Chapter 10: The fight between Kakashi and Gai.

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Tsunade's P.O.V

I was busy with the paperwork when there came a knock on my door. "Come in." I said and was greeted with team 7. "So how did go." I asked not sure what to expect. "It went fine." Rose said and gave me the mission report. I was shocked but also happy. "Thanks. Since tomorrow is Friday you will get a day off and then later that night everyone will meet together and we will catch up." I said and they nodded. "Okay. You're dismissed." I said and they left.

Kakashi's P.O.V

Once we got outside the building Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura each headed their separate ways. "Are you glad that you will get to see Scarlett again after so long?" I asked Rose as we walked out of the hokage building. "Yeah. It has been a long time since I saw her. I made her a promise and I'm planning on keeping it." Rose said and she smiled at me. "Do you want to get something to eat with me so that we can talk about the team." I asked really nerves but I don't know why.

'It's because you like her and you don't want her to know. Even when you know that every single man wants to be with her.' I heard a voice in my head say.

'Who are you? And how do I know your not lying to me?' I asked.

'And you call yourself a Hatake. I'm your subconscious. I know everything about you. You can call me inner.' Inner said and I kept silent for a minute. "Kakashi have you even heard what I just said to you?" Rose said bringing me out of my thoughts. "Sorry Rose. I was lost in thought." I said and she giggled.

'Oh my God. Alright inner now I believe you. I'm so fucked up. She looks and sounds like an Angel. What am I going to do? I can't tell her I like her. We just agreed to became friends. This will ruin everything.' I said to inner.

'Yeah. So you won't tell her and carry on being her friend so that she doesn't suspected anything.' Inner said.

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