Chaper 4: Becoming co-sensei.

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Roseline's P.O.V

As I woke up the next day at 06:50. I stood up and put on my ninja outfit that consist of a fish net top that ended just above my belly button with a pink trank top with the DiMera symbol on it that ended just three fingers under my breast. The sleeves stopped at my shoulders. My ANBU tattoo was on full display. I also wore black fingerless gloves. I wore a black skirt with black shorts that ended mid thigh with the shirt open on one sides of my legs. On my right leg was my weapon pouch with the bandage on my leg and I put my hair a lose ponytail. I then put on my standard ninja high heels shoes. I put my katana's on my back and headed for the bridge.

When I got there I saw that Sasuke was already there. I looked at him and nodded my head at him. He also nodded his head and then I climbed the tree he was leaning against without using my hands. I pulled out my book about different types of jutsu's. I was busy reading when Sakura arrived. "Good morning Sasuke-kun and Roseline-sensei." Sakura said as she stopped at the tree. "Hn." Was all that Sasuke said and I rolled my eyes. "Good morning Sakura. That is one massive word vocabulary Sasuke. Just like Itachi I see. Now greet her properly." I said and he glared at me. "Don't you glare at me mister. I said greet her properly or I will teach you some manners." I scolded him.

"Good morning Sakura." Sasuke said a little afraid and I smiled. "See that wasn't so bad, was it?" I said and he rolled his eyes. Naruto then come running up to us. "Hey Sakura-chan, teme and Roseline-sensei. Where is Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked us. "Morning Naruto. His not here yet." Sakura said. "You guys do realise that he is going to be two hours late right?" I asked and their jaws dropped to the ground. "How do you know that Roseline-sensei?" Sakura asked and I smiled at them.

"Because I was on the same squad as he was. I was jonin at age 6 at and then ANBU at age 7 at where I left the ANBU when I was 12 to train under Naruto's father Minato-sensei -also known as the fourth hokage- until I was 15 and after that I went back to the ANBU and became head of the ANBU at 16." I said and they all stared at me. "Will you teach us so long then Roseline-sensei, please?" Naruto asked with puppy dog eyes. "Sure. What would you guys like to learn?" I asked them as I put my book away seeing as I won't get to read it. "How about how you climbed the tree without using your hands?" Sasuke said and the others nodded. I looked at them and jumped up in the air. On my way to the ground I did a back flip and landed on my feet standing straight up.

"Alright. Follow me." I said and we walked off to the forest around the village. I turned to them and said. "First to learn this you need to have great chakra control. I'm sure that you already know about chakra control?" I asked and they nodded. "Great so first you focus to get chakra under your feet sort of as a blanket. To much and you will bounce off, to little and you will fall off. Then you ran to get momentum up the tree. -Later you when you mastered it you will be able to just walk on the tree without the need to ran.- Use these kunai's to mark your place before you fall off. Then try to improve." I said and throw three kunai's to them. "Ready...set...go!" I yelled and they took off. "Naruto add a little bit more chakra then try again." I told Naruto as soon as his feet touched the ground. "Yes sensei." Naruto said and tried again. "Nice work Sakura. Looks like she has the best chakra control out of all of you." I said and she smiled.

"Sasuke try using a little less chakra this time." I said and he nodded his head. "Sakura can I talk to you really quick?" I asked her and she nodded and come down. We walked a bit away from the boys while they continued training. "Sakura do you like Sasuke a lot?" I asked her. "Yes. Why?" Sakura asked confused and I smiled. "Here is some advise. If you want him to notice you and ask you out, stop fan girling about him and show your true power and strength. If I am not mistaken he wants a strong girl to help him revive his clan so show him that girl is you because I know it is you. If you want to then I can personally train you." I said and she smiled happily. "Do you really mean it?" Sakura asked. "Yes so what do you say?" I asked her. "Yes please. It would be a dream to personally train under you sensei." Sakura replied. "So from now on no more fan girling over Sasuke and spend more time on yourself and your training." I said and she nodded and we went back to the boys who were still training.

Kakashi's P.O.V

I arrived at the meeting spot to find nobody there. Not even Roseline who is always early. I then searched for their chakras and found them in the woods. When I got there they were training walking on trees using their chakra. Roseline was talking to Sakura about something. "What are you guys doing here? We were suppose to meet by the bridge." I said and they turned to me. "We got tired of waiting for you so they asked me if I could teach them to walk on a tree using their chakra so I did and they are doing well. Sakura already mastered it." Roseline said and turned back to them. "So are we going to fight now or not?" I asked and she turned around and smirked. "Here I thought that you forgot about that. When do we start?" Roseline asked and I smiled. "Right now." I said. "Now don't hold back on me. You know I hate it when you do." Roseline said. "You know I won't hold back. I waited a long time to get you back for all those defeats so why would I hold back?" I said and we got into our fighting positions.

***3 hours later***

It has been about 3 hours since we started and Roseline was looking as if she was just about to start while I was panting slightly. "I am getting bored of this game." Roseline said with a bored look on her face. I froze but still had my guard up. 'She was playing with me this whole time? Just how strong has she got in these three years?' I thought to myself. "Got you now Kakashi." Roseline said and used her blood bending jutsu and paralyzed me. She walked over to me and pressed my pressure points and I fell to the ground. She deactivated her sharingan and byakugan and I deactivated my sharingan. "It felt just like old times, don't you think Kakashi?" Roseline said and smirked at me.

I just growled and tried to stood up. 'Am I really that weak against her? I was panting after 3 hours and she was just playing with me like a cat plays with a mouse before the cat kills the mouse. I can't believe I was defeated again and in front of my students.' I said to myself. I was very disappointed in myself. "You win so I think there is no need for you to be here seeing as you won't be the co-sensei," I said. In my mind I was doing a happy dance that she was not going to be on my team but yet disappointed for not being strong enough. "I think you got it wrong Hatake. I'm staying. The team sparked my interests so now I'm going to be the co-sensei." Roseline said. I could barely stand and keep my eyes open. "Even though I don't like you and I know you don't like me I knew you would do this for them. Thank you." I said and I fell face first, passing out.

Roseline's P.O.V

As Kakashi passed out I started laughing and the team stared at me. "You always knew me so well Hatake. And your right I don't like you but you have an amazing team. Come on. Lets get Kakashi to the hospital." I said once I finally stopped laughing and calmed down. Once we where out of the hospital I looked at my team and said, "How about we get some lunch and then get back to training?" They all nodded and we went to get ramen. After we finished eating we went back to the training area. "So we are going to see in what you guys are the weakest and then work our way from there up. Sakura you'll be fighting me first the Naruto and then Sasuke. Got it. Till then Naruto and Sasuke go and train together and if you guys start arguing then I will make you suffer. So behave yourself." I said and they nodded walking off to train.

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