Chapter 6: The Land of Music.

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Roseline's P.O.V

I woke up the next day and got ready for the day. I met my team at the hokage's building. As I arrived I noticed that Kakashi was early this time. "I see that you're actually on times today Hatake. Why is that if I may ask?" I asked and he frowned. "I can actually be on time DiMera, unlike someone I know." He said and I started laughing. "You're scared that I might take over your team if I'm the first one here right? Believe me, I might not like you but I'm not that heartless, even if I am one of the mercilessly beauties in the ANBU." I said and smiled. "It's not that. We have to take a new team photo  since you joined the squat." Kakashi said with a bored tone.

We walked into the building and went straight to where we were going to take the photo. As we walked into the room I noticed that Anko, Tsunade and Kurenai was there. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked them. "We heard from Tsunade that you joined Kakashi's team and that you were going to take a photo and we wanted to see what was going to happen since you guys hate each other." Anko said and began to laugh. "Good point. Now you guys can keep him alive and then maybe the four of us can take a photo together. It has been a long time and the other photo I had got lost." I said and they laughed. "I'm sure we can do it. I also need a new one. What do you think Tsunade?" Kurenai said and turned to Tsunade. "Sure." Tsunade said and we smiled. Next I took a photo with the girls - Tsunade on the right, me next to her, Kurenai next to me and Anko next to her- we were smiling and stuck our tongs out to the camera. We all got a copy and laughed. "Just like old times." we all said in union and laughs again. Then the girls walked out of the room and went their own way.

We took our spots -Sakura in the middle, Naruto on her right and Sasuke on her left. I stood behind Naruto and Kakashi stood behind Sasuke. Naruto and Sasuke were glaring at each other while Sakura was smiling. Kakashi and I looked down at them and smiled at them- and they quickly took our photo. We each got a copy. I smiled at the photo. It reminded me of my photo with Minato-sensei and the rest of the squad. Me and Rin in the middle. Obito next to me and Kakashi next to Rin. Kakashi and Obito would glare at each other while Rin and I smiled and Minato-sensei with his arms around Kakashi and Obito would also just smile.

After we took the photo we went to the hokage's office since she had a mission for us. Once we arrived at her office I knocked on the door. "Come in." Tsunade said and we walked in and stopped in front of her desk. As I closed the door I turned around and stood with my team and as I turned my head I saw someone I thought I'd see again. "Jiraiya. I see you survived. How are you feeling?" I said and I saw him stiffen and turn around to face me. "R-Rose. It's g-good t-to see you a-again." Jiraiya stuttered as he stood behind Tsunade, not that it would help him much. "You know Pervy-Sage?" Naruto asked surprised. "You could say that. He is a very close friend to you father Naruto and to my clan." I said and Jiraiya laughed nervously.

"I see you're still mad about that little indecent. I really am sorry Rose." Jiraiya said and I laughed. "Mad? Mad? No I'm beyond furious with you about that. If it wasn't for Tsunade you would have been dead by now so you really have to thank her Jiraiya!" I yelled and he stepped back in fear. "Anyway you wanted to see us Tsunade about a mission." I said and she nodded her head. "Yes I have a A-rank mission for you guys. The prince of the Land of Music has gone missing yesterday and the king wanted us to get him back. Do you except the mission team 7." Tsunade said and I smiled. "We except the mission." Kakashi and I said in union. We glared at each other. "I see that they are still enemies." Jiraiya said and chuckled. I glared at him and he kept his mouth shut.

"Right you leave in an hour. You're dismissed." Tsunade said and we bowed and we walked out of her office. "We will meet at the gates in 30 min pack only the things you will need so that you can travel easily." I said and they nodded. I vanished in a whirlwind of sakura's. I appeared at my house and grabbed my bag that is always packed for missions. I grabbed an apple and the vanished into a whirlwind of sakura's and appeared in front the gates and climbed a tree and I started reading.

**30 min later**

Kakashi's P.O.V

I arrived at the gates to see Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura but no Roseline. I couldn't even sense her chakra so that means that she is not here yet. Yes. "Looks like I'm first DiMera. Now we know who is the better ninja." I said to myself only to hear someone laugh. I looked to my team to see them laughing at me. "I guess I said that out loud didn't I?" I asked scratching the back of my head nervously.

"Indeed you did Hatake and I'm a better ninja then you and you know it. As always your the last one to arrive. I was here first then it was Sakura, then Sasuke and Naruto and then finally you scarecrow." Roseline said laughing and she jumped out of the tree. "Can we just go now?" I asked and we started walking towards the Land of Music.

Sakura's P.O.V

I could not stop laughing as Kakashi-sensei thought he was here before Roseline-sensei. I mean Roseline-sensei was here first, then me then Sasuke then Naruto. I really feel sorry for Kakashi-sensei but if he wants to beat Roseline-sensei then he must be here earlier. If you ask me there is more to them then just being enemies. I'm going to find out and then I'm going to get them together. I know for a fact that Kakashi-sensei likes Roseline-sensei.

'We need to get them together. They would make a cute couple.' Inner said.

'Your right inner. Anyways how are we going to do that because they fight more then Sasuke and Naruto do?' I said.

'Good point. Maybe we can...' Inner said but was cut of when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Roseline-sensei smiling at me. "Having a conversation with yourself?" Roseline-sensei asked and I nodded. Roseline-sensei laughed and I smiled. "Come on. We're here and since we two are the smartest we need to focus." Roseline-sensei said. "Okay." I replied and focused.

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