Chapter 27: An alliance with Konoha.

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Tsunade's P.O.V

It's been a week since the summit. Everyone in the village knows that Rose became the florakage. Rose also made an alliance with Suna. Now I'm gonna make an alliance with florekure. I summoned Kakashi to my office. Once he arrived I gave him the scroll. "Please give this to Rose. Then you need to stay there until after three months. You're to help there and do what you can to help." I said and he nodded.

I send him for a reason. He really wanted to fix things with Rose so here is his chance. I just hope that she doesn't kill him. I need him back to protect his team. Maybe he can inform her how the team is doing. Anything I just need them to make up. If there's a way for them to get back together then I won't mind him staying there. She is after all the florakage. 

Roseline's P.O.V

I was busy signing my papers when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I said and Melody come in. "Lady Rose, there's a ninja from Konoha to see you sent by Lady Tsunade." Melody said and I looked up. "Sent him in." I said and Melody nodded. Kakashi came in and bowed. He handed me a scroll which I read and then sighed. Sometimes I really hate it when Tsunade tries and plays matchmaker.

I get it that they want us to makes up but I'm not ready to forgive him just yet. Now I'm stuck with him for three months where he is to assist us. I handed him back. "Right, you can go to academy and tell the genin something about being a ninja. Later I will get real missions for you. Tsunade just kind of sprang this whole thing on me. You may go now." I said and looked back at my paper work. Kakashi nodded and left my office.

"Melody please handle this problem. You can assign him to any S-rank mission. I don't care what missions you assign to him, I just don't want to see him in my office for three month. After that he will go back to Konoha and everything will go back to normal." I said and Melody nodded. "There is this one mission where we need a scroll to be delivered and all of our jonin and ANBU are a little busy at the moment." Melody said and I nodded.

Kakashi's P.O.V

Rose didn't even talk to me. All when she talked to me was when she had to. It broke my heart to know that I was the reason that she was avoiding me. Every time that I was in a restaurant and Rose would walk in she would talk to the owner about something and then she would leave. It has been a week since I got here and tried to talk to her.

It was now evening and I tried to talk to her. I arrived at the kage tower and knocked on her door. I waited for a few moments then Rose opened the door. "Hatake? Is there something I can help you with?" Rose asked as she stood by the door. "May I come in? I need to talk to you urgently." I said hoping to tell her the truth about what happened back then. "Sure Hatake." Rose said and stepped aside letting me in. For a kage you'd expect everything to be expensive. Not with Rose. Everything was beautiful but it was every day things.

Rose did always have the ability to make ordinary stuff beautiful. "Your house looks beautiful Rose. I'm sure Scarlett would love to see you. She made ANBU along with  Shikamaru, Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, Hinata, and Neji. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were sad when you left and they became a lot stronger." I said as we sat on a couch opposite of each other. "I know. I send a letter to Tsunade five days before the kage summit and she informed me on some of the things that happened in the village since I left. Like for example: Kurenai even named her baby girl after me - Taylor. The boy's name is Jonathan. Tsunade found out a week ago that she's pregnant and when she told Jiraiya he was so happy. Anko and Ibiki are happy since Anko is pregnant for three months now.

Tsunade forbid her to do missions but she is still in interrogation and torture department. Itachi and Shizune set a date. They both agreed to do it the day after my birthday. The 12th of August. When Naruto and you found out Haku, Zabuza and me were gone you went crazy. Sakura became Tsunade's apprentice and Naruto changed so much. He has really grown. He became Jiraiya's apprentice while Sasuke became your apprentice and then after that Itachi would teach him also. A week after you found out I left the village you stopped even coming to the get together, everyone is worried about you since you became depressed when I left. You returned to the ANBU black ops after.

When Tsunade got to your home she show you staring at a photo about us kissing at the sakura festival. Tsunade could see that you wanted to cry and then you put the photo down and got your ANBU gear and left for work. When she went to take a closer look to the photo she saw that you were smiling at the camera and you kissed my check and I was blushing while you had the look of love in your eye." Rose said. "I guess you do know then." I said and she looked at me with a bored look.

"So what did you really want to talk about?" Rose asked. " I wanted to talk about what happened that day." I said. "I don't want to hear Hatake. I think you've over stayed your welcome. It's time for you to leave Hatake." Rose said. I stood up and walked out the door. I really am sorry Rose. I will make it up to you and I will find a way to earn your forgiveness and your heart. I thought of a lot of things to do just so that Rose would hear me out about that night.

*** the next day***

Roseline's P.O.V

There was a knock on my door while I was signing papers. "Come in." I said sighing. Kakashi entered my office and I sighed again. "What do you want from me now Hatake?!" I asked him. "You know Rose you can't keep avoiding me and ignoring me." Kakashi said and I rolled my eyes. "I can see that now. Apparently if I avoid you or ignore you, you walk into my office even if I'm busy working." I said getting annoyed.

"Rose I was wondering if I could talk to you." Kakashi said and I sighed and looked up again. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked. "Can you meet me tonight at the sushi restaurant so that we can talk?" Kakashi asked and I hesitated. "Alright. I'll meet you there at 19:00. One minute late and I will walk away without talking to you. Understood?" I asked in a monotone. "Crystal clear." Kakashi said and walked out.

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