Chapter 2: Over my dead body.

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Kakashi's P.O.V

I was on my way to the hokage with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura to report to Lady Tsunade and to hear if we had a next mission. As we neared her office we head Tsunade laughing. Now that was a rare sight. I wonder who made her laugh and how the person did it? I knocked on the door and heard Lady Tsunade say, "Come in." I walked in and saw the most beautiful woman ever. She had ankle length raven black hair that suited her frame perfectly. She reminds me of Roseline and when she turned around I nearly died. I never thought that I would see her again. She was my enemy since we were in the academy. Roseline Taylor DiMera. Last time I saw her she was leaving the village to go and train just after her parents died, she was 20 at the time. I can't believe she changed so much.

'She is more beautiful then when she left. What are you thinking about Hatake she is your enemy so stop thinking about her in that way.' I mentally scolded myself. That was three years ago. I will admit even if we were enemies I still missed her bright smile and personality. "Hey grandma Tsunade. Who is this?" Naruto asked looking at Roseline. "Hi. I'm Roseline Taylor DiMera but you can call Rose." Roseline said with a bright smile. "You mean as in the Roseline Taylor DiMera Konoha's black assassin and troublemaker but still the brightest and strongest ninja of the leaf." Sakura asked with stars in her eyes. "Who?" Naruto and Sasuke asked in sync. Sakura gasped and looked like she was about to have a heart attack.

"Roseline Taylor DiMera. She is known to be the strongest and smartest konoichi. Rose is stronger then me. Her IQ is higher then Shikamaru's -250 and more to be precisely- and Rose is faster then Kakashi and he was one of her team mates that got trained by the fourth hokage himself. Rose also become an ANBU member at the age of 7. Rose decided to join the fourth hogake's team so that she could improve her skills. Rose was also the head of the ANBU black ops at the age of 16. Rose has the strongest Kekka genkai of her entire clan. Rose was also the clan leaders daughter which makes her a princess because her mother and father was the king and queen of the DiMera clan. Her clan was stronger then the Uchiha and Huyga clan combined." Tsunade paused and looked at me and Roseline  nodded to her so she could continue.

"Since her clan was formed from a Huyga and Uchiha that fell in love they changed their surname to DiMera after they got married since the Hyuga clan and Uchiha clan are enemies and thus created a new clan. Her ancestors Alexandria Hyuga and Thaddeus Uchiha ran away after they fell in love and got married. A year later they returned but Alexandria was pregnant with twins, two boys. They returned and hoped that once the two clans saw how happy they were the two clans would finally stop their feud and be happy. And so the DiMera clan came to be until Orochimaru murdered her clan just to get to her. Roseline and her niece Scarlett is the last of her clan though." Tsunade said and took a deep breath because Roseline mother treated her, Kurenai and Anko as her own daughter.

"She posses both the sharingan and byakugan. Rose surpassed even me in medical ninjutsu. We are best friends since forever. Roseline, Kurenai, Anko and I were known as The She-Devils of Konoha. We always had fun. Itachi was also one of her friends but he never made any trouble. He always saved our asses if we were almost caught which was almost never. I also heard that Rose and Kakashi became enemies at the academy though I don't know why." Tsunade explained and Naruto's and Sasuke's jaws hit the ground. While Sakura stared in awe. Like there was a god standing in front of her and wanted her to do something special. I must say I was horrified by the way they looked at her.

"If I remembered correctly it was because Hatake couldn't take being beaten by a girl or the fact that I saw what he was hiding under his mask and according to him I offended him though I don't know how." Roseline said and giggled. The boys looked at me and I scratched the back of my head and laughed nervously. "You saw what was under his mask?" Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto asked Roseline as they turned back to her. "Yup but it's nothing special though all the girls except for me, Tsunade, Kurenai and Anko seemed to fan over him and every guy except for Itachi wanted to be like him or be him." Roseline said deep in thought.

"She also has all the luck with the guys. She could have all the guys she wanted but she never noticed it." Tsunade said and Roseline kept insisting that it wasn't true but she didn't know that it was true. I remembered the one time that Gai keep trying to impress her so she would date him. Every guy in school wanted to date her. She was very popular and the guy that would have dated her would be popular and very lucky. I must admit that before Roseline and I became enemies I also wanted to date her because she was intelligent, strong yet she was kind to everybody. Then we became enemies and I forgot about my feeling for her and they disappeared. "Anyways how is Kurenai and Anko doing? Last time I saw them was before I left." Roseline said."They are fine. Kurenai has her own squad and Anko is one of the chunnin examiners." Tsunade said and they laughed.

"How about Asuma and Kurenai? Are they finally together?" Roseline asked and everyone looked confused. "Seriously. Everyone knows that Asuma likes Kurenai and vise versa. Anyone could see it." Roseline said. "Now that you mention it they were spending more time together. Their two teams have practicality became one." Tsunade said and Roseline giggled. "I knew that someday they would be together but danm it took them long and they aren't together yet, like why haven't they told each other yet?" Roseline asked and Tsunade nodded. "What about Anko? Did she find someone yet?" Roseline asked. "Not that I know of. It has been awhile since everyone got together." Tsunade said. "We should set a date to catch up on. Everyone has to come, maybe we could bring the genin with us." Roseline said and Tsunade nodded.

"That sounds great. I will book a table at the barbeque restaurant Friday night for seven sharp." Tsunade said. "Hatake that means the actual seven and not your seven and then you turn up two hours later." Roseline said and looked at me then back to Tsunade. It was scary how well se knows me even after three years. "Anyways so who is team 7?" Roseline asked curiously. "That would be us, why do you ask?" I asked. She turned to me and I saw her eyes widen and then she turned back towards Tsunade and said, "I refuse to work with scarecrow over there! I'm sorry but over my dead body! I would rather work with Gai as co-sensei and that is saying a lot and you know it Tsunade! Why didn't you tell me that if I agreed to be team 7 co-sensei that I would work with scarecrow over there!" Roseline said angry.

"What do you mean DiMera over there is going to be the co-sensei! I refuse to do it!" I said getting angry and she glared at me. There wasn't much stuff that could get me easily mad but DiMera just knew which buttons to press to get me very angry. "Shut it scarecrow! I'm talking here!" Roseline yelled letting a third of her anger show. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke took a step back in fear of Roseline's anger and I must admit it frightens me a little too. I forgot how scary she could get sometimes. Her temper is even shorter then Tsunade's and that's saying a lot. "Whatever I'm done I'm not listening to this anymore. Thanks for telling me that Scar is still alright Tsunade. I will be on my way now." Roseline said, her voice calm but you could still see that she was angry. She then disappeared into a swirl of sakura's.

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