Chapter 19: The break up.

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Kakashi's P.O.V

I just got back from a mission and I couldn't wait to see Rose. I missed her a lot. We have been dating for three months now and it was the best three months of my live. It also had been three months since she took over Kurenai's team. Hinata, Kiba, Shino and Scarlett has improved a lot since they started training with her. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Shikamaru, Ino, Chouji, Lee, Neji, Ten Ten, Hinata, Kiba, Scarlett and Shino have all become Chunnin. There is also a new lady in the village that doesn't want to leave me alone. Her name is Juliana. She has shoulder length blond hair and green eyes. She is a jonin.

"Hi Hatake. I'm glad to see that your back. I missed you." Rose said as I walked into the DiMera compound. Rose stood up and walked towards me and smiled. I smiled and pulled her to me ad kissed her and she kissed back. "Not as much as I missed you DiMera. It good to be back and have you in my arms." I said and kissed her again. "Why don't you go to your house and I will meet you there." Rose said and I nodded smiling at her and giving her a quick kiss before I went to my house.

After I unpacked I heard the door bell ring and quickly opened the door expecting to see Rose but I was met by the sight of Juliana. "What are you doing here Juliana?" I asked and she giggled. "I came to see you silly. I missed you Kakashi and I wanted to spend time with you." Juliana said and she stepped into my house. "Juliana I'm actually waiting for Rose. You see we are dating and she is coming over soon." I said hoping that Juliana would leave. "You know Kakashi I like the way you say my name and Rose told me that she was seeing somebody but I know Rose wasn't talking about you." Juliana said and my heart shattered.

"No it can't be." I said and Juliana hugged me. "I'm sorry to say this but it's true Kakashi. She even showed me a picture of them kissing." Juliana said and then she kissed me. I was to shocked by what she told me that I didn't notice that I was kissing her back.

Roseline's P.O.V

I was on my way to Kakashi's house so that we could spent some time together because he was away for a whole two weeks on a mission and I missed him a lot. I bought a bottle of sake for us so that we can celebrate because Tsunade just told me that I was able to go back to team 7 because she found someone that would lead team 9 until Kurenai could lead them again. I would be able to spent time with team 7 and more time with Kakashi.

As I arrived at Kakashi's house I saw the front door open so I walked in and was shocked at what I saw. It was Kakashi and Juliana making out on the couch. I dropped the bottle of sake and they turned their heads towards me. Kakashi had a horrified look on his face while Juliana just smirked. I turned around and ran to the DiMera compound with tears running down my face. I could hear Kakashi yelling my name but I kept running until I reached my house. I shut the door I Kakashi's face with my back agents the door and I slid down to the ground with my head in my arms and my knees against my chest.

"Rose please let me in so that we can talk." Kakashi said and I stood up. You couldn't see any emotions on my face. I opened the door. "What do you what Hatake?!?!" I asked with venom in my voice. "It's of what it looked like Rose. Just let me explain please." Kakashi begged and I shook my head. "There is no need to explain. I understand. You don't want to be with me so I'll make it easy for you Hatake. It's over between us. I hope you enjoy your new life." I said and was about to close the door when Kakashi stopped me. "Rose please no." Kakashi begged. I sighed and started singing 'Behind these hazel eyes- by Kelly Clarkson'

Seems just like yesterday
You were apart of me
I used to stand so tall
I used to be so strong

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