Chapter 5: Fighting Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke.

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Sakura's P.O.V

I got in my fighting stance and then waited for Roseline-sensei to say start. I was really existed about fighting her. Maybe she could help me reach my full potential. I really don't want to hold my team back and always depend on Naruto and Sasuke to safe me and protect me. She looked at me and I nodded my letting her know that I was ready to start. "Start." Roseline-sensei yelled and I ran at and began to throw punches. "Sakura. Do you know that you have amazing strength?" Roseline-sensei said after catching my fists. "No sensei." I said and she replied, " Your just as strong as Tsunade and I'm going to help you work with it and reach your full potential. Now how about some ninjutsu?" Roseline-sensei said and I nodded. We went through ninjutsu and then genjutsu. At the end of our battle I was panting like crazy and Roseline-sensei was not even sweating a little.

"That's enough for now Sakura. You did amazingly. I am going to teach you medical ninjutsu because you have excellent chakra control, is that fine with you?" Sensei asked and I nodded my head. "Good because I believe that you will doing fine in medical ninjutsu." Roseline-sensei said and I smiled. "You can rest a little bit then I am going to put you in a genjutsu so that you can train without being interrupted by the boys. Later I'm going to give you my medical ninjutsu book that you have to study. We will then take things from there." Roseline-sensei said and smiled at me. "Thanks sensei and I will make you proud." I replied and smiled back. I rested a bit and got my chakra back. Once I got all my chakra back, Roseline-sensei put me in a genjutsu and I began training and remembered everything she told me.

Naruto's P.O.V

Once Sakura-chan went to take a rest Roseline-sensei called me over. "Naruto come over here please. Sasuke you keep training until I call you over understand?" Roseline-sensei said and he nodded. I got in my fighting stance and then waited for Roseline-sensei to say start. I was really existed about fighting her. If I can beat Roseline-sensei the I will became hokage in now time. She looked at me and I nodded my letting her know that I was ready to start. "Start." Roseline-sensei yelled and I ran at and began to throw punches. "Naruto. Do you know that you have amazing determination?" Roseline-sensei said after catching my fists. "No sensei." I said and she replied, " Your going to be the best hokage and I'm going to help you work with it and reach your full potential. Now how about some ninjutsu?" Roseline-sensei said and I nodded. We went through ninjutsu and then genjutsu.

At the end of our battle I was panting like crazy and Roseline-sensei was not even sweating a little. "That's enough for now Naruto. You did amazingly. I am going to teach you how to improve your taijutsu because your are good in it, is that fine with you?" Sensei asked and I nodded my head. "Good because I believe that you will be a fine hokage." Roseline-sensei said and I smiled. "You can rest a little bit then I am going to put you in a genjutsu so that you can train." Roseline-sensei said and smiled at me. "Thanks sensei and I will make you proud." I replied and smiled back. I rested a bit and got my chakra back. Once I got all my chakra back, Roseline-sensei put me in a genjutsu and I began training and remembered everything she told me.

Sasuke's P.O.V

Once the dobe went to take a rest Roseline-sensei called me over after she put him in a genjutsu. She also put Sakura in one, maybe so that they can train more without being disturbed. "Sasuke come over here please." Roseline-sensei said and I nodded. I got in my fighting stance and then waited for Roseline-sensei to say start. I was really existed about fighting her. If I can beat Roseline-sensei the I will avenge my clan and kill Itachi in no time. Then I can restore my clan to its former glory. She looked at me and I nodded my letting her know that I was ready to start. "Start." Roseline-sensei yelled and I ran at and began to throw punches. "Sasuke. Do you know that you have an amazing vision of what you want to happen but have you ever wanders why Itachi did what he did? I mean I was one of his best friends. Days before that night he acted as if he was about to do something that was going to kill him from the inside. Did you ever wandered what drove him to do it?" Roseline-sensei said after catching my fists.

"No sensei." I said in a monotone and she replied, "If you see him one day ask him that and tell him I said hi. Now how about some ninjutsu?" Roseline-sensei said and I nodded. We went through ninjutsu and then genjutsu. At the end of our battle I was panting like crazy and Roseline-sensei was not even sweating a little. Even with fighting Sakura and the dobe she wasn't even panting and the fights happened after each other. "That's enough for now Sasuke. You did amazingly. I am going to teach you how to improve your jutsu's is that fine with you?" Sensei asked and I nodded my head.

"Good because I believe that you will be great one day but first you need to know that revenge won't do you any good." Roseline-sensei said. "You can rest a little bit then I am going to put you in a genjutsu so that you can train some more." Roseline-sensei said and smiled at me. "Thanks sensei and I will make you proud." I replied. I rested a bit and got my chakra back. Once I got all my chakra back, Roseline-sensei put me in a genjutsu and I began training and remembered everything she told me.

Roseline's P.O.V

After I took the genjutsu off of them I smiled at them. "You all did great. You can go home I will see you guys tomorrow for our first mission where I'll be joining you." I said and they nodded. After they left I enjoyed the breeze that was blowing until I sensed a familiar chakra. "Long time no see... Itachi. How have you been?" I asked and he stepped out from behind the tree. "Indeed it has been a long time Rose. I'm doing fine and you?" Itachi said and I smiled turning towards him. I gave him a big hug and we started talking. "I'm fine as you can see. What have you been up to since I last seen you?" I asked as we sat in one of the cherry blossom trees. "I joined the Akatsuki and I'm just waiting for the day that Sasuke's strong enough so that he can kill me." Itachi said and my smile dropped.

"Why? I know the truth. I found out just after you left because I went to the hokage to get you back. I saw you cry as you had to leave Sasuke. The hokage told me everything well I actually forced him to tell me. Why don't you just tell Sasuke?" I said with tears in my eyes. Itachi was my best friend along with Kurenai, Tsunade and Anko. He looked at me with a sad look and he hugged me. "I can't tell him Rose. He must think that I killed our clan because I wanted to test my limit. Even if he doesn't kill me I am going to die. I am going to tell you something that nobody knows about. I'm going to die because I'm very sick and my eyesight is failing me because of how much I used my sharingan. Since you have both the byakugan and the sharingan that won't be you problem." Itachi said and my heart shatters into a million pieces.

"I can help you Itachi. I can cure your disease and I can fix your eyesight. Just let me help you please. I already lost my clan except for Scarlett because Orochimaru wanted me and they didn't want to give me to him. I don't want to lose my friends to." I said as I started to cry. Itachi looked me in the eyes and smiled. "Alright but only because you are my best friend but I won't tell Sasuke and you won't either. If you tell him I won't let you heal me." Itachi said and I thought for a bit. "I won't tell Sasuke I promise." I said and started to heal him. After an hour I was done and he could see perfectly and I cured his disease. He smiled and hugged me and whispered a small thank you to which I only nodded at. After another hour we said our good bay's and I went home and went to bed.

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