Chapter 21: Leaving Konoha and the start of the flower village.

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Roseline's P.O.V

It has been a week since Kakashi and I broke up and everyone knows and looks at with pity and I fucking hate it. I couldn't take it anymore so I went to look for Kurenai. Once I found her I told her to meet me at the barbeque restaurant in ten minutes and went to get the rest. After getting everyone I went to the restaurant and sat down next to Itachi. Everyone -Kurenai, Anko, Tsunade, Itachi, Zabuza, Haku and Scarlett- looked at me and waited for me to talk.

"I called everyone of you here because I have something to tell you about. I'm leaving Konoha. I'm sorry but there's no other choice. The people all pity me every time they see me and I can't take it anymore and then there is the back that I keep running into Hatake and every time I do he tries to talk to me or he tries to find a quick way to get away." I said and they all looked shocked.

"Where are you going to go Rose?" Itachi asked and I shrugged. "I don't know yet but I'm leaving tonight at midnight." I said and they nodded. "Alright. We sure are going to miss you but we understand." Tsunade said and I smiled. "I will sent a not when I found a destination and then you will never hear from me again as I will be breaking all contact with Konoha except for you guys that is." I said and they looked shocked. "Rose you can't do that. Please I need you here." Scarlett said. "No you don't Scar. Enjoy you life with Neji. If you ever get married take your husbands surname. I will restore the DiMera can but not in Konoha." I said and Scar began to cry.

"Promise me just one thing. You won't tell anybody that I'm leaving. Not even  team 7. Not even the council." I said and nodded. "Then we're coming with you Rose." Zabuza and Haku said. "No Zaza. You and Haku are needed here. You have a team Zaza and Haku you have an ANBU team to lead." I said and they nodded. "We know but that is all thanks to you. If we stayed with Gato we would have been dead." Haku said and I smiled. "Okay then." I said and Tsunade nodded. "So this is goodbye then. We will remember you and you will forever remain a hero in Konoha." Tsunade said and I hugged everyone.

***At midnight***

I was finished packing and I went to the front gates. I met Zaza and Haku there and we began to set off on our journey. When we were at the border of the Land of Fire we set up camp. The next day we went on walking and after a few hours we arrived at a run down ninja village. As I looked around I felt my heart go out to all these people.

'Maybe we should take over this village and see if we can give these people a better live. What do you think?' Inner said.

'I think that's a good plan.' I said to inner.

"Zaza, Haku why don't are take over this ninja village?" I said looking at them. "We are far away from Konoha and they look like they need our help. I think we should." Haku said and we looked at Zaza. "Me too. Haku can be the head ANBU and I can be the one to teach the ninjas the basics and then we can take it from there and I will also work in the torture department as the head and you Rose can be the kage." Zaza said and we nodded. "People of this ninja village, where is your leader?" I asked/yelled. "He left as soon as the village became poor. He was a horrible leader and now we have to fend for ourselves." a girl with wavy blond hair and blue eyes said.

"Would you mind if my friends and I took over this village?" I asked and the girl stepped forward. "We would love that. I'm Melody. I'm currently looking out for this village." Melody replied and I smiled. "Hi I'm Roseline Taylor DiMera and the man with the sword is Zabuza and the other guy is Haku." I said and I saw the shock on the peoples face. "As in the 'Roseline Taylor DiMera' one of the She-Devils of Konoha and the black assassin of Konoha and the Queen of the DiMera clan that possess the rinnegan, sharingan and byakugan?" Melody asked shocked. I nodded. "It would be an honour to have you as our kage." Melody said smiling.

"So what's the name of this village?" I asked Melody. "We don't have a name." Melody said. "What about the Village hidden in the flowers?" I asked and then all the villagers nodded. "Then you will be our florakage." Melody said and I nodded. "Okay Melody I need you to get everybody that can be ninjas and I have a favor for you." I said and Melody nodded. "Okay. What is your favour florakage?" Melody asked. "I would like it if you became my personal assistant and then I can train you if you like." I said and she smiled. "I would love that." Melody said and smiled.

"Okay. Zabuza I need you to go with Melody and look at all the ninjas and start training them. We are going to need  chunnin, jonin, ANBU and medical ninjas. Once they are sorted Haku I want you to teach the ANBU ninja and then send the medical ninjas to me. Zabuza and Melody you to are then going to teach the jonin and chunnin. I will need all the men that can build to help build houses, hospitals and the academy for children that want to became ninjas." I said and everyone started getting to work.

I put up the walls of around the village and grew flowers all around the outside of the village. Inside I made a park and let some flowers grow along with cherry blossom trees, primroses, lilies and other trees. I then went to help the people build the kage tower and the houses, hospitals and academy. I build a green house with all of the herbs we needs to make medicine.

***5 months later***

We had everything we needed for now. There was a hospital and medical ninjas the head of the hospital was a woman in her 20's with brown hair and brown eyes. Her name was Katherine. We also had very skilled jonin and chunnin and AMBU black ops. The village headband had a sakura flower on it. I very rarely smiled, laughed, sing and showed emotions. I has a pink cloak and a pink hat with the word flower on it. I was in my office busy with paper work when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I said and the door opened and Melody came in. "Hi Melody. What can I do for you today?" I asked. "Florakage the Otokage is here to see you." Melody said. "Sent them in." I said and she left and returned shortly with a woman following her.

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