Chapter 28: Roseline gets drunk.

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Roseline's P.O.V

I arrived at the restaurant without wearing my kage cloak. I was wearing a skirt and a button up shirt with my hair loose. As I arrived at the restaurant I saw Kakashi waiting for me at the door. "I didn't think you would show up Rose." Kakashi said. "I almost didn't come myself but I was curious that's all." I said and he nodded. Kakashi walked me inside and we took our seats.

We ordered food and I order myself some sake. "So why did you want to talk to me about Hatake?" I asked and he took a deep breath. "It's about what happened that day. I would like to explain what happen and then you can decide if there is any chance of us becoming at least friends again." Kakashi said and I nodded.


After I unpacked I heard the door bell ring and quickly opened the door expecting to see Rose but I was met by the sight of Juliana. "What are you doing here Juliana?" I asked and she giggled. "I came to see you silly. I missed you Kakashi and I wanted to spend time with you." Juliana said and she stepped into my house. "Juliana I'm actually waiting for Rose. You see we are dating and she is coming over soon." I said hoping that Juliana would leave. "You know Kakashi I like the way you say my name and Rose told me that she was seeing somebody but I know Rose wasn't talking about you." Juliana said and my heart shattered.

"No it can't be." I said and Juliana hugged me. "I'm sorry to say this but it's true Kakashi. She even showed me a picture of them kissing." Juliana said and then she kissed me. I was to shocked by what she told me that I didn't notice that I was kissing her back.

End of flashback.

"So that's what happened. I never should have believed her or let her in my house. It cost me the most precious thing in the world to me. It cost me you." Kakashi explained and I sat there processing what he just said. "Okay I get it. I forgave you Kakashi. I guess we could be friends." I said and he smiled.

***1 hour later***

I was really drunk cause I had drank like ten bottles of sake. "Rose I think that's enough of that. Let me take you home." Kakashi said. "No I want to stay plus the karaoke contest is about to start. As kage I need to attend it." I said as Jarod stepped up. "The contest is about to start. Guys first and then girls can take on the guy they challenged and then the judges will decide the winner." Jarod said. "Go on Kakashi. If you go then I will go and then I will let you take me home I promise." I said. "Okay Rose." Kakashi said.

Kakashi's P.O.V

I walked on stage and the owner of the restaurant gave me the mike. "Tonight I will be singing 'Just the girl- by The Click Five'. This song goes out to the love of my life. You will always remain my love no matter what DiMera."

She's cold and
She's cruel but
She knows what
She's doin

She pushed me 
In the pool
At our last
School reunion

She laughs at
My dreams but
I dream about
Her laughter

Strange as it
Seems... She's the
One I'm after

'Cause she's bitter-sweet
She knocks me
Offa my feet

And I can't
Help myself, I
Don't want anyone else

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