Chapter 14: Misunderstandings part 2.

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Kakashi's P.O.V

"Your highness I ask for details of the mission to be given to Neji while I go put Roseline in bed so that she can rest and be ready for tomorrow." I said standing up from the floor with Rose in my arms, me holding her bridal style. "But of course. One of the maids will show you to Roseline's room and then to yours." king Stephen said. "Thank you." I said and bowed and followed the maid -with Rose in my arms- too her room. When I arrived at Rose's room the maid left and I opened the door and looked around. I was conflicted on whether I should put her on the bed or not. It just felt so right to have her in my arms. I put her down on the bed and brushed a piece of her hair out of her face.

"What are you doing Hatake?" Rose asked and took my hand away and groaned. "Why do you keep calling me 'Hatake' and not 'Kakashi'?" I asked and Rose smirked. "Because it is more fun calling you 'Hatake' then by your name. I know you like it when you call me 'DiMera' so don't even try to deny it." Rose said and I smiled. "You know what? Your right DiMera." I said. "Ain't I always?" Rose said and giggled. "So would you mind telling me why you never told anyone you had the rinnegan?" I asked Rose and she sighed. "I unlocked the rinnegan in the second year of my training though I don't know how. I then did some research about my clan and realized that I was the first DiMera with the rinnegan. That is why Orochimaru wanted me. Somehow he knew that I had the rinnegan, sharingan and byakugan. The world's most three powerful eyes." Rose said as she sat up and looked at her hands.

"Can you activate all three at once?" I asked Rose and she nodded. "Would you mind showing me DiMera?" I asked her and she looked at me for a moment before she nodded. "Sharingan, byakugan and rinnegan activate." Rose said after finishing the hand signs. Her mesmerizing electric blue eyes disappeared and her sharingan, byakugan and rinnegan took over. I stared at her eyes and then she deactivated it. "That was amazing DiMera." I said and she smiled.

***the next day***

Roseline's P.O.V

We were walking towards the Land of Ice when we were attacked by rouge ninjas. "Everyone protect prince William and princess Mari-Jane. Sakura your with me. We are going to kick some rouge. We will split it..." I was interrupted by the leader of the group. "There is 200 of us. You two won't be able too take us." he said and Rose got angry. "Don't underestimate us. As I was saying you take 100 and I their rest." I said and Sakura nodded. "Come and get us if you can." Sakura said with a smirk. "Get her." the leader said and half of them went after her. Sakura slammed her fist in the ground and all of them fell in the hole. I smirked as the leader look shocked.

"My turn. Shadow style: shadow bending." I said as I melted unto the shadows, killing everyone with my katana but stopped in front of the leader. "Who are you?" he asked. "I'm Roseline Taylor DiMera and that is my apprentice Sakura Haruno." I said and he stiffen. "Now this is the end. Dark and shadow style: shadow death kiss." I said and kissed him on the lips steeling his life energy and chakra. When I pulled away he fell to the ground dead. "That was fun, don't you think Sakura?" I asked and she laughed. "It sure was sensei." Sakura said and we laughed again. We turned to the group and they were staring at us with a petrified look.

"What?" Sakura and I asked in synic. "You two are becoming a bad influence on each other." Neji said and we stared at him. "What Neji means is that Sakura got your sadistic personality trait and you got her girly-girl personality trait." Kakashi explained. "Oh." Sakura and I said in union again. We kept walking and finally reached the Land of Ice. As we entered the land I kept feeling that someone was following me. "Come out. I know you there. If you don't come out now then I will come and get you." I said and everyone stared at me. "I see your senses are as good as they always was Roseline dear." Orochimaru said stepping out from behind the trees.

"Orochimaru. What are you doing here." I growled at him. "I came to get what is mine but looks like I found you too. Now come with me and the rest will live." Orochimaru said and Kaboto came out and was going to attack the prince and princess when Kakashi jumped in front of him. "Sasuke isn't yours Orochimaru and neither will I come with you." I yelled at him and got into my fighting stance. Orochimaru smirked and got into his fighting stance. I activated my sharingan, byakugan and rinnegan. "I see that you finally unlocked your rinnegan Roseline." Orochimaru said and laughed.

"Yes and now it is the end of you Orochimaru. Now I know why Minato-sensei became hokage. There is nothing but destruction inside of you." I said and ran at home will doing hand signs. "Shadow style: shadow bending." I yelled and disappeared into the Shadows and then came in fort of him and we engaged in taijutsu and then after 5 min I disappeared into the shadows and made another hand sign. "Blood style: blood bending." I said and come out of the shadow appearing in front of Orochimaru and touched his one bloody wound from when I had cut him with my katana.

"What? Why can't I move my body?" Orochimaru asked as he tried to move. "Because I pearlized you. It's over. Dark style: death strike." I said and touched his heart. "The poison will reach your heart in a second and then you will be dead." I said and Orochimaru fell to the ground dead. I turned to my team and saw that Kaboto was also dead and when I took one step the hole world went black.

Gai's P.O.V

It was amazing to see how well Rose fought. Afters she killed Orochimaru she turned to us and when she began walking she passed out. Kakashi easily caught her in his arms and carried her bridal style. We went further and reached the Land of Ice. We then walked home after completing the mission. Once we Konoha Kakashi took Rose to the hospital while the rest of us went to lady Tsunade's office.

***the next day***

Kakashi's P.O.V

Rose was alright to go home yesterday and I was on my why to see Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura and tell them that we were free of training tomorrow and the I am going to tell Rose so that she can rest a bit. After I spotted Sakura I went over to her. "Hey Sakura. Can I talk to you real quick?" I asked as I reached her. "Sure Kakashi-sensei." Sakura said and looked at me. "Can you tell Naruto and Sasuke that tomorrow there is no training?" I asked and she nodded. After I spoke with Sakura, I walked into Asuma and we started talking. "Hey Kakashi. Where are you going?" Asuma asked me.

"To see Rose so I can tell her that there is no training tomorrow." I said and he looked at me as if he knew something. "What is bothering you." Asuma asked and I knew that he knew. "It's Rose. It is frustrating to be in the same team with her. She is driving me insane. I can't be in the same team with her without wanting to tell her that I love her. Every time that a guy flirts with her I want to kill him." I said and Asuma patted my back. "Tell her that you love her man." Asuma said and walked away. He was right I was going to tell her that I love her.

Roseline's P.O.V

I was looking for Kakashi to thank him for helping me yesterday. I was coming around the corner when I heard Kakashi speaking to someone. I saw that it was Asuma. "It's Rose. It is frustrating to be in the same team with her. She is driving me insane. I can't be in the same team with her without wanting to..." I could listen anymore. Each word he said was like someone stabbing me with a kunai. I ran in the direction I came from.

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