Chapter 1: Returning home.

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Sebastian's P.O.V

I heard Kate sigh as I held her in my arms. "Do you want a drink Sebastian?" Kate asked me and I chuckled. "Why not." I said as Kate poured herself and me a glass of whiskey and handed to me. "How many glasses of whiskey did you have kitten?" I asked her. "Five or six glasses why?" Kate asked as she turned to me and I kissed her forehead. "We can finish this glass but then I'm taking you to your room." I said and Kate nodded. "Alright Sebastian but will you stay with me for the night. I really don't want to be alone." Kate said and I smiled and nodded.

"Of course my kitten." I said and Kate smiled as she went to give me a kiss on the cheek but at the last minute I turned my head and Kate kissed me on the lips. "That was better. Now let's go kitten." I said as Kate took her last sip. Kate took one step but she fell foreword. I caught her and chuckled at her. "Don't you dare laugh at me Sebastian or I swear you'll regret it!" Kate said and I kissed her head and picked her up and walked out, by the time I got to her room at the young masters manor Kate was peacefully resting her head against my chest and her eyes were closed but she wasn't asleep.

Kate wasn't wearing gloves so I was able to see her seal and it was beautiful. It was a red rose which had a ring of black thorns around it. "Every time I make a contract that seal will appear wherever they choose just like yours." Kate said but her eyes were still closed. "It is beautiful, though I never saw someone with the seal. Why is that kitten?" I asked as I put her on the bed and sat down next to her. "I made a contract once but it went bad. I made a promise that I'll never make another contract again after what had happened." Kate said and turned away from me and I could feel her pain though our mark. "Kitten what happened?" I asked as I crawled on the bed, and sat behind her as I stroked her hair.

"The man wanted to sleep with me so when I had said no he tried to rape me so I had to kill him out of self defense. Back them my seal was just the rose but after that the seal got it's black thorns." Kate said and I pulled her into my arms and I held her tight as she held on to me tighter. "I promise that I will never let anything happen to you kitten. Not while I am alive and I do not plan on breaking that promise." I said and Kate looked at me and smiled. "I love you Sebastian." Kate said and I could not help but also smiled. "I love you so much more kitten." I said and we looked into each others eyes and then I leaned in and kissed her. Kate kissed me back and things got heated.

***The next morning***

Katherina's P.O.V

I woke up with my head on Sebastian's naked chest. I looked at Sebastian and remembered everything that happened last night and I blushed. I looked at Sebastian and smiled then I looked at the time on his pocket watch and gasped. I slightly shook him and Sebastian groaned and turned so that he was laying on my chest and I giggled. Then an idea popped in to my head and I smiled. "Sebastian there's a cat in you room." I said and Sebastian sat up straight. "Where is the cat?" He asked and I giggled. Sebastian turned to me and smiled. "No Sebastian. I know what you're thinking but we don't have time." I said and Sebastian moved closer to me.

"Sebastian you have like ten min before you have to wake up Ciel." I said and Sebastian sighed. Sebastian was in front of me. Sebastian bent down and gave me a quick kiss before he stood up and got his cloths and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I stood up and went to the closet and I got my cloths and I headed into the bathroom and wrapped a towel around myself just when Sebastian got out of the shower. Sebastian only had a towel on his waist and his hair was wet. Some of the water droplets ran all the way down and it disappeared into the towel.

"Like what you see kitten?" Sebastian asked me smirking. I looked at him and smiled. I walked closer to Sebastian and I put my arms around his neck. "You know I do love." I said as I kissed his lips between every word. "Kitten if you keep this up I won't get around to get the young master." Sebastian said and I smirked. "I know but I must admit I just do like to tease you my darling Bassy." I whispered in Sebastian's ear  as I light bit his ear. "I'll get you tonight kitten." Sebastian said and I giggled and walked around him and took a shower.

Once I walked downstairs and entered the lobby I saw lady Midfort. "Here I thought the day would be perfect." I said and walked past her ignoring her. Suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks. "Shit. How could I have forgotten?!" I yelled and turned around and headed back towards the stairs. "Is something wrong Kate?" Ciel asked me and I turned around. "Tomorrow's Harmony's birthday and I almost completely forgot. So if you'll excuse me I'm going to find her a nice present." I said and went to my room to get my handbag. I then headed out the door and once I was in the garden I made a portal and went to hell to find the entrance to Paris to find Mony the perfect present.

Third P.O.V

By the time Katherina got back it was night. "I was getting worried about you kitten." Sebastian said as Kate walked into their room. "It took longer then I thought it would." Kate said as she put the present -that was already wrapped- on the table and went to the bathroom and got changed into her nightgown and got into bed. "Kitten I don't wish to alarm you but the young master just got a letter from his queen. Her butler is coming over." Sebastian said as he held Kate in his arms. "So what about the servants because they cannot be trusted." Katherina said and Sebastian looked at her.

"We could ask your sister to help us. Last I talked to her she said she would do anything to get away from Grell since he's busy driving her mad." Sebastian said and Kate thought for a minute before she nodded. "I'm sure she'd like that." Kate said as she laid her head on Sebastian's chest and listened to his heart beat. Sebastian smiled and he looked down at her as he played with her hair. Sebastian knew Katherina was the one for him since the first day he'd met her and he made a decision. He decided that he was going to ask Kate to be his wife.

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