Uncontrolable Urges

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A Life Worth Living(A Ricky and Chris Fanfiction)

(Chris's POV)

As soon as I walked in I looked at Ricky and smiled. he then looked down immediately. I soon lost my smile, sighed and walked to my bunk. Crawling into my bunk I thought to myself...

'Why did he look down... Does he not like me? He probably won't after I tell him im gay and that I was in love with him...'

I sighed and closed my eyes soon falling asleep. 3 days have passed since we first got on this bus... 3 days of tour had already started. I am now at the point to where I must tell Ricky I'm in love with him... Angelo and Balz knew about this... I was worried that they knew Ricky didn't like me like that and wont tell me.... no no no... they wouldnt be that cruel... would they?

Later that day I saw Ricky walking down the street and very close to an allyway. I reacted towards this fast and advanced towards Ricky. I took him down to the allyway then had soon pinned him agsinst the wall his arms above his head.

"Ch-Chris?!? Why a-are we down here?!" he asked me curiously and slightly panicked. I looked into his soft colored eyes and leaned in then kissed him roughly. I was completely surprised when he kissed me back with a growl.

I smiled slightly then pulled away slowly. Biting my lip I looked at him and he had a wide smile across his face.

"You don't know how long I've waited for that...." I smiled brightly when he said that.

"You should know that for the past few years that we've known each other... I've been dying to do that" I said softly. He chuckled and kissed me again softly then pulled away after a few seconds. Then he had whispered in my ear

"Chris.....be mine......please" I smirked, kissed him once again then simply nodded a 'yes'. I was completely surprised at what had just happened, but that doesnt really matter now becuase I now have all I ever wanted... Ricky. Setting him down I held his hand interlacing our fingers and started walking back to the hotel the band was curently staying at.

(Ricky's POV)

Thinking to myself I said in my head

'HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!! Did that just happen?!?!'

Shaking my head then blinking a few times just to see Chris was still holding my hand and walking back to the hotel

'YUUP! Chris is allllllllll mine now! Holy crap! I'm so happy!'

I squealed loudly when he pulled me close to him and picked me up bridal style and continued walking. He simply chuckled and kissed my forehead before continuing once again. A bright smile crept upon my face. I knew this was true love I am feeling from both of us. And that this, all of this, was not a dream.


{Happy about this yet? What do you guys think of it now that theres part two? Comment below and tell me what you think ^-^ PART THREE COMING SOON!}


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