Chapter 26: Kakashi gets tortured.

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Tsunade's P.O.V

After Rose put Kakashi in genjutsu she cast I knew that we wouldn't get him out off there. "Should we not help him my lady?" Shizune asked and Mei shook her head. "There is nothing are can do for Kakashi now. The move Rose just did was her eye torture jutsu. Since she has the sharingan, byakugan and rinnegan it became fatal. The moment Kakashi looked into her eyes he was captured. We can't help him. We just have to hope that she will have mercy on him and that he has a strong mental state. What happened between them anyways?" Mei asked.

"Rose and Kakashi were dating. We all thought that they would get married because they were the perfect couple. She always used to smile then. One day there came a woman to the village and asked if she could stay. I said yes but now I regret ever saying yes. Anyway the woman's name was Juliana. She became obsessed with Kakashi. When he came back from a week long mission he went to see Rose. She told him to meet her at his house. Rose went and bought sake so that they could celebrate her return to team 7." I took a shaky breath.

"When she arrived at his house Juliana and Kakashi were making out. Juliana told Kakashi that Rose was seeing another man. That night they broke up. We had a fight with Juliana and Kakashi. When Rose won Juliana had to leave. Rose never smiled again. The following week the villagers kept pitting her and when she had enough she told me, Itachi, Anko, Zabuza, Haku, Kurenai and her niece Scarlett that she was leaving. Haku and Zabuza left with her and that was the last we heard of her until she sent us a note." I finished and looked at the table.

"That may be so but when Rose arrived at our village and asked to became our kage I saw it in her eyes that she did it because we were suffering. She promised us that she would protect us and I knew she wasn't lying. Sure she doesn't smile much but everyone in the village can see that she is happy especially when she is talking to the children. We all will forever be grateful to her, Haku and Zabuza." Melody said and smiled.

Roseline's P.O.V

"I hope your ready Hatake." I said. "Almighty push." I yelled and slammed him into a wall. "Wood style: wooden cross." I said and Kakashi was bound to a cross. I pulled out my sword and stabbed him five times. I jumped back and pulled out my fan. I fully opened my fan so that all three sakura's showed. I swing it and a wind blade hit Kakashi. I took out serbon needles and hit him. Kakashi screamed.

"You know Hatake. I never wanted to do this but you caused this. It's because of you that I don't show emotions or let anyone get to close to me. Evey time someone asked me out I would remember all the stuff we did together and then I remember all the pain you caused me. I just want the pain to stop. So I'm going to end the pain along with you. You are after all the reason I feel the pain." I said and broke the jutsu.

"Rose, Kakashi are you alright." Shizune asked. "I am but he won't be." I said and everyone looked at me. "Rose please tell me your not going to used that jutsu." Haku said. "I am Haku. If he is gone then so will all the pain be. Goodbye Hatake it was good to know you. Dark style: Death kiss." I said as a tear rolled down my check. "I will always love you Rose. No matter what." Kakashi said. "That's why I have to end it. I have to end all my pain that you caused. Maybe someday I will forgive you but not now." I said and stepped closer. "Sorry Rose. As you best friend I have to stop you." Haku said. "What..." I said but was cut off when everything went black.

Melody's P.O.V

Haku stopped Rose before she could kill Kakashi. Shizune ran to heal Kakashi but he stopped her. "I deserve this pain after everything I put her through. My lady can I go back to our room?" Kakashi asked and Tsunade nodded. He teleported to their room. "Melody would you get the info for Rose. I'm going to take her to her room." Haku said and I nodded. He left and and I looked at everyone else. "Shell we continue then?" I asked and they nodded. "Kage of the rain village please introduce yourself." Tsunade said. Pain and Konan took off their hats and very one was shocked.

"Members of the Akatsuki." Mei said. "Not anymore. You see I'm went to Rose to make an alliance with her. As time went by the Akatsuki ended and everyone got their tailed best back. My true name is Nagato. I also poses the rinnegan. To my left is my wife Konan. All the Akatsuki members are in my village as jonin or ANBU." Pain or Nagato said.

After the summit I returned to Rose and Haku. As I walked in I saw Rose beginning to wake up. "What happened?" Rose asked and I sat next to her. "You almost killed Kakashi, my lady. You said and I quote 'How dare you call me that after every fucking thing you did to me! It was because of you that I left my only living relative and told her to not restore the DiMera clan and that I would. You were the reason I forbid Tsunade, Itachi, Scarlett, Kurenai and Anko to tell anyone where I went! You were the reason why I didn't tell them where I was, not even in the letter! You were the reason why I never made contact and broke all connections and bonds with the leaf village and the you dare and call me Rose! You really have a death wish! That's fine! It will be my pleasure to kill you!'" I said and Rose nodded.

"Haku pressed a pressure point and you passed out." I said. "Thanks Haku. Is there anything I must know about the summit Melody?" Rose asked and I nodded. "Raikage apologize for underestimating you and Mei wants to set a date so that you can catch up. Tsunade also said that somewhere in the week she would send a ninja to our village with a important scroll. They excepted that Nagato is in charge of the rain village." I said and Rose nodded. "I'm going to go to my room to get some rest." Rose said and went to her bed.

Kakashi's P.O.V

After I left the summit I went to my room and cleaned all the blood off of me. 'How dare you call me that after every fucking thing you did to me! It was because of you that I left my only living relative and told her to not restore the DiMera clan and that I would. You were the reason I forbid Tsunade, Itachi, Scarlett, Kurenai and Anko to tell anyone where I went! You were the reason why I didn't tell them where I was, not even in the letter!' I took a deep breath.

'You were the reason why I never made contact and broke all connections and bonds with the leaf village and the you dare and call me Rose! You really have a death wish! That's fine! It will be my pleasure to kill you! You know Hatake. I never wanted to do this but you caused this. It's because of you that I don't show emotions or let anyone get close to me. I just want the pain to stop. So I'm going to end the pain along with you. You are after all the reason I feel the pain. If you're gone then so will the pain be. Goodbye Hatake.' Rose's words kept repeating in my head as I went to my bed. As I went to sleep I saw her face with a single tear rolling down before she almost killed me.

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