Chapter 3: Trying to convice the enemy to join the team.

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Tsunade's P.O.V

After Roseline left I saw Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke relaxing and they took a deep breath. "I thought grandma Tsunade was scary." Naruto said and I laughed. "No. Her temper is shorter the mine. She once even gave me a fright when she went off on Jiraiya for peeking at us when we where at the hot spring. The anger you guys saw was only a third of her anger. Even Orochimaru is scared of her. Imagine how she would look when her full anger showed." I said and smiled at the memory.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura looked petrified after hearing this. "She is very bipolar. One minute she is nice and then she's a monster but it's that calm voice after annoying the shit out of her that you have to watch out for. I learned that the hard way and I still have the scars." Kakashi said in a bored tone. "That is why I need you to convince Roseline to join team 7. She will keep Sasuke and Naruto in check. I can't ask Gai because he would flirt with her and then he would be in the hospital for at least a week, that's if she takes it easy on him." I said and I could see Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura getting scared.

"Asuma's team will not be able to keep up and Shikamaru would be complaining because she would give them drills until they can't take it anymore and Kurenai's team will also suffer because Kiba would hit on her and she would push Hinata to her limit and beyond it and Shino will electric fide while her niece might make it a little but I'm sure she improved a lot so it will be harder then before. So it has to be your team Kakashi. Naruto and Sasuke will be even stronger then before and as for Sakura, she will be able to do even better then the boys if Roseline joins the team." Tsunade said and the boys were very surprised at what they heard.

"You have to convince her to join us. The team will only improve better then we would have with just you Kakashi-sensei, no offence." Sakura said. "You also know that you can't handle Sasuke and Naruto on your own. Roseline petrified them by just being a little angry. Were they so petrified of you when you were angry?" I asked. "She has the temper and can keep them in line no doubt there but will she be able to control the energy of Naruto?" Kakashi asked. "Sure she will and you know it." I replied and he nodded his head. "Then you're dismissed." I said and they left.

Kakashi's P.O.V

I can't believe that I'm going to do this. I shook my head as I walked down the path towards Roseline's house that is in the DiMera compound. As I was walking Gai came up to me. "I came to challenge you." Gai said holding his thumbs up. "Not now Gai I have something to do. If I don't do it now then I won't ever do it." I said trying to keep my pride up. "Where are you going? Your house is in the opposite direction." Gai said. "Yeah but I'm going to a certain someone's house to see if I can get her to agree to be the co-sensei even when I don't want her to be. Lady Tsunade already made her the co-sensei without asking me about it. So now I need to convince her to join my team and that won't be easy since she hates me and I hate her." I said and sighed.

"So who is this woman you're talking about?" Gai asked. "It's Roseline. She just got back and now I need to convince her to be my co-sensei." I said bored. "Then I challenge you to see which one of us can convince her first to join your team." Gai said and I thought about it. "Why not? I don't see what could go wrong? Maybe she will join my team then since she can't join any other team." I said and we walked to her house. This might be interesting since she doesn't like Gai at all, while he claims to love her.

Roseline's P.O.V

As I got home I decided to take a little nap. I went to my room and got into my night clothes which was a pink trank top and a short black short. I was woken up by a knock on the door. I got to my door and opened saw Kakashi at my door. "Oh it's just you scarecrow." I said and closed my door in his face. Just as I was leaving to go back to my room there was another knock. "What do you want Hatake?!" I yelled and swung my door open only to be met with Gai. "My youthful blossom I knew you would never leave me. I missed you." Gai said and tried to hug me. "Oh shit!" I said and slammed the door shut before he could hug me.

"My sweet blossom, please open the door?" Gai asked with hearts in his eyes. "No way. How do you even know that I'm home?" I asked from behind my door. "Kakashi told me because he was on his way here and I wanted to challenge him but when I heard that you were back I wanted to come and see you." Gai said. "Hatake I'm going to kill you! I'm going to make sure its a painful death then I'm going to heal you just so that I can kill you again!!!" I yelled and poofed outside, grabbed his collar and poofed into my house again. I slammed him into the wall and held my kunai to his throat.

"Why the hell did you bring him here?!" I asked him. "I knew you wouldn't have talked to me if it was just me. So can you put the kunai away so we can talk." Kakashi said bored. I set my kunai down and we walked to my coach and sat down. "So what do you want Hatake?" I asked angry. "Lady Tsunade sent me to tell you that you are going to be the co-sensei whether you like it or not. You must meet us at the bridge at 07:00 am tomorrow." Kakashi said and stood up. "I never agreed to this Hatake so you won't see me." I said and he stood by the door. "Why? Are you scared that I will finally beat you and ruin your legacy and that the kids will like me more the they will you DiMera?" Kakashi asked and looked at me.

"Nope. I just don't want to embarrass you in front of your students Hatake. I might not like you but I still have a heart." I replied. "Since when did you have a heart when it came to me? We will see tomorrow won't we. If I win you will be the co-sensei and if you win then you don't have to be the co-sensei. Deal?" Kakashi asked me. "Deal. Oh and when you leave take Gai with you because you're the reason his here so it's your problem on how you get him to leave my house." I said looking at my nails as he left. I stood up and went back to my room and climbed into bed. Tomorrow was going to be a fun day. Maybe becoming the co-sensei won't be so bad. I will then be able to annoy Hatake more then ever. So even if I win I will be co-sensei just to annoy him.

Kakashi's P.O.V

After I finally got Gai to go home and I went home. On the way I kept seeing Roseline in her night cloths. They fitted her frame so perfectly. 'Stop it Kakashi. She is your enemy for god sakes. You can't be thinking about her in that way tomorrow or you will have your ass kicked again.' I scolded myself again. As I reached my house I sight and went to bed to get some sleep because I will be needing it tomorrow if I wanted to beat Roseline. I then fell into a dreamless sleep.

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