Chapter 23: Messege to Konoha.

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Roseline's P.O.V

I was in my office busy writing the letter that Haku would give to Tsunade when there was a knock on my door. I quickly put other papers over the one I was writing. "Come in." I said and Thaddeus, Charlotte and Dimitri walked in with children behind them. I only recognized one. Inari from the Land of Waves. Thaddeus walked to my deck and handed me the scroll. I quickly read the message. "Thaddeus take them and sign them into the academy and get them into a house while they are here. Oh, hi Inari long time no see." I said and Thaddeus only nodded as Inari stared at me.
"Rose?" Inari asked and I nodded. I opened my arms and he ran into it and gave me a big hug. "It's been a long time. I'm glad you came." I said and he nodded. "Where is Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi?" Inari asked. "They aren't here. Its only me, Zabuza and Haku." I said and Inari nodded. "Now run along and get settled." I said and he smiled and I smiled back as he followed Thaddeus. Charlotte stepped forward and handed me a scroll and I read it quickly. "Okay Charlotte take them to the ANBU and medical department and then get them settled. After that you can go home to your family." I said and Charlotte nodded and left.

Dimitri walked forward and handed me the scroll and I read it quickly. "Dimitri take them to the academy and then get them settled." I said and he nodded and then they left. I took out the note I was writing and finished it. "Haku." I said and he appeared  next to me. "You needed me Rose." Haku said and I nodded. "Yes. Haku I want you to deliver this message to Tsunade and then tell her I said that she can inform Kurenai, Anko, Itachi and Scarlett." I said and handed him the scroll. Haku took it and disappeared.

Tsunade's P.O.V

I was in my office doing some paper work when Haku entered my office and gave me a fright. "Haku you scared me. What are you doing here?" I whispered/yelled at him. "Rose asked me to give you this." Haku said pulling out a scroll.

Dear Tsunade

Sorry that this is the first time I'm writing you a message. It's just that thing are very busy here where I am. Sorry that I can't tell you where I am. But Haku informed me about some of the things that happened in the village. Congratulations with you and Jiraiya's marriage. I'm sorry that I wasn't there. I really wish that I was. I also heard that Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Shikamaru, Ino, Chouji, Lee, Neji, Ten Ten,Hinata, Kiba, Scarlett and Shino became jonin. Please tell Anko that I say congratulations on finding out that she is pregnant and to Kurenai about the twins. I heard it's a boy and a girl.

I also heard that Itachi and Shizune are engaged, please give them my regards. I also heard that Naruto and Hinata are dating. Shikamaru and the chick from the sand -Temari- are also dating, Ino and Kiba are dating, Ten Ten and Lee are dating. I also heard that they all were wandering what happened to me because a week after we left Naruto can to the compound to see me and when he realized you were gone he went to that stupid Hatake!! The whole team 7 went to see the you and when you said that we left the village for a mission Hatake didn't believe you.

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