Chapter 12: Saving Zabuza-kun and Haku-kun.

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Roseline's P.O.V

"Duck!" Kakashi yelled and everyone ducked but me as a large sword headed our way. I caught the sword and leans against a tree. Kakashi and the others stood up. "Really Zaza. That's no way to treat a old friend." I said pounting. "Ah Rose. I see you still kept that nickname for me. It's good to see you again." Zaza said as he hugged me and I hugged back. "You too. Here is your sword back. So how are you and Haku doin'?" I asked with a smile. "We are doin' good. I see you are back with the leaf. I must say I didn't picture you as a sensei." Zaza said smiling. "I know but they are great students. The girl is Sakura Haruno -she is my apprentice- and the emo dude is Sasuke Uchiha -brother of Itachi Uchiha one of my friends- and the boy with the blond hair is Naruto Uzumaki -son of the fourth hokage and one he's going to be the hokage someday- and I presume that you already know Kakashi over there." I said pointing to him. "Yes Kakashi Hatake of the sharingan and your enemy from the academy. So you got stuck with him." Zaza said and I laughed.

"Yes but we put that enemy thing in past and we're friends now. Anyway I came to get you and Haku away from Gato. Please come with me to the leaf. You and Haku deserve better then this. I know that you are good people, please. Help me kill him so that I can set you and Haku free and all of Tazuma's people at his village. That's all I'm asking Zaza." I said and he looked sad. "Haku deserves it not me." Zaza said and I shook my head. I sensed Haku's chakra and smiled. "You can come out too Haku. It has been a long time don't you think?" I asked him and Haku jumped and stopped in front of me. "It sure has Rose." Haku said and I took the mask off of his face and pulled him into a hug I threw his mask away and let him go.

"What do you say. A new home and more friends for you and Zaza, all you have to do is come with me and my squad." I said giving them my puppy dog eyes. I knew they couldn't resist it. "Oh no not that Rose..." Haku said and I added my pouting lip. "Alright fine. You convinced us. We will go with you." Zaza said and I jumped at him and hugged him. "Thank you so much. Let's go help Tazuma and kill Gato." I said and Tazuma, Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Zaza and Haku laughed. I laughs with them but was cut off when I heard the voice that I never wanted to hear again.

"So you finally returned Roseline. I see that you managed to get Zabuza and Haku to betray me like you did three years ago when you ran on the day of our wedding." Gato said and then I heard Naruto struggling to keep in his laughter and failed. He bursted out laughing with Sasuke and Sakura. "This is the guy that wanted you to marry him?" Naruto asked in between laughter's. "Yes that's him." I hissed in anger. Soon Kakashi joined them laughing. "I can see why you ran. HE'S THE SAME LENGTH AS SASUKE AND HE LOOK LIKE HIS 50 YEARS OLD." Sakura said and they laughed even more. "HEY I'M 43 YEARS OLD." Gato yelled and them. "OH MY FUCKING GOD! YOUR A FUCKING PAEDOPHILE! I'M 23 YEARS OLD!" I yelled at him with a mortified look on my face.

"I know but your very rich, powerful, intelligent and beautiful." Gato said and I got nauseous. "I'm not marrying you, you perveted old man!" I yelled and the rest just kept laughing harder at me. Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke, Tazuma, Zabuza and Haku were on the ground rolling as they laughed. "That's it! I'm going to fucking kill you! It's going to be a slow and painful death. Haku want to help?" I asked and everybody stopped laughing. "Sure." Haku said standing up. "Ice style: Ice mirrors of destruction!" I yelled after I made the hand signs and ice mirrors went around Gato like a dome and Haku and I stepped into the mirrors. We took out our serbon needles and began throwing it at Gato. Everyone hit him and you could hear him scream. About an hour later we stepped out of the mirrors and I broke the jutsu. Gato looked up at us and I walked up to him.

"Here is something for you. It is a new jutsu that I made. Dark style: Death kiss." I said and made the hand signs and kissed his lips. As I pulled away you could see black veins around his mouth and when I let him go he fell to the ground dead. I turned to everyone and saw the look of terror on their faces. "Lets go." I said with a smile and we began walking again. "You truly are the beautiful devil of the leaf." Zaza said and I giggled. "I guess I am but you are the demon of the mist." I said and he laughed. "I know but even the legendary sannin are afraid of you. They're not afraid of me especially Orochimaru and you know he's afraid of you." Zaza said and we stopped at Tazuma's house. We said good bay to Tazuma and his family and headed back to the leaf.

**At the hokage's tower**

Tsunade's P.O.V

Rose walked in with Kakashi, Zabuza the demon of the mist and another boy I'm guessing is Haku and stopped in front of my desk. "Lady hokage we would like to join the leaf please." Zabuza said and Rose smiled. I knew she trusted them and I trusted her so I nodded. "Okay but we don't have spare houses for now." I said and Rose smiled. "They can live at the DiMera compound until there are houses available I don't mind at all." Rose said. "That settles that. Zabuza you can be a jonin and what is your rank Haku if I may?" I asked. "Jonin lady hokage." Haku said and I was shocked. "It's true Tsunade. Haku is at a jonin level." Rose said and I nodded. I gave them both an leaf headband and a jonin vest. "You are all dismissed." I said after they gave me the mission report.

Roseline's P.O.V

As we all walked out of the Tsunade's office an idea popped into my head. "Why don't we all go out for ramen and then I will show Zaza and Haku to where they will be staying for the time being?" I asked and everyone nodded. We then went to eat ramen and talked the whole time. As the sun was setting we went home and I showed Zaza and Haku to where they were staying. "Remember Tsunade has a mission for you two tomorrow so after breakfast with me and my niece you have to go see her." I said and they nodded. I headed to my house and saw Scar eating her dinner.

"Hey Scar, how was your day?" I asked her and she smiled. "Awesome. Who are those two in the next house?" Scar asked and put her plate in the sink. "That was Zabuza and Haku. They are just friends of mine I met three hears ago. They will be having breakfast with us tomorrow so I will then introduce you to them." I said and she nodded. "Well I'm going to bed." Scar said and then I remembered something. "Hey Scar can I ask you something?" I asked and she turned towards me. "Sure go ahead aunt Rose." Scar said and I chuckled. "Rose will do Scar. Anyways I have noticed the way that you look at Neji Huyga. Do you like him?" I asked and Scar blushed. I laughed a little and then stood up. "See you tomorrow at breakfast." I said. "You to Rose." Scar said and went to bed. I went to my room when I suddenly thought about Kakashi. "Why am I thinking of him?" I asked myself.

'Because you're in love with him. You have been for a long time now.' Inner said and my eyes widen.

'That can't be true. We're just friends.' I said trying to deny it.

'But that doesn't mean you don't like him.' Inner said and I realised she was right.

'That's true. He has been kind to me and I did like him before we became enemies. What am I going to do?' I asked concerned that Kakashi would find out.

'Nothing just act like a friend and nothing more. He won't suspect anything.' Inner said and I nodded to myself and went to sleep.

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