Chapter 25: The Kage's summit.

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Roseline's P.O.V

I can't believe the village grew to one of the biggest hidden villages. I was also invited to the kage summit that is going to be held in the Land of Snow. I was going to be addressed along with Pain -the kage of the rain village- because since we became allies our villages became stronger. I would also be able to see Tsunade and the two she choice to join her. Since I like being different I'm going to take Melody and Haku with me. I left Zabuza in charge of the village offers because he didn't want to go to the Land of Snow.

I got ready to leave. I put on my ninja outfit that consist of a fish net top that ended just above my belly button with a pink trank top with the DiMera symbol on it that ended just three fingers under my breast. The sleeves stopped at my shoulders. My ANBU tattoo was on full display. I also wore black fingerless gloves. I wore a black skirt with black shorts that ended mid thigh with the skirt open on one sides of my legs. On my right leg was my weapon pouch with the bandage on my leg. I then put on my standard ninja high heels shoes.

I left my hair loose so it fell to my ankles. I grabbed my weapons that were custom made for me. It consisted of two katana's with a black handle with the DiMera symbol on it which was the village symbol. A sword with a pink handle and the DiMera symbol on it. Kunai's, serbon needles, scalpel, shurikanes and a fan just like the Temari girl that Shikamaru is dating. Lastly I put on my kage cloak that was white and had sakura blossoms on the bottom and a big sakura blossom on my back.

I got to the front gate to see everyone there. "Sorry if I kept you guys waiting on me." I said and Melody smiled. "No need ma'am. We all just got here. Are you ready to head out?" Melody asked. I bite my thumb and summed Claire my fox. "Yes now I'm ready." I said and we began walking. "Claire if you smell something suspicious then let me know because we are going to the Land of Snow." I said and Claire nodded.

***3 day later***

Melody's P.O.V

We finally arrived in the Land of Snow. I was very exited. This was the first kage summit I have ever been to. I guess I got to go because I was the Florakage's apprentice. I really learned a lot from her. Haku and I have also been dating for about 4 months now. I walked next to Haku and we were holding hands. I wander how Rose's previous hokage looked like. Rose told me why she left the hidden leaf village and why she became florakage. Me and the rest of the village will forever be grateful to her.

We reached the place where the summit would be held. Rose stopped and sent Claire back to her friends after thanking her. Rose put her hair in a bun and put on the kage hat and kept her head low so that no one wold recognize her. We walked in and went to take our seats at the kage table and waited for the other kage's and the people they brought with them. I stood at Rose's right side with Haku on the left side of Rose.

Roseline's P.O.V

All of the kage's walked in with people next to them. Tsunade walked in last with Shizune on her left and Kakashi on her right. So he did rejoin the ANBU. So everything that Tsunade said in her note about him was true. Well he can blame only himself that I left but I must thank him for that because thanks to that accident I had a better life. I wouldn't want to change it. Tsunade took the seat on my right and Pain took the seat on my left. He also wore a hat and so did Konan.

"So first things first. We are going to introduce the two new kage's that will be joining us from this point on. The kage of the village hidden in the flowers will go first then the kage of the rain village." The Raikage said. "Ready florakage?" Melody asked me and I nodded. I took off my hat and my ankle length hair fell to the ground and I lift my head up. "Hello Tsunade, Shizune's and Mei. It's good to see you again." I said to them. "Rose is that really you?" Kakashi asked as the others three was too shocked to say anything. "You have lost the right to call me that the day you betrayed me Hatake!!" I yelled at him saying his name with venom.

He backed down and hanged his head in shame. "Rose I can't believe your the florakage." Mei squalled happily. "Yes I did. After I left the leaf village with Haku and Zabuza we came across an abounded village and I took over as kage, Melody over here is my apprentice and assistant, Haku became head of the ANBU and Zabuza took care of training the chunnin and jonin and then became a sensei himself. He is back home taking care of the village." I said and smiled happily. "Do you still do some of the things we all used to do like singing, laughing and make the men go crazy over you?" Tsunade asked with an amused look on her face.

"Some. I stopped singing till Haku and Zaza forced me to sing the night before I wrote you the letter. I can't say much about laughing course almost everyone at home says it's rare to see any of my emotions and as for making men go crazy. Yes that's becoming a real problems for me. One of the men even asked me to go out with him but I said no. Though he kept trying." I said and Melody just giggled. "How can a weak girl like you became kage of one of the biggest hidden villages?" The Raikage asked.

Mei, Tsunade, Shizune, Melody, Haku and Kakashi froze. "You did not just say that." I said with a dark aura around me. "Rose calm down. He didn't mean it." Kakashi said and I snapped. "How dare you call me that after every fucking thing you did to me! It was because of you that I left my only living relative and told her to not restore the DiMera clan and that I would. You were the reason I forbid Tsunade, Itachi, Scarlett, Kurenai and Anko to tell anyone where I went! You were the reason why I didn't tell them where I was, not even in the letter! You were the reason why I never made contact and broke all connections and bonds with the leaf village and the you dare and call me Rose! You really have a death wish! That's fine! It will be my pleasure to kill you!" I yelled at him

I pulled out a kunai and throw it at him he just dodged it when I appeared behind him and kicked him in the ribs. Kakashi hit the wall and went through the wall. I appeared in front of him and went to punch him when he rolled out of the way. "I'm sorry Roseline. I never wanted to hurt you. You of all people should know that. Juliana lied to me to break us up. I love you Roseline." Kakashi said and I laughed a very sadistic laugh. "Love doesn't exist when it comes to me. I learned that the hard way." I said.

I throw a punch at him and it hit him in the face. "Shadow style: shadow blending. Let us see how you get me now Hatake!" I said and blended in with shadows. I throw serbon needles at him and he screamed. I broke the jutsu. "Why don't I take it to mental capacity? Lets see how long you will last." I activated my sharingan, byakugan and rinnegan.

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