Chapter 20: Rose fights Juliana and Tsunade fights Kakashi.

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Scarlett's P.O.V

I walked to the hokage's office and knocked on the door. "Come in." Lady Tsunade said and I walked in. "Ah Scarlett what can I do for you?" Lady Tsunade said. "Lady Tsunade Rose asked if you could cancel any missions she might have today and tomorrow." I said and Lady Tsunade looked shocked. "Roseline never cancels any mission unless something happened. Did something happen Scarlett?" Lady Tsunade asked me. "All I know is that she came home in tears and when I asked her what's wrong she said that she and Kakashi-sensei broke up. She didn't even want me to come in her room." I said and Lady Tsunade looked more shocked. "I go talk to her tomorrow. Your dismissed." Lady Tsunade said and I bowed and left.

*** The next day***

Tsunade's P.O.V

I walked to the DiMera compound to talk to Rose because I was worried about her. There must be a reasons why she broke up with Kakashi because I knew she loved him. I got to her house and knocked on the door. Scarlett answered the door and smiled. "Good morning Malady what can I do for you today?" Scarlett asked and I smiled. "I came here to see Roseline." I said and Scarlett nodded. "Rose is at the training grounds, she left early this morning." I nodded and walked to Rose's training ground. Once I arrived there I saw that Rose was busy with her taijutsu training.

"Hi Rose. Scarlett told me you wanted to cancel you mission today so I asked her why and she said that you broke up with Kakashi why?" I asked as I reached her. Rose stopped and looked at me. "I don't want to hear his name ever again." Rose said with an emotionless face. "Do mind telling me why?" I asked and she sighed. "You know that Kakashi come back from his mission yesterday and came to my house. I then told him to meet me at his house and he left. I wanted to tell him the news about me being back on the team 7 so I bought a bottle of sake. When I arrived at his house the front door was opened and when I walked in I saw him making out with Juliana on the couch..." Rose took a deep breath and continued.

"I let the bottle fell and they looked towards me. Juliana had a smirk plaster to her face and Kakashi was shocked that he got caught and I ran home with him following me. The he tried the line form and I quote 'It's not what it looks like. Just let me explain.' I told him to have a novel life and broke it off." I was shocked and furious at the end and I'm pretty sure you could see the steam coming out of my ear. "Kakashi, Juliana get you asses here right now!!!!" I yelled and the appeared in front of me.

"How could you do this?" I yelled at Kakashi. He was about to answer when Juliana stepped forward. "Lady Tsunade it was not Kakashi's fault that Rose was unfaithful and that he fell in love with me." Juliana said and I started laughing my ass off. "That was so funny. Nice joke Juliana but I have known Roseline since we were in the academy together and she would never do that. Now I have something for you and Kakashi." I said and Juliana got curios. "What is that?" Juliana asked.

"You're going to fight Roseline. If she wins then you leave the village because I'm in no need if someone that would lie just so that she can gets what she wants and if you win then Roseline will leave and become a rogue. Does anyone disagree?" I asked and looked around and everyone agreed. "Kakashi you will fight me. If I win you loose all of your perveted books and jou will became ANBU again. If you win your free to do what you want because I trust you." I said and he nodded. "Now let's start with me and Kakashi." I said and we began to fight.

***5 min later***

I threw one more punch at him and it connected and he flew threw three trees and then there was a 'poof' and the clone disappeared. I turned around and was met with the sharingan. I was put into a genjutsu and Kakashi delivered the final blow. In the end he won and now it was Roseline and Juliana's turn to fight. Rose got into her fighting stance and so did Juliana. "Begin." I yelled and jumped away.

Juliana attacked Rose head on. "Water style: A 100 needles." The needles went to Rose and she stood still. "Byakugan: Rotation." Rose yelled and rotated and send the needles back to Juliana. "Is that all you've got Juliana. Because if it is then your in trouble. Do even know of the DiMera clan?" Rose asked and Juliana smirked. "Of course. The DiMera clan possesses both the byakugan and sharingan but they were whipped out by Orochimaru." Juliana said and Rose nodded.

"I see you know the basics. I am Roseline Taylor DiMera. Queen of the DiMera clan. I will restore my clan. I possess both the sharingan and byakugan but since I'm the strongest DiMera yet I got the rinnegan too. I have an IQ of 250 and more. I was former ANBU until I trained with the fourth himself the I went back to ANBU and became the head of the ANBU. I went and trained on my own for three years and then came back. I became co-sensei of team 7. What do you know of Orochimaru's death?" Rose asked and Juliana looked confused as did I.

"Rumor has it the the black assassin of Konoha killed him." Juliana said and I was shocked. "Do you know who the black assassin of Konoha is?" Rose asked and Juliana shock her head. "I'm the black assassin of Konoha. I'm also one of the She-Devils along with Tsunade, Anko and Kurenai. Now let me show you the true power of the DiMera Queen." Rose said as she activated her rinnegan and sharingan along with the byakugan and Juliana was shocked. "Almighty pull." Rose said as she pulled Juliana close and punched her so hard Thad she went through ten trees.

"Shadow style: shadow bending." Rose said as she blended in with shadows and began to throw kunai's at Juliana. "Crystal and Ice style: unbreathable ice-crystal mirrors of pain." Rose said and all around Juliana appeared crystal ice mirrors and Rose stepped in and began to throw serbon needles at Juliana and you could hear Juliana scream. After a minute Rose stepped out is the mirrors and broke the jutsu. "Blood style: paralyzing." Rose said and Juliana couldn't move.

"This is for making my life hell. I'm must thank you though, you showed me that love doesn't exist. Now enjoy your life with Kakashi my enemy from academy and my everlasting enemy." Rose said and I could feel Kakashi stiffen and I glanced at him to see sadness in his eyes. I looked back at Rose to see her punch Juliana in the face and send her flying through another twenty trees. "Take your beloved mistress to the hospital Hatake!" Rose said with the hate back like in the beginning and then she walked away with me by her side.

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