Chapter 7: Saveing prince Sebastian.

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Kakashi's P.O.V

I noticed that Sakura wasn't paying attention so I looked at Roseline and she nodded her head seeing as she noticed. "So Sakura I heard the prince has a younger brother -Raphael- that is about your age. Do you think he will be better looking the scarecrow here and Sasuke?" Roseline asked and I glared at her. When Sakura didn't answer the question we were shocked seeing as she likes Sasuke so much. Roseline sighed and slowed down until she matched Sakura's pace. Roseline put her hand on Sakura's shoulder and Sakura looked up and they smiled at each other.

"Having a conversation with yourself?" Roseline asked and Sakura nodded. Roseline laughed and I smiled with Sakura without anyone noticing. "Come on. We're here and since we two are the smartest we need to focus." Roseline said. "Okay." Sakura replied and focused. Once she caught up to me again I glared at her. "What is the matter Hatake? You know it's true what I said. Sakura and I are a lot smarter then Naruto, you and Sasuke." Roseline said and we kept walking.

As we walked up to the castle gates two castle guards stopped us. "We are ninjas from Konoha. We were sent here to retrieve prince Sebastian and bring him back safely." Roseline said and the guards nodded. We followed the guard and he took us to a room where there was two thrones and a man and woman sat on the thrones. As we stood in front of the king and queen, Roseline kneels down and what she said shocked me. "Aunt and uncle it is nice to see you again. We also heard that you are in need of our help. I hear that cousin Sebastian has gone missing. These ninja that you see next to me are going to help me bring cousin Sebastian back. Please feel free to ask them whatever you want." Roseline said with a smile. It was very rare to see her smile, yet she has the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen.

The king and queen looked at her and smiled. "Roseline dear, it's good to see you again." The queen greeted Roseline. "Aunt the jonin is Kakashi Hatake of the sharingan and my enemy from the academy, the genin with the pink hair is Sakura Haruno my apprentice, the genin with the blond hair is Naruto Uzumaki son of the fourth hokage and the genin with the duck butt, dark blue hair is Sasuke Uchiha, brother of one of my best friends, the famous Itachi Uchiha. We will get cousin Sebastian back as soon as possible." Roseline said and they nodded. The rest of us stepped forward and bowed. "Would you please tell us what happened when prince Sebastian was kidnapped? It will give us a good start on where to look first." I said and the king and queen nodded.

***30 min later***

Sasuke's P.O.V

After we got all the information we were shown to our rooms. Once we unpacked our things we all went to Roseline-sensei's room seeing as she knows the place. We had our own rooms and the room was big. Each room had an en suite, king sized bed and a balcony and a walk-in closet. Roseline-sensei's room was blank and pink, her twee favourite colours and her name carved in gold on the door. So they really are related. Although that doesn't surprise me. She is after all the princess from her clan. Once we all got seated on the carpet with the map of the land on a small black table we began to think of a strategy.

"Maybe we should start at the café he was last seen in." Sakura said and the others nodded. "We will split up into two groups. Group 1: me and Sasuke. Group 2: Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura. Group 2 will begin at the café and the western- and southern side of the castle. Group 1 will begin here," Roseline-sensei said pointing to the area around the palace and the eastern- and northern side of the of the castle. "that way we'll cover more ground and get information quicker. As soon as we find something we return here and then make a plan. If you find something talk into the ear piece and let the other team know." Roseline-sensei said and we nodded. I needed to talk to sensei anyways. She handed Kakashi-sensei a map and a ear piece. We then got up and started to get our gear so we could depart.

As we were looking for info I thought of something. "Why did you say my hair looked like duck's ass and called Itachi you friend?" I asked and Roseline-sensei sighed. "That's because my aunt and uncle met Itachi and they know him. As for the other reason. Have you seen your hair in the mirror. It looks like a duck's ass. I mean seriously is it natural that your hair stands that why?" Roseline-sensei asked and I nodded. We kept looking for an hour when Kakashi spoke through the ear piece. "We found the locations of three of Sebastian's captors hide out. We'll meet you back at the castle in your room." "Alright we'll meet you there." Roseline-sensei said and we headed back.

Kakashi's P.O.V

Once we all were in Roseline's room she pulled out a map and I pointed at the places where I was told their hide out was. "That is near the border of the village. Why would they take the prince there?" Sasuke asked. "They want to take him as ransom then when they get the ransom they are going to kill him and flee the country." Roseline said. "This one is closer to the border then those two so that is where they will be." I said and I pointed to the places marked with an 'x'. "No shit Sherlock but try a little bit to your right. There is an direct route to the border. The one you showed takes you to back to the village no matter which way you go once you take that route. So one of the captors used to live here." Roseline said. "Now we go get him." I said and they nodded and we got our weapons and made our way towards the cave.

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