Chapter 29: Everything changes.

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Kakashi's P.O.V

When Rose finished her song evey guy had hearts in their eyes. I went up stage with Jarod and we waited for the judges to make their decision. "It was hard to determine the winner because both of you were brilliant. Due to the people that decided the winner is Roseline's Taylor DiMera." The judges said and Rose smirked. "Now would you look at that Hatake. It looks like win tonight." Rose said turning to me.

"Yes I see but the battle has just began DiMera. You just have to wait till tomorrow to continue this battle because we're going home now. You had your contest and way to much sake for tonight." I said smiling. "What are you on..." Rose began but stopped when I picked her up and throw her over my shoulder. "Kakashi Hatake put me down immediately!!" Rose yelled as she hit me in the back. I must say it was a little sore.

"Sorry no can do." I said and poofed to her house. I opened her door and went to her bedroom. I put Rose on her bed and went to walk out of her room. "You know Hatake, I still and always will love you. No matter what I tried to do I could never forget you. If only we had a time machine then our break up would never have happened but I don't want to lose this village. I have really grown close to all the people in the village. I would protect them with my life." Rose said. "I love you too Rose and I promise to win back your heart." I said and saw that she was fast asleep.

I smiled at her and kissed her forehead. I went to my house for the three months and went to sleep dreaming of Rose and her smile and who she was singing to me.

***the next day***

Roseline's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a huge hangover. I sat up and remembered everything from last night. I stood up and got ready for today. Once I arrived at the office I sat down and began my paperwork. I heard a knock on my door and it sounded like someone was banging on the door. "What is it!!" I yelled and one of the guards at the gate ran in. "My lady there is rogue ninjas threatening to destroyed our village." The guard said and I growled and stood up.

"Not today. Today isn't a very good day." I said and walked to battle field. Once I reached the battle field I saw about 150 rogue ninjas ready to attack. "What do you want with my village you filthy bastards." I yelled making everyone behind me cower in fear. "You bitch. We want to talk to the kage." The leader said. "Your talking to her you moron." I yelled. "We want you to give us all your money or suffer the consequences." The leader replied.

"No." I yelled. The rogues began to advance towards me and I stood still. On the last minute they all stopped and they looked at me shocked. "Blood style: Panelization." I said. "What are you doing?" The leader said. "I'm in a bad mood I have this huge hangover and you just made it bad so I'm going to make you feel the pain. Crystal and Ice style: ice-crystal mirrors of destruction!" I yelled and ice-crystal mirrors appeared around them as I stepped in I smirked sadisticly.

"Any last words?" I asked and they gasped. I began throwing serbon needles at them not hitting vital spots and causing them a lot of pain. I then stepped out of the mirrors and the jutsu broke. "Shadow style: shadow bending." I said and disappeared into the shadows killing everyone but the leader. I stood in front of him and smirked. "Now what to do with you...ah I know I'll send you to the torture department. Zabuza you have a new toy." I said and Zaza came out and he dragged the leader to the torture department.

Kakashi walked up to me and handed me two pain killers and after I drank them I felt tired. "Lets get you home Rose." Kakashi said. "Why Kakashi? Why do you still care about me after everything that happened betweens us? Why can't you just let me go?" I asked and Kakashi looked shocked when I used his name. "I do all of this because I still love you and I want to fix things between us because like you said I became depressed after you left and I'm not letting you go ever again." Kakashi said smiling.

I looked at him shocked and Kakashi used that opportunity and kissed me. I froze for a minute before letting myself go in the kiss. As we pulled away to take a breath we heard everyone cheering for us. I blushed and hid my face in Kakashi's chest. "Let's get you to bed. Melody will you be able to take care of things just for today? I promise that Rose would be back in the office tomorrow." Kakashi asked and Melody nodded and Kakashi picked me up bridal style and we went to my house.

Once we arrived at my house, Kakashi took me to my bedroom and placed me in bed as he turned around to walk out when I grabbed his arm. "Please stay with me Hatake." I said and he nodded. I moved over and Kakashi laid down on the bed with me. "Rose would you give me another chance to show you how much I love you?" Kakashi asked and I hesitated for a minute. "Alright Kakashi but if we get married I'm not leaving this village and I would like to revive my clan with you." I said and Kakashi smiled and he kissed me.

***5 months later***

Kakashi's P.O.V

Rose and I have been together for five months now and I was getting ready to propose to her. I got her a sapphire blue ring and I had booked us a table at a restaurant. I knocked on Rose's door and heard her say a soft "Come in." I walked in and Rose looked up smiling at me. "Can I help you with something Hatake?" Rose said seductively. "Yes you can DiMera. I booked us a table at a restaurant and I need you to look like an goddess tonight." I said and Rose nodded. "Mind telling me why?" Rose asked curiously.

"Nope it's a secret. You'll have to wait until tonight to find out ." I said and Rose pouted. I laughed at her and walked to her and kissed her. "You're going to regret this later Hatake and you know it." Rose said and I smiled. "I know, but it makes things more interesting to not tell you. I'll see you tonight. I'll pick you up at seven." I said and kissed her again. I then walked out the door and went to talk to the owner of the restaurant.

***later that night at seven***

Roseline's P.O.V

I wore a black cocktail dress that ended mid thigh. My hair was loose and I walked to my couch waiting for Kakashi. Just as I was about to sit down there was a knock on my door. As I opened the door Kakashi stood there with pink and red roses in his hands. I put the roses in a vase and then we went to the restaurant. As we ordered Kakashi and I began to talk. "Rose we have been dating for five months now and I have never been happier. Now I want to ask you one last selfish thing. Roseline Taylor DiMera would you do the honours of becoming my wife?" Kakashi asked getting on one knee.

I put my hand over my mouth and I could feel tears running down my checks. "Yes. Yes Kakashi. A million times yes!" I yelled and Kakashi slipped the sapphire blue ring on my finger and he kissed me. As we pulled apart we heard everyone applauding. I smiled and kissed Kakashi again.

***7 years later***

Roseline's P.O.V

Kakashi and I have been married for six years now and we had two children, twins to be exact. A boy and a girl. The girls name is Theresa and the boys name is James. James looks just like me, just the male version and Theresa looks like the female version of Kakashi. We also decided to carry on the DiMera clan.

That makes Kakashi king and I'm the queen. Theresa and James are the prince and princess. Tsunade and Jiraiya's son name is William. Itachi and Shizune's son name is Caine. Asuma and Kurenai's daughter Taylor and son Jonathan are all best friends. Anko and Ibiki's twin daughters names are Clarissa and Harmony are all best friends. They all are 5 years old.

                                                 The end.

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