Chapter 11: The Land of Waves.

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Kakashi's P.O.V

It was almost a week since I lost my books and Jiraiya was kind enough to give me the entire collection again. The team has been doing well and my feelings towards Rose keeps growing stronger by the second. I was on my way to the hokage building for a mission when I walked into Rose. "Hey Rose. Do you want to walk with me to Tsunade's office?" I asked and Rose smiled at me. "Sure why not." Rose said and we walked to Tsunade's office.

Tsunade's P.O.V

I was busy with paper work when I heard someone knocking at my door. "Come in." I said and looked up to see Rose, Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura coming in but Sasuke and Sakura were holding hands. I still can't believe that they're a couple, they do look cute together. "So you finally come to get your mission?" I asked smiling. I still couldn't believe that Rose and Kakashi decided to become friends for the sake of their team. "Yes. Sorry we're late I went training and lost track of the time." Rose said smiling and I nodded. That is very typical of Rose. Whenever she went training she would loose track of the time. "I have a C-rank mission for team 7. You'll be escorting a bridge builder to his home and then see that the bridge is build." I said and the bridge builder came in. "Wait what? Do you really expect my to believe that these kids will be escorting me home?" Tazuma asked and he took a sip of his sake. Now I really want to go and drink some sake.

Roseline's P.O.V

"Yes I do Tazuma. They are great ninjas. I see you still drink sake when you want to and then act like you've so high and mighty." I said getting ticked off by the fact that I must guard him. If he is here then it only means that Gato wants him dead for wanting to complete the bridge and when Gato finds out I'm in the Land of Waves then he's going to come after me to be his wife and if I refuse he is going to let Orochimaru know where I am. "So you are on this squad Rose. I'm sorry for bringing you into this mess but it's the only way to save my home. I truly am sorry." Tazuma said. "What is he talking about Rose and how do you know him?" Tsunade asked and I sighed.

"While I was training -about 3 months after i left Konoha- I was in the Land of Waves to work on my ice bending jutsu. I was busy training one day when I saw a man getting beaten and when I stepped in to help him a man came up to me and introduced himself as Gato. He wanted my hand in marriage when I told him who I was. When I refused he killed the man I stepped in to save. I did my best to heal him but it was to late. He died in my arms. Tazuma, his daughter, and the guys son came up to me and took him out of my arms and thanked me for trying to safe him and that they don't hold me responsible for his death. Gato came up to me and asked me again if I was going to marry him and if not that he would let Orochimaru know where I was and he would kill Tazuma and his family." I said as I remembered what happened on that day. Some times it still haunts me.

"I then agreed to marry him just to stop him from killing them. I went to get ready at Tazuma's house and I found out that Gato didn't know where they lived and then they helped me escape that night just before I was forced to marry Gato. I spent the next three months tuning away from Gato's men. I was still running when I ran in to Zabuza-kun and Haku-kun. They helped me escape from Gato and in doing so we became friends. I also promised them that I will make sure that they will someday be free and not work for Gato and now the time has come for me to fulfil my promise to them." I finished with a straight face forgetting that I now had a team. When it came to this topic it was as if the was an automatic switch that turned of all of my emotions at once.

"I'm doing this one alone Tsunade." I said and everyone was shocked. "I can't ask you to give your freedom up just for my village Rose." Tazuma said. "No. I'm doing it." I said my face free of any emotions. "Then I'm coming to Rose. You can't do it on your own." Kakashi said. "Us too." Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura said in union. "No. This one is mine alone. I don't need your help with this one." I said turning around. "Rose you can get this mission but only if you take them with you and that's an order." Tsunade said. "Fine but only if I'm in charge." I said and Tsunade nodded. "I'll meet you guys by the gates in 5 min. Any more and you'll be left behind." I said and disappeared in a swirl of sakura's.

**5 minutes later**

Kakashi's P.O.V

After everyone was at the gates we left and Rose walked behind us and you could see the dark aura around her and all the emotions was whipped off of her face. Just like when we were in the ANBU. I must say I miss that smile and talkative side of her. I slowed down until I was walking next to Rose. "Are you okay? You seem far away." I asked and she looked at me. "I'm fine. Why did you want to come along Kakashi?" Rose asked. "Because we're friends and it looked like Tazuma and his family are important to you." I said and she nodded. "Thanks Kakashi." Rose said and smiled at me. I nodded and we kept walking in a comfortable silence. As we were walking I noticed a puddle and looked at Rose and she nodded. I stepped forwarded and she made a dark clone and blended in with the shadows. She could do her jutsu's without using her hands. I couldn't even sense her chakra so even I didn't know where she was. I made a clone and went and his in the trees and hid my chakra.

Sakura's P.O.V

I was going to ask Roseline-sensei something when four chains shot out of the puddle from earlier and wrapped around Roseline-sensei and Kakashi-sensei. I knew it was clones when they where ripped into pieces and I stood protectively in front of Tazuma and Sasuke went after one of the chunnin ninjas and Naruto went after the second one. They were about to land a hit when shadows suddenly wrapped around then and they sunk into the ground leaving only their heads above ground. Kakashi-sensei stepped out behind the trees. "Where is Roseline-sensei, Kakashi-sensei?" I asked as I put my kunai back in my pouch.

"I don't know. I can't sense her chakra but she's somewhere in the shadows." Kakashi-sensei said and me, Sasuke and Naruto had a confused expression on our faces. "What do you mean 'somewhere in the shadows' Kakashi-sensei?" Sasuke asked in a monotone. "He is talking about one of my Kekka genkai abilities named shadow bending. Not even the sharingan can copy it." Roseline-sensei said and she came out of Kakashi-sensei's shadow. Kakashi-sensei jumped forward and turned around. "Don't do that Roseline. You almost gave me a heart attack." Kakashi-sensei said putting his hand over his heart.

"Sorry Kakashi. I didn't mean to scare you." Roseline-sensei said and we began walking again. We got to a river and got into a boat and I was sitting in between Sasuke and Naruto being crushed so I got up and climbed out of the boat and walked on the water. As got on the shore we began walking when I sensed something in the bushes and threw my kunai at the bush and a white bunny jumped out. "That can't be right. Correct me if I'm wrong but a white rabbit can only be white in the winter and when it has been raised inside." I said and looked at Roseline-sensei and she nodded. Suddenly Kakashi-sensei grabbed us except Roseline-sensei and yelled "Duck!"

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