned around. Looked at Kakashi and the rest of my team. "If you want he's all your. You can release those other ninjas and do as you please with them. I'm taking Sebastian home and Sakura is coming with me in case of an attack. If your done here meet me and Sakura in my room." I said and Kakashi nodded.

***30 min later***

Sakura's P.O.V

That was so awesome. I was walking with Roseline-sensei and prince Sebastian towards the castle. "So who is this girl with you Rose?" prince Sebastian asked. "This is Sakura Haruno. She is one of the members on my and Hatake's team and my apprentice." Roseline-sensei said and then prince Sebastian frowned. "I never imagined that this would happen. Anyways what is the story with you and Kakashi since you came back to the leaf?" prince Sebastian asked. "The usual. He calls me DiMera and I call him Hatake or scarecrow. Sure we don't like each other but we have one thing in that we both like. We have an amazing team that we would give our lives for." Roseline-sensei said with a bright smile.
I noticed that the prince blushed as she smiled at him.

'So he also like Roseline-sensei. Now we have a little problem.' Inner said.

'We sure as hell do. What are we going to do? We can't let them be together. It would break Kakashi-sensei's heart.' I said feeling sorry for Kakashi-sensei.

'We have to stop them from falling in love. Besides Roseline-sensei and Kakashi-sensei fit together better then she and the so called prince Sebastian would.' Inner said.

'Your right.' I said and looked one last time at the prince before we went into the castle and waited for the guys in Roseline-sensei's room.

Naruto's P.O.V

That was so awesome. Roseline-sensei didn't even use much of her chakra and she took out 20 ninja at once. "Kakashi-sensei why can't you be as cool as Roseline-sensei? First you got your ass kicked by a girl an now you had to watch her do all the work. Am I right teme?" I said and Sasuke nodded. "For once I agree with the dobe. Sensei she is saving you where it should be the other way around." Sasuke said and we dealt with the ninjas that we freed and the leader of the group.

We then began to head back to the castle. That's when I remembered something. "Why is Sakura Roseline-sensei's apprentice? What about the rest of us?" I asked. "Come to think of it Sakura has changed. She isn't as clinging as before. Sure she greets me and all but that's all." Sasuke said and I thought about it. "We will find out when we reach Roseline-sensei's room." I said as we entered the castle grounds. We all walked to our rooms and put our things away and took a shower.

Kakashi's P.O.V

I walked to Roseline's room and entered without knocking. I wanted to talk to her about something important. "Roseline we need to talk about..." I said but trailed off when I turned around and saw Roseline in only a towel. Her legs showed and glittered as the water ran down her legs. I could feel a slight nose bleed and a slight blush in my checks underneath my mask. "Hatake what is wrong with you?! You can't just come to my room and enter without knocking! You are such a pervet! What are you doing in my room anyways?!" Roseline yelled and went to her closet and quickly changed into a tight black dress that fitted her figure perfectly. It ended mid thigh and showed every single curve on her body.

"Sorry I didn't mean to come in without knocking. I just wanted to talk about something." I said with a heavy blush. "Could you please pull my zip up Hatake? While you zip my dress up I will listen to what you wanted to say to me." Roseline said and I zipped up her dress I put her hair back in place. Her hair feels so soft. "I wanted to ask why you took Sakura as you apprentice?" I said as she walked back to her closet and put I pink high heels. "I took her as m apprentice because she is strong and needs some guidance. You might have been the sensei before I arrived and I don't know how you guys did but since I was here I saw Sasuke and Naruto wanting to out preform each other and get stronger and they did and I have no problem with that but what about Sakura? She is being left behind while they reach their dreams. I know how that felt so I am going to help her because she will be amazing someday." Roseline said as she came out of her closet and smiled.

"You know she is very greatfull and happy. I might not have noticed it but now I do now. Thanks again DiMera. I am glad you joined our team. So for the sake of them I'm going to try and be more nicer to you." I said and smiled. "I will too for them." Roseline said and smiled. "You know Hatake you should go get ready and put on the suit on you bed. We are having some kind of party." Roseline said and I nodded. I went to my room to get ready.

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