Chapter 9: Rejecting the prince's marriage proposal.

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Sakura's P.O.V

I was in my room with a towel around me when I heard a knock. "Sakura may I come in? I might have something for you to wear for tonight." Roseline-sensei said. "Yes sensei." I said and she walked in. "Try this. It was mine but I never wore it. It will look beautiful on you I'm sure of it." Roseline-sensei said and handed me a red dress wit sakura flowers on the bottom. I went to the bathroom and tried it on. The dress ended just by my knees and I walked out to where Roseline-sensei was. "You look beautiful." Roseline-sensei said and I smiled. "You too sensei." I said and we laughed. "Let's go or else we are going to be late." Roseline-sensei said and I nodded. We walked out of the room and headed to the ballroom.

Roseline's P.O.V

Sakura and I walked into the ballroom and we walked up to the king and queen. I saw Kakashi, Sasuke and Naruto in a black suit. "You guys look good." I said smiling at them. "You and Sakura look beautiful." Kakashi said smiling at us. The king and queen walked over to us and said, "We are happy that you brought our son home safely and then stayed long enough to enjoy the part with us." I smiled at them. I was about to say something when I heard Raphael, Sebastian's younger brother. I turned around and saw him with Sakura.

"May I please have the first dan with a beautiful girl like you." Raphael said and I saw Sasuke and Naruto stiffen and then they glared at him. "It would be my pleasure..." Sakura said trailing of. "Prince Raphael, younger brother of prince Sebastian." Raphael said and bowed. "Take good care of my apprentice because if anything happened to her I'll kill you Raphael." I said and he turned to me and smiled. "I will dear cousin Rose. Besides she reminds me of the cherry blossoms." Raphael said starring into her eyes. "What is your name if may ask?" Raphael asked. "My name is Sakura Haruno." Sakura replied and smiled. "Beautiful name with a beautiful smile for a beautiful girl. May I have the first dance?" Raphael asked.

"No. You may not have the first dance with her." Sasuke said very angry. "You might you be?" Raphael asked and Sasuke glared at him. "I'm Sasuke Uchiha. I'm her boyfriend therefore I am having the first dance with her." Sasuke said and everyone was shocked. Raphael turned at back to Sakura. "Then you are one lucky guy Sasuke Uchiha. Then I will see you and hope to have the second and third dance with you Sakura Haruno." Raphael said and walked away. "What the hell is wrong with you Sasuke?! It was just a dance." Sakura turned towards Sasuke. "I'm really possessive about what's mine Sakura and your mine." Sasuke said. "Last time I checked I wasn't your girlfriend so I'm not yours." Sakura said.

"Then Sakura Haruno will you be my girlfriend?" Sasuke asked and everyone froze except for me. I just smirked. "I'd be happy to Sasuke but I don't date assholes like you." Sakura said with a smile when she finally realized what Sasuke just asked her. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I started laughing and Sasuke glared at me. "Oh come on Sasuke. You really didn't expect that Sakura would say yes after you have been such a son of a bitch to her. Sure in the beginning she was very obsessed over you but she has changed for the better and I know you realized it." I said with a serious excretion. I knew that Itachi wanted Sasuke to kill him and then come back to the village and back to Sakura but I they got together now there might be a chance that he will forget about the revenge he's seeking and be happy with Sakura because they both deserves it.

"Sakura has changed for the better and with her on my side I know for a fact that I will became a better man and be the one that Sakura deserves. All I'm asking is that you give me a chance." Sasuke said with a smile, a real smile and looked into Sakura's eyes. "Then I will give you the chance you asked for so...I will be honored to be your girlfriend Sasuke." Sakura said with a smile. "It is me that is honored to be your boyfriend Sakura." Sasuke said smiling and took her hand and walk with her to the dance floor. Once they reached the dance floor they started dancing. "Well that I never expected." Kakashi said and I smiled. "I did. Once we walked in Sasuke couldn't keep his eyes of off her. Sasuke even glare at Raphael. Naruto too." I said looking at them. "May I have the first dance DiMera?" Kakashi asked and smiled at me. "Sure. Why not Hatake?" I said and we walked to the dance floor and began to dance.

After dancing with Kakashi on 3-4 songs the music stopped and the king and queen stood up from their thrones. "Welcome everyone. Tonight we are here to thank the 4 ninjas that saved our son and the village. If they would come up here." King Damon said and we all walked up to where the king and queen and stood right in front of them. "We thank you for your service to the village." Queen Clarissa said and smiled.

"We are also here because our son has finally decided who he wanted to marry. He will be announcing it tonight." King Damon said and smiled at everyone. Sebastian stepped forward and he said, "While I was kidnapped I was thinking of all the things I wanted to do before I died but was to scared to do. Then when Rose saved me I wasn't afraid anymore and now I have the courage to ask this," Sebastian said as he got on one knee. "Roseline Taylor DiMera would you do me the honour of becoming my wife. I was in love with you for a long time now. You showed no fear even when my captors wanted to catch you too. You would make a fine leader one day and we will be happy together. You are after all a princess." Sebastian said and I was shocked.

"I'm honoured Sebastian but I have to decline. There is so much I still want to do and I only thought of you as a brother. I still want to revive my clan and fall in love. It won't be fair to you to if I carried on what I was doing and you had to be here. Go and fall in love with someone else that will love you no matter what." I said and smiled at him. "You really are a rose, Roseline. You want people to be happy. The guy that wins you heart will be one lucky guy. When that happens I will be the first to congratulate you." Sebastian said and stood up. I gave him a big hug and smiled. "We should get going guys." I said and Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto nodded their heads.

"Thanks again for the nice party your majesties." Kakashi said. Me and Sakura curtsies and Kakashi, Sasuke and Naruto bowed. "Anytime and Rose visit soon and make your dream come true about restoring the DiMera clan to its former glory and take you rightful place as queen of the clan." Aunt Clarissa said. "I will aunt." I said and smiled. "Until we meet again." Uncle Damon said. I smiled and we left to our rooms to get our gear and head back. As I was packing Sakura walked into my room and I smiled at her. "What can I help you with Sakura?" I asked and she held out her hands and I saw the dress she wore tonight neatly folded. "I just came to return the dress you lent to me sensei." Sakura said and I smiled. "Keep it. It looks beter on you then it does on me." I said. "Thanks sensei." Sakura said with a smile and she went back to her room.

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